Do All Go To Heaven
Do All Go To Heaven? Matt. 7:21-23
EBC 8/28/05
According to a CNN poll our wicked, wretched world is very Heavenly minded. In a recent poll 81 % of those polled believed in a literal Heaven. 88% of those believed they would see departed family and friends when they arrived.
63% of those believed they could get there by works.
Many want to believe that everyone goes to Heaven when they die but according to Jesus they don’t. Isn’t this amazing, the most important area of a person’s life they are sincerely wrong about.
As Jesus nears the end of the Sermon on the Mount He takes time to remind men of the seriousness of their salvation. He wanted all who heard Him to be sure of it.
I. A Startling Communication (21a)
A. He makes a startling statement that some people who claim to be saved are actually heading for Hell.
B. He makes it clear that not all who profess Him, possess Him
1. John 3:3,7 – Jesus said you must be born again. Church membership isn’t good enough, knowledge of the doctrines isn’t good enough, and being a good person isn’t good enough. Salvation only comes thru the new birth. When your soul is born anew
a. First, we must live a new life. Birth is the beginning of life; to be born again is to begin anew, as those that have hitherto lived either much amiss or to little purpose. We must not think to patch up the old building, but begin from the foundation. Secondly, We must have a new nature, new principles, new affections, new aim. By our first birth we are corrupt, shapen in sin and iniquity; we must therefore undergo a second birth; our souls must be fashioned and enlivened anew
b. 2 Cor. 13:5 -
c. 2 Peter 1:10 –
C. Why is this so important? Because without Jesus there is no hope of salvation. Your eternity depends on who you are placing your trust in.
II. A Simple Condition (21b)
A. Here Jesus clears up the matter of what brings salvation, doing Gods will in your life.
a. 2 Cor. 5:17 -
b. Rom. 2:4 – When I saw what Christ had done for I allowed Him to change me. I repented of my previous lifestyle.
B. Who are you trusting in this morning?
III. A Stunned Complaint (22)
A. When people hear the requirement for salvation, they begin to think of all the good things they have done in their lives. They had done some mighty impressive stuff – taught a Sunday School class, been a Deacon, gone on visitation
B. They were busy and sincere for the Lord.
C. People appeal to their works to save them. They might even said, “I love the Lord”.
1. Eph. 2:8,9 -
D. Salvation is all about what Jesus did when He went to the cross and died for your sins and rose again the third day.
1. 2 Cor. 5:21-
IV. A Shocking Confession (23a)
A. As they stood before the Lord they were shocked at what they had heard, but now they would be even more shocked – “I never knew you”
1. 2 Tim. 2:19- if Jesus ever knew you He still does today.
Are you one of those that He will say I never knew you, depart from me?