The War Against The Family
Text - Hebrews 11.7
A spiritual war is being waged against the human family.
There is a clamour to change, even remove, the family structure.
We may be watching the death of the germ-cell of all civilization, the family. Signs of the family’s demise are abundantly clear all around us. Numerous facts confirm the grim prognosis. There’s almost no need to cite statistics. For the past forty years or more the signs of the family’s collapse have been paraded before us continually: divorce, the sexual revolution, abortion, sterilization, delinquency, infidelity, homosexuality, radical feminism, the “children’s-rights” movement, together with the normalization of the single-parent home, the decline of the nuclear family, and other similar signs. We have been watching the braiding of an intricate rope that will ultimately strangle the family to death.
In his 1971 book, The Death of the Family,7 British psychiatrist Dr. David Cooper suggested that it is time to do away with the family completely.
Kate Millet’s 1970 feminist manifesto, Sexual Politics.8 She claimed that families, along with all patriarchal structures, must go because they are nothing more than tools for the oppression and enslavement of women.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, for example, would like to hand over to the federal government some of the rights and responsibilities of child rearing. Mrs. Clinton’s book, It Takes a Village, 9 was written to set forth an agenda that would move America closer to state- sponsored parenting. Although she gives lip service to the importance of the parents’ and grandparents’ roles, she clearly believes that parents should not be permitted to train their own children unsupervised by the secular government. She also suggests that a more socialist approach to parenting should be the new norm, including state-sponsored day-care centers and full-day preschools for children as young as three. It appears that the village Mrs. Clinton envisions is a morass of federally-funded programs designed to indoctrinate children with whatever values the state deems acceptable.
Ti-Grace Atkinson, former president of the New York chapter of the National Organization for Women, says she would like to eliminate all sex, marriage, motherhood, and love. “Marriage is legalized servitude,” she says, “and family relations are the basis for all human oppression.”10
Gore Vidal, best-selling author and social critic, agrees. He proposes reorganizing society to eliminate the family as we now know it. Instead, he would like to see a central authority with the power to control human population, food distribution, and the use of natural resources.11