Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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Introduction: How many of you have a nickname that someone gave to you?
I have a family nickname that was given to me that only my family uses - it’s Jake.
It came from my grandpa Davis.
He used to call all of the children, “Richard.”
Well, my birth name is Richard Darrel.
So after he got his “Richard,” he started calling me Jake.
My wife and I also have a nickname for one another.
It’s classified.
I found an article about how some of the famous people we know got their nicknames.
I want to share some of that with you...
Jackie Chan was working at a construction site in Australia when he got his famous nickname: one of his co-workers couldn't pronounce Chan's first name, Kong-sang, so he called him "Little Jack" instead.
The name soon morphed into "Jackie," and stayed that way.
Sugar Ray Robinson was born Walker Smith, Jr., but once he began to make some noise as a boxer, commentators described his fighting style as "sweet as sugar."
So beginning in 1939, his manager began promoting him as "Sugar Ray Robinson," and every future boxer named Ray suddenly had a nickname.
Whoopi Goldberg took her stage name from the whoopee cushion.
The actress, who was born Caryn Johnson, said that a tendency to break wind led a number of friends and colleagues to accuse her of being "like a whoopee cushion."
According to Goldberg, she considered going by the name "Whoopi Cushion" when she advanced her comedy career, but her mother warned her that nobody would take her seriously with such a silly name.
Her mom thought it would be smarter to pair "Whoopi" with a more serious name and proposed that her daughter use "Goldberg."
accessed 7/12/18.
In our story today, we see a man who has inherited an unfortunate nickname.
Anyone care to guess what Thomas’ nickname is? Doubting Thomas.
This nickname came about because of his skepticism toward the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The disciples were gathered together behind a locked door hiding for fear that they might be killed also when Jesus appeared in their midst convincing them that he was very much alive.
Thomas wasn’t with the group at the time.
When the other disciples tried to tell Thomas that Jesus was indeed, alive, he responded by telling them, "Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe."
8 days later, Thomas got his wish when Jesus again appeared to the disciples gathered behind locked doors when Jesus appeared and stood among them.
Lets spend a few moments digging deeper into this encounter.
Thomas Had Reasonable Doubts (v.
In my experience as a pastor and evangelist, I have met many people who had unreasonable doubts about Christianity.
One such example is to say, I don’t believe that God exists because I can’t see Him.
That statement is unreasonable because in order to prove it, you would have to exhaustively search the entire universe, both seen and unseen, to prove the statement.
I will never forget the encounter I had once on the streets of New Orleans.
I was handing our gospel tracts - the ones I was giving out at the time had a smiley face on them and said, “Smile, Jesus Loves You” on the cover.
As I held one out to a college aged man, he took his lit cigarette and smashed it into the cover saying, “I don’t believe in God.”
I responded by saying, “ Really…is that so?”
He replied, Yep, I hate God.”
At this point I felt compelled to point out the flaw in his reasoning saying, “Wait a minute!
How can you hate something that doesn’t exist?”
He replied, “Good point.”
We then proceeded to have a conversation.
Unfortunately, there are some people who, in spite of any reasonable evidence offered, will chose not to believe that God exists.
Romans 1:
Thomas was not one of those types of people however, he was a person who had reasonable doubts about the claim that the other disciples were making - that Jesus was alive.
First of all, the disciples knew that Jesus was dead, dead, dead - and dead people don’t come back to life on their own.
Some have tried to deny his physical death saying he only fainted on the cross and when they placed him in the tomb, the cool air revived him.
Problem with that is...
Soldiers at the cross were experts at crucifixion
Blood loss and trauma experienced by Christ before crucifixion
Spear in the side - blood and water came out - fluid gathered around the sack surrounding the heart.
Second, people don’t just come back from the dead in their own power.
The story of Thomas shows us that God is big enough to handle our questions and address our doubts…hence...
Jesus Gave Thomas a Real Demonstration (vv.
Eight days later, as the disciples gathered together again, Thomas being with them this time, Christ appeared in their midst and said, “Peace Be With You.”
He then personally addressed Thomas’ question: "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side.
Do not disbelieve, but believe."
I love that.
Jesus could have easily rebuked Thomas for his unbelief but instead, he invited him to touch the wounds and therefore experience the proof he needed to believe.
God doesn’t reject the honest skeptic.
He invites them to investigate for themselves and find the truth.
I believe that God will never turn away anyone who is earnestly seeking to understand.
The desire to understand is evidence that God is working in that person’s life.
Psalm 34:8
However, when a person crosses the line and says, “I refuse to believe what I see,” then God will allow that person to carry on in their willful disbelief.
However, when a person crosses the line and says, “I refuse to believe what I see,” then God will allow that person to carry on in their willful disbelief.
If you been earnestly seeking to understand who Christ is and what he did for you on the cross, don’t be afraid to ask God who is gracious and patient to reveal Himself to you.
God’s word says that he is not willing for anyone to perish but that all would come to repentance.
2 Peter
Thomas Renounces his Disbelief (vv.
After showing Thomas the scars, Jesus challenged him… “Do not disbelieve, but believe.”
Thomas responded: “My Lord and my God!
Here we see an instantaneous change of heart.
He went from being Doubting Thomas to Believing Thomas in one statement.
His pouts and his doubts become shouts!
Not only is Thomas making a statement of personal faith, he is also acknowledging the fact that Jesus is God in the flesh.
We don’t know for sure if Thomas actually touched the wounds of Jesus but as someone has pointed out, “He acknowledged the divinity that he could not see by the wounds he did see.”
Have you declared your faith in Jesus?
Have you said to him, “My Lord and My God!” His confession of faith was bold and clear.
It was a public profession of faith acknowledged before the other disciples.
Thomas was saying, “My doubts are now settled.
I believe!”
I would say that if you who have not made that public profession of faith as Thomas did, “Do not disbelieve, but believe.”
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
Hail th’incarnate Deity,
Pleased with us in flesh to dwell,
Jesus our Emmanuel.
It is interesting to look at What Jesus said that after Thomas declared his faith in Jesus.
You see Thomas had already heard the word that Jesus was alive 8 days before he declared his faith.
Yet he failed to believe the eye witness testimony of the other disciples.
He had the opportunity but he blew it and demanded more evidence.
At that time, Thomas was most like us.
He had not seen Jesus.
He only had the words of others to go by.
You and I don’t have the benefit of seeing Jesus right now.
He ascended to His father in heaven and will one day return in the same manner.
But we have the words of reliable eye-witnesses that have been recorded and passed down to us from generation to generation.
Jesus was talking about us when he made the statement, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
God Rules - He created everything including you and me and he is in charge of everything.
We Sinned - We all choose to disobey God.
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