Read Vs 15
I. What the World Offers
a. Fast, Easy Fixes: Everything promised and provided to us in the blink of an eye
b. Endless Fun: An emphasis on doing what you want no matter what the costs
c. No Need for Commitments or Decisions: You are encouraged to never really make up your mind about anything – stay completely open
d. Only Take the best of the Bible: Heaven vs Hell; No discussion of sin; Never offend anyone with Christ. Hide your convictions if not politically correct.
e. Work Hard, Play Hard: Make $$ then blow it on yourself – it’s the American way.
f. Explore Your Sexual Options: Any feelings you have are completely natural, you should investigate them to the fullest.
g. Endless Distractions: Television, radio, email, cars, yard work, changing diapers, arguing with your spouse, stressing over your finance, losing weight, gaining muscle, going back to school, working to not lose your business, & more!
Matt 16:26 What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul
II. The Vanity of the World
a. The Lust of the Flesh: What do you crave?
i. What you crave can control you
ii. What you crave can divide you
iii. What you crave can distract you
b. The Lust of the Eyes: What are you jealous for?
i. What you covet can control you
ii. What you covet can divide you
iii. What you covet can distract you
c. The Pride of Life: Who do you think you are?
i. Pride can control you.
ii. Pride can divide you
iii. Pride can distract you
III. What Am I Being Distracted From?
a. Your need for conversations and time with God
b. Your need for understanding of God’s plan for your life
c. Your need for the exploration of God’s power and miracles
d. Your need for God’s voice into your situations
e. Your need to build His Kingdom and tell others about Him
f. Your need to grow in the Spirit
g. Your need to let go of the World so that it no longer has influence over you
"If I had a brother who had been murdered, what would you think of me if I ...daily consorted with the assassin who drove the dagger into my brother’s heart; surely I too must be an accomplice in the crime. Sin murdered Christ; will you be a friend to it? Sin pierced the heart of the Incarnate God; can you love it?"
Read Vs 15-17……..Book on church life…..Frog in the Kettle! (Transition)