Does your Life Glorify God EBC
Does your Life Glorify God EBC
1/14/07 1 Cor. 10:23-33
Paul’s central message in this passage, and the Bible’s central message for believers in all ages, is summarized in verse 31: whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. God created man to glorify Himself, and that is man’s purpose in life. John MacArthur- “The highest purpose any individual can have is to be totally absorbed in the person of God, and to view all of life through eyes filled with His wonder and glory. That is the perspective of the true worshiper, the one who truly glorifies God”.
Glory- something that is worthy of praise.
The composer Bach once said, “all music should have no other aim than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul. There these aren’t there is no music only hub-bub. He headed his compositions with the letter J.J. Jesus Juva which means Jesus help me and ended with S.D.G. – the letters means to God alone praise.
In a life that glorifies we see:
I. A Gauge applied to Life (10:23)
Paul is saying nothing would allow me to loose my salvation, but there is another consideration”
A. Is it expedient?
1. Expedient – to bring to a wholesome conclusion (does it produce spiritual benefits in life).
2. Truth is many things that our lives are built around aren’t wrong in themselves but they have no spiritual benefit. They do not help me as a Christian.
a. We need to ask ourselves – does this help me as a Christian? Am I benefiting in some way?
B. Is it edifying
1. Edify – to build up or repair. It is used in the New Testament to talk about spiritual growth.
a. 2 Cor. 12:19-
b. When we are faced with a decision about a practice, we should first ask if we have a right to do it. If it is not forbidden in Scripture the answer is yes. But our next question should be, Is it profitable, edifying, and up building for ourselves and for others?
II. A Guide that Is Adopted in Life
A life that glorifies God is not only concerned with it’s spiritual life but also the spiritual life of others.
A. Others over self-
1. A primary guide for ourselves should be others first -- JOY
a. Ill – Mother preparing pancakes for sons Kevin and Ryan.
2. A life lived for the glory of others is neither self centered or selfish. The reason the divorce rate is so high is because of self-centeredness
a. Phil. 2:4-
III. A Goal that Is Assumed for Life
A life that glorifies God is concerned about the lost.
A. A Godly walk-
1.Our living should be so righteous, loving, and self-less that we give no offense either to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God. Those three groups cover all of humanity. No action of ours should prevent an unbeliever, whether Jew or Gentile, from coming to Christ, or should cause a weak brother in Christ to stumble
B. A Godly Work- Paul’s goal in life in was to win souls.
1. Two men walking beach – one man throwing starfish back in – “it makes a difference to that one”.