Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
A lot of people feel like failures.
They feel like failures in some area of their lives.
Failures as parents, adults, failures in career, in relationships, in business… I have even sat with friends who felt that they were failures as pastors.
The enemy delights in getting people to look back over their life and glance at their failures.
He has perfected the art of bringing failure to light and causing us to look at how fallen we are.
It would be nice if there was a way to wipe the slate clean.
To start again.
Ten Awesome Days
The Jews believed that God had three books that a persons name could end up in.
The first book contained the names of those who were good and righteous.
The names in that book were the ones who would make it to heaven.
The second book contained the names of those who were not good, the unrighteous, the evil ones.
The names in that book were the names of the ones who would go to hell.
The third book contained the names of those who were in between.
They weren’t evil, but neither were they righteous.
They weren’t good enough to go to heaven, but neither were they bad enough to send to hell.
Every new year the Jews had what were called Ten Awesome Days.
The first ten days of the new year.
They believed that in those ten days a person could get their names moved from those last two books into the book of the names with those going to heaven.
So they would pull out all the stops.
During those ten days they would repay old debts.
They would settle accounts.
They would spend the first ten days confessing their sins.
They would spend the first ten days making right the wrongs they had with others.
In those first ten days they could work to get their name transferred to that book.
Everyone was looking forward to those Ten Awesome Days that came with the new year.
We know that salvation is not by works but by Jesus Christ.
So they may have thought that they could work their way up to that list.
But we know that our works will never save us.
At the same time, we know our works matter.
Revelation says we will be judged according to our works...
While the Jews waited for those Ten Awesome days to come.
For you and I with Jesus, everyday can be an awesome day!
There are people who will hold your failures over your head.
God is in the redeeming business.
People will write you off when you fail them.
But God does not run from your failures.
He lifts up the fallen and gives them a chance to start again.
You fail, and God gives you another chance.
You fail, and God gives another chance.
God is not like we are.
Peter came to Jesus and ask him.
Our God is a forgiving God.
This whole book was written so that we may not sin… God doesn’t want anyone to sin.
But if we have sinned, He has made a way.
I don’t care what label has been handed to you.
You are not a failure.
Let’s be honest.
We have all failed.
You may be thinking about your failures as a spouse, or I failed as a parent…Christian.
You may well have failed in some area.
But you are not a failure.
Tell someone around you > You failed.
But you are not a failure.
What is Failure?
Failure means you have tried and failed.
It does not mean you have been disgraced.
Failure does not mean that you are a failure.
There is a difference between failing and being a failure.
Failure is falling down.
Staying down is being a failure.
Failure means you have learned something.
Failure means you have to try doing it a different way.
Failure does not mean “give up”, it means try harder.
Failure does not make you inferior, it means you are not perfect.
Failure is not wasted.
It is an opportunity to start over again.
It is the beginning of the rest of your life.
Jonah failed God.
Ran from God’s call on his life.
Go to Ninevah!
Jonah had an awesome day.
Sure it happened in the belly of a whale.
But it is never too late to start on the right path with God.
David failed God when he brought another man’s wife into his home.
He failed God when he tried to cover his sin up.
He had many failures.
But when the priest showed up to call him to account.
David didn’t lift himself up in pride and have the priest killed.
Instead he went to his knees and pleaded forgiveness with God.
Was a thief and conniver.
A deceiver.
Collaborated with his mother to steal the blessing from his own brother.
Jacob had to many failures to count in this one message.
But he pursued God.
He wrestled with God’s messenger.
Even when his name was changed to Israel.
We could see that he would still fall into those old patterns.
In one verse he would be Israel, God’s man.
Then a few verses later, he’s back to being Jacob.
He kept falling.
But he never stayed down.
John Mark
Paul and Barnabas lost a friendship for a time over John Mark.
John Mark failed them on one of their missionary journeys.
Barnabas would not give up on John Mark.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9