Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Preliminaries, done!
In looking at what has transpired already we can tell that Jesus has done all the preliminary work needed so as to be able to get to the work at hand (service).
Jesus has
Chosen His message
Displayed His method
Selected His men
Message of repentance, preached to the masses with help by the the chosen.
He was leading things in a new way, and that brought much opposition and we will see some of that today.
It even brought some good intentions that were really a distraction that turn into a teaching moment.
Jesus has established His relationships
Hero to the masses
Leader of the disciples
Caller of the Apostles
Enemy of Satan
And today he will define family of God
Today as we work our way through this passage we will see the definition of the family of God.
Mark continues in his proving Jesus is the Christ the Son of God in whom
The masses acclaim Him
The disciples follow Him
Satan abhors Him
And today we see the family of God obeys Him.
From here on out the preliminaries are done and it will be about the teaching.
So today we are going to look at three things.
Jesus family (Mk3:20-21)
Family of Satan (Mk3:22-30)
Family of God (Mk3:31-35)
Jesus Family
I believe we would all agree that family is important.
In a society where the definition of family has changed, been redefined and even distorted, in Jesus day, family was well intentioned but not perfect either.
Jesus mother: Mary
A virgin (Mt1:18-25; Lk1:26-28)
A traveller with little means (Lk2:1-19)
A dedicated Jew, keeping to the laws of Moses (Lk2:48-51)
Present at the cross (Jn19:27)
Finally, our last view of her was with the disciples following the ascension (Act1:14)
Jesus adoptive father: Joseph
Descendant of David (Mk1:1-16)
Man of honor (Mt1:18-25)
Devout Jew keeping to the customs (Lk2:22-30)
Was obedient to the Lord, was protector of Jesus (Mt2:13-15, 19-23)
His Siblings
Brothers - James, Joses Simon and Judus (Mk6:3; Mt13:35)
Traveled with Mary to see Jesus (Jn2:11-12; Mk3:31; Mt12:46; Lk8:19-20)
Sisters - though unnamed given in scriptures, believed to be Mary and Salome
At least two sisters (Mt13:56; Mk6:3)
Other writings identifying sisters
Gospel of Philip
Protevangelium of James
Jesus was blessed to have been born of a virtuous woman and a just, honorable man.
Jesus was blessed to have siblings.
Though they all did not have the right view of Jesus, they were family.
Now we finally get to our passage today, or at least the first part.
What do you see, what do you notice, what sticks out to you?
The home we are not sure of what is being spoken of if in Nazareth, or in Capernaum, for it is not spelled out in the scripture.
But what can we tell?
Jesus was all about mission; He was not focused on His earthly need (food) but the the people who needed to be served.
He came to serve!
Jesus being about mission lead others to believe what (see v.21)
Believing Jesus was crazy and wanting to seize Him.
They thought he was out of his mind if he did not take care of himself.
Have you come unto your own, your own family and they thought you were crazy or out of your mind because of your belief, your faith, your mission?
May we be focused like Jesus, for when we are focused on loving and serving others that will include even a disbelieving family.
Jesus had disbelieving brothers who in turn became pillars of faith after the resurrection.
They had their “ah ha” moments just like we do!
They did something with theirs.
James (leader of church in Jerusalem; writer); then Judas (believed to have written book of Jude) and Joses and Simon who became missionaries for the cause.
Family of Satan
As we look at this section, Jesus is quick to expose the absurdity of the accusation that Jesus is a family member of Satan through the use of a parable, we also see a section whereas there has been much discussion on about blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and many questions about what it is.
What do you see, what do you notice, what sticks out to you?
What did the scribes accuse Him of (v.22)?
Accusation was casting out demons by power of Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons.
The accusation also says possessed by Beelzebul
Who does Jesus address, talk to in (v.23)?
He is speaking to the scribes
How does Jesus start to talk in (v.23)?
He starts speaking in parables
(below is for handout not to be said)
Notice in this section the accusation, and the response by Jesus.
Accused of being possessed by Beelzebul and acting in his power.
He starts to speak in parables
A side note about parables
Not used as a lecture on theology but a painting to capture the attention of the people.
A parable means to cast along side of something.
It is cast along side of the teaching to help people to understand the meaning.
A parable is more than an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
It is mean to draw the listener in, to get personal.
So penetrating are some parables that some wanted to kill Jesus after hearing them
To the careless listener they would only hear a story, but have no meaning or application to it.
To the sincere listener, it would draw them closer, give them a desire to know Gods truth and then apply what they learn fro the parable.
over 1/3 of Jesus teaching is in parables, so they are important.
So now, onto the parable
What are the two items Jesus uses to show the absurdity of their claim (v.24, 25)?
Kingdom, House - remember Jesus has already been teaching on kingdom
Now looking at (vv. 26, 27) what are the two items?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9