I See the Glory of the Coming of the Lord
Believers, who Follow the Lamb, Stand Assured of Complete Salvation.
Believers, who Follow the Lamb, Stand Assured of God’s Righteous Judgment.
Believers, who Follow the Lamb, Stand Assured of Complete Rest and Reward.
Bârak is the Hebrew word used in such Psalms as 100 and 103, and it means literally “to bow before,” or to kneel.
Bârak is the Hebrew word used in such Psalms as 100 and 103, and it means literally “to bow before,” or to kneel. Therefore, in sentences such as “Bless the Lord, O my soul …” (Ps. 103), the literal sense of the word is as follows: “Bow before the Lord,” “Honor the Lord.” A different Hebrew word commonly used in passages that refer to the blessing of a person is the word ’âshar, which carries the literal meaning of “find the right path.” In Psalm 1 we see this second word ’âshar: “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked …” It is clear that in this case, as in Psalm 119 and Proverbs 3, blessed means to find the right path in the face of false pathways. It is with this second sense of ’âshar blessedness that Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5). It is also this sense of blessedness that the promise is now seen by John in its fulfillment. As Christians, we are blessed when we are on the right pathway. The pathway may be a joyous or a hard path, but it is the place of companionship with the Lord who made the promise.