Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Joshua was a
Joshua was a son, a slave, a soldier, a servant, a spy, a statesman, a saint, and the successor of Moses.
Joshua was a man that was called by the Lord to carry on after the death of Moses.
He was commissioned to be a student of God’s word
Joshua is not mentioned here, but this happened under his leadership.
So, who is this Joshua?
Joshua was a son, a slave, a soldier, a servant, a spy, a statesman, a saint, and the successor of Moses.
Joshua was a man that was called by the Lord to carry on after the death of Moses.
He was commissioned by the Lord to be a student of God’s word.
Joshua 1
Joshua was filled with the Spirit of God and enjoyed the presence of God:
Deuteronomy 3
Joshua 6:27
Joshua, as the successor of Moses, was to make sure that the Israelites entered into the promised land.
He wasn’t just organizing a group trip into the promised land, he was leading them in a process to become closer to and more dependent on God in their journey.
As a result, Joshua had to lead the people through some extraordinary circumstances and help them utilize some phenomenal faith!
The Old Testament parallel to this verse from is found in Joshua, specifically 5:13-6:27.
One emphasis of this great chapter in Hebrews is to understand how God has acted in the past and how His faithfulness was proven over and over in the lives of the Old Testament characters.
This particular verse is not so much about a person as it is about an event.
Imagine you were a reporter for the Gospel News Network, if there was such a thing, and you were assigned this story.
Being a good reporter, you need to answer the following:
What, where, when, how and why.
First, let’s look at What:
On their journey to the promised land, the Israelites had to go through the city of Jericho.
Some say it is the oldest inhabited city.
Excavations have shown the walls were 11 feet high and 14 feet wide.
The tops of the walls were angled up to 35 degrees which made it difficult to go over.
When the people came up to the city, it was shut so no one could get in and no one could get out.
It was a city that was the enemy and a city in the way.
Moses had been warned of such a city:
Numbers 33:
The Israelites path to the promised land had to go through this city.
It blocked their path and it had graven images and idols that the Lord commanded to be destroyed and demolished.
We have talked about the obstacles that block us along life’s paths.
We have situations and circumstances that prevent us from moving onward.
They seem too big to overcome, yet if God says to conquer it, then we will be able to conquer it!
So where was this fortified city?
The city geographically was just north of the Dead Sea.
You can find it on any Old Testament Bible map.
It was a city that was called the City of Palms in .
It was the strategically the key of the land as it was situated at the entrance of the two passes through the hills, one that led to Jerusalem and one that lead to Ai and Bethel.
This was an unconquerable city as we have mentioned.
Jericho was in the way of the promised land.
It is important to note that Jericho was not the destination.
It was not the final stop.
They could have conquered the city and settled there but that is not want God intended.
Sometimes you and I have a tendency to settle for what we think is best, but it is by no means what God’s best is!
It is important to note that Jericha
What are you settling for right now?
What does God want you to do?
Joshua was told by the Lord in that Jericho was delivered into his hands:
Joshua 6
Again, this was not the final destination, it was on the way to the final destination.
It is important to know that the journey is where God speaks the most.
What is God saying to you as you carry on this journey?
The next thing a good reporter should ask is when.
When should this occur?
The specifics here were that this on the seventh time of marching on the seventh day, and with the trumpet blast of the priests, the walls would come tumbling down.
God gave great details about this!
Sometimes in scripture we have great details about God’s timing, sometimes we do not.
God gave great details about this!
Sometimes in scripture we have great details about God’s timing, sometimes we do not.
I have learned when you serve a perfect God you learn that His timing is always perfect.
He is always an on time every time God.
It is our responsibility to do what we are called to do.
The very best answer is when God says for it to occur.
So how do you know the when’s in our lives?
Right after the Lord gave Joshua the instructions, he goes and shares with the priests.
The very best answer is when God says for it to occur.
So how do you know the when’s in our lives?
God gives Joshua instruction.
Joshua receives that instruction and then leads with it.
Did you notice the backlash that came from the priests when they were told what to do? Right.
There wasn’t any.
The priests were so in tune with Joshua’s leadership, they did not question his method or timing.
They just did what they were told.
God’s timing is always perfect.
Closely related to the when is the How.
Our verse in says that, “by faith, the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.”
How did this happen?
It started with the understanding that God was their deliverer and sustainer.
When we realize that God is indeed our deliverer and sustainer, we will praise Him and worship Him.
That is exactly want the people did.
They worshiped God by having the priests carry the Ark of the Covenant out in front of them as they went.
This showed that the people were willing to follow their God.
Worship is always the place to start.
When we commit to God through worship, we will commit to knowing that His process is perfect, even if it is confusing.
Another beautiful understanding we find here is that God’s name always goes before us.
Exodus 13:21
Habakkuk 3:13
Seeing the what, where, when and how, we are amazed with the WHY.
The whole purpose of the people going through the city of Jericho was to get to the promised land.
God’s intention since the creation of mankind was to advance His Kingdom and build a relationship with His people.
< .5
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