Energy Killers & Time Wasters
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Take a Break: Energy Killers & Time Wasters
Focal Text: (NRSV) -15 Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil. 17 So do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit.
“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” ~ Saint Francis de Sales
After creating the universe, God rested on the seventh day.
God values rest and so should we!
Rest has so many mental, physical, and spiritual health benefits.
However, we don’t get the proper rest we need to be effective and productive.
Energy killers and time wasters prevent us from embracing the balance and peace God desires for our lives.
The Big Idea: God wants you to take a break from energy killers and time wasters.
for our lives.
Here are some practical ways we can eliminate the energy killers and time wasters in our lives.
I. Determine its Worth! 15 Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil.
By saying, “the day are evil,” Paul was communicating his sense of urgency because of evil’s pervasiveness. We need the same sense of urgency because our days are also difficult. We must keep our standards high, act wisely, and do good whatever we can.
WE’VE all watched the space shuttle lift off from planet Earth to go into outer space into the heavens. It sits there on the launchpad ready to move into a whole different realm. But that space shuttle is going absolutely nowhere until fire has been ignited, a blazing fire that takes it from the gravitational pull of Earth and delivers it to the glory of the heavens. No fire, no liftoff. No igniting, no destiny. The countdown begins. By the time they hit zero and the boosters are ignited, the ship is ready to take off into outer space.
Many of us have been earthbound too long. No matter how much we desire to lift off to accomplish our mission, we don”t seem to be able to get off the ground. What’s keeping us from getting off the ground and getting to the mission? The countdown is taking place. We’re getting older by the day. What keeps getting in the way?
To determine the worth of my activities, I must ask myself does it...
A. Align with my purpose
A. Align with my purpose
B. Allow me to soar
C. Assist me in winning others
I. Determine its Worth!
II. Delegate when Necessary.17 So do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is.
The world in which we live is filled with dangers and deceptions. It is not always easy to live an enlightened life even when we want to. We can get tripped up or ambushed by events and people without even being aware of the danger. We must be very careful to live our life rooted in wisdom, using our time wisely. Not to do so would be foolish. The will of the Lord is that we live carefully, cautiously, always matching our lifestyle with the teachings of Scripture.
AN EVANGELIST was invited overseas to minister in a crusade. The first night of his visit, he was picked up by his host and was to be taken to the church in which he was to give his message. The car stalled. The driver’s gauge wasn’t working and he had no idea he was without gas. The driver had in effect attempted to take his passengers somewhere with no tiger in his tank! Both the host and the traveling minister had to get out and push the car.
After awhile, they were able to get some gas and pour it into the tank. The motor began to rev up because the engine had been fed. Prayer wouldn’t have solved that problem. The car even had two holy men in it, but it wouldn’t budge without getting fed what it required in order to run.
Many of us want to give God everything except what God wants. We want to offer God a little of this and a little of that and wonder why our spiritual engines don’t roar. God is requiring what we are not giving, and that is a committed life, using the time we have for spiritual development.
When I’ve identified the worth or significance of my activities, I can choose to delegate those activities when necessary.
A. Delegating is not dumping!
B. Delegating frees your time for other activities.
C. Delegating encourages growth and maturation.
I. Determine its Worth!
II. Delegate when Necessary.
III. Deepen Your Devotional Time.18 Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit
Paul contrasts getting drunk with wine, which produces a temporary “high” to being filled with the Spirit, which produces lasting joy. Getting drunk with wine is associated with the old way of life and its selfish desires. In Christ, we have a better joy, higher and longer lasting, to cure our depression, monotony, or tension. We should not be concerned with how much of the Holy Spirit we have, but how much of us the Holy Spirit has. Submit yourself daily to his leading and draw constantly on his power.
A BOY went to the country to visit his aunt and uncle. One evening, he noticed his aunt enjoying a drink. “Hey, Auntie, what’s that you are drinking?” “Do you want to taste it?” “Sure!” The boy tasted it and found it to be the nastiest thing he’d ever tasted in his life. When he asked his aunt how she could bring herself to taste such terrible stuff, his aunt said, “Oh, I’ve acquired a taste for it.”
Being filled with the Spirit may seem like quite a different experience, but if you taste it enough, you’ll like the effect, and you will acquire a taste.
A. Prioritize rest and Balance.
B. Pursue your quiet time with focused intensity.
C. Pour into your own soul consistently.
What’s In It For Me? Apply It!
1.How will you eliminate the energy killers and time wasters that threaten your peace?
2. What relationships, headspaces, or activities challenge your ability to rest?