Confronting the Nations Disaster EBC
Confronting the Nations Disaster EBC
Judges 1:1-2, 2:1-4,16 Ezk. 22:30 7/1/07
The world’s condition can best be summed up in Judges 17:6. When man is left to himself it won’t be long before he’s in deep trouble.
Gods had blessed Israel in a marvelous way. He had delivered them from bondage at the hands of Egypt. He had led them thru the wilderness, he had protected them, fed them and led them into Canaan which was their promised land. God gave them the Law.
Israel denied the Lord, defiled the land and defied the law.
Today, we stand and the near another of our nations birthdays. We are a free sovereign nation. We too have been delivered from the hands of another nation. God has so richly blessed our land. In return, we have turned away from God, defiled the land and defied His law.
We are facing a real crisis in our nation. We have a civilization that is built on the shifting sands of humanism and humanistic philosophy.
We are confronting a national disaster.
I. A Nation Marked by Glorious Conquest (1:1-2)
A. They enjoyed God’s provision (2) I have delivered
1. God was going before them preparing the way for victory. They couldn’t lost as long as God was with them
a. Rom. 8:31-
B. They enjoyed God’s protection (19)- and He drave out.
1. God was actively involved in helping Israel conquer the land
C. They enjoyed God’s power (4) the Lord delivered. The Lord was the real power on the battlefield
a. 1 Sam. 17:47-
b. Eph. 6:10-
1. On March 23, 1775 in the Virginia assembly, that golden tongued orator, Patrick Henry lit the flames of the American Revolution when he said, “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased with the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.” But that is not all that Patrick Henry said. He also made this statement, “It cannot be emphasized too much or repeated too strongly that America was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not upon religions, but upon the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
2. Another great American named George Washington, the first president of our country, the father of America read from the Bible when he was inaugurated. He took his oath of office with his hand upon the Bible and then he leaned down and kissed the pages of God’s Word. His first official act as President was to take the entire Senate and the House of Representatives to church. They stayed there for a two-hour worship service. Then George Washington said this, “It would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplication to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the counsels of nations and whose providential aids can supply every human defect that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States.”
3. American is not an accident. She is the product of the sovereign, providential will of God almighty.
II. A Nation Marred by Gradual Compromise (2:1-2)
All did not remain well long for Israel. The old generation died out and a new generation came in
1. Judges 2:7-10-
A. The people they frequented (1:32-33) they dwealt among then and later became like them. Then there is no fixed standard of right and wrong man will gravite to what he thinks is right.
1. Jer. 2:13-
2. In 1960 a poll was taken that showed that 65% of Americans believed that the Bible was the inerrant, inspired Word of God. Another poll was taken in 1992 and by then only 32% still believed the Bible was the perfect Word of God. In other words, less than one-third of Americans believe that there is a perfect standard for judging what is right and wrong.
3. Another poll taken in 1992 asked this simple question: Do you believe that there are moral absolutes? Do you believe that there are some things that are absolutely wrong and some things that are absolutely right? 70% of those who answered that poll said that they did not believe in moral absolutes! That is scary! Our children are being taught that there are no absolutes. There are no wrong answers. Nothing is right and nothing is wrong. That is frightening if you follow it to its logical end. It means that abortion, murder, drugs use, alcohol use, pre-marital and extra-marital sex, etc, is all right if you want to do it.
III. A Nation Maimed by Grim Consequences (2:3-4)
A. The sentence they endured – God vowed that Canaan would be a thorn in Israel’s side.
1. Spiritually we are a weak country
2. Militarily we are stretched thin
3. Economically we are in serious trouble. Peopleare struggling as they loose jobs to Mexico and Chine. Capital One laid off many are now have announced they will lay off 1000 more.
4. Morally we are bankrupt – Our government spends 200 million teaching kids things that should be reserved for Mama and Daddy to teach
5. Spiritually we are deplorable. The Bible and prayer have been removed from our schools. Some people fear the Ten Commandments.
B. The sin that Deepened (2:11-13)
1. The day came when Israel walked away from God. Their compromise was transformed into wholesale sin and total disregard for the word of almighty God. For this Israel paid a terrible price.
I wonder if there’s some here today who want to come forward and stand in the gap for our nation? Who will align themselves with God and confront a national disaster.