Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Abraham Lincoln, Jim Carey, Ellen Degeneres, J.K. Rowling, Terry Bradshaw.
All these people have 2 things in common:
They were/are very successful people in their field
They struggled with depression
Our story today is the account of end of the ministry of the great prophet Elijah
Elijah had experienced some amazing success through God’s power and leading.
Predicts a drought will come and later prays and the drought is broken.
He multiplies a meal from a poor lady who was helping him
He proves the incredible power of God over the weak and worthless god Baal and his priests.
He even out runs a horse-draw chariot.
Our story today picks up right after his battle with the priests of Baal.
Rented out the cowboy’s stadium for his day
Outnumbered 850:1
Gave the priests a chance to call Baal to action at their alter, but nothings happens
Elijah has them pour water over the alter and really make it impossible, but after he prays God sends fire down and destroys the alter and drys the water.
Elijah has won a huge and decisive victory and runs to the city of Jezreel to claim his victory over Jezabel.
Elijah is ready to celebrate his final and largest victory, he thinks the death blow has been made to Ahab and Jezabel,
but (like my mom’s cat) she doesn’t give up
1 kings 19:
The Words of Darkness and Despair
Her death threat hit Elijah hard
Her death threat hit Elijah hard
“He was afraid and ran”
“It is enough now” - Elijah feels the weight of all he has had to deal with and now all that potentially lies in front of him and it is just too much.
“take away my life” - At this point his despair has led to hopelessness and he see life as to hard to continue.
This is a hard and scary place to get.
“I am no better than my fathers.”
- Despair also leads to self-loathing.
We are often our own biggest critics.
Elijah has fell into a darkness/depression
Many of us can relate to these feelings and may have even said some of these words.
We learn some key lessons about depression, despair, and darkness in these verses.
I do not intends for this to be an exhaustive study of depression.
Potentially you will be left with questions that I would love to answer.
My email is on the front of your bulletin PLEASE EMAIL ME!!
Three Dimensions of Depression/Darkness
There is quite a lot of information and theories on depression
Some people view humanity as if we were exclusively or primarily physical.
So, any time you are depressed, you should simply take some time off; get rid of anything causing you stress; take a pill.
Some people view humanity as if we were exclusively or primarily physical.
So, any time you are depressed, you should simply take some time off; get rid of anything causing you stress; take a pill.
• Others view humanity as if we were exclusively spiritual.
These are the people who say, “Oh, are you depressed?
Show some faith.
Quit sinning.
Get over it.”
They think the idea of taking a pill or identifying physical causes to depression is essentially to betray the faith.
• The third group views depression as primarily psychological.
Just talk it out.
Others view humanity as if we were exclusively spiritual.
These are the people who say, “Oh, are you depressed?
Show some faith.
Quit sinning.
Get over it.”
They think the idea of taking a pill or identifying physical causes to depression is essentially to betray the faith.
The third group views depression as primarily psychological.
Just talk it out.
But we are complex, image-bearers of God made up of bodies and souls that are fused together.
God deals with all three for Elijah and we must consider all three as we work through overcoming our darkness.
1) Physical
Science shows there is a physical dimension to depression
Chemicals, stress on the body, and other factors
NOTE ABOUT MEDICATION: There are unhealthy views of medication in our culture on both sides:
some believe it should never be taken and is wrong, or potentially sinful
Others believe medication is the only answer for what ails us mentally.
There are circumstances where medications is both necessary or, at very least, helpful for a season.
It is not my desire to make anyone feel guilty for taken medication for a mental illness they are battling.
On the same token I would love to talk to you if you are struggling with the decision to take it or not.
God sends and Angel to touch him, feed him, and give him rest.
2) Emotional
Psychological - Emotions have a tendency to throw us way off track.
Whether it is dealing with pain, mourning, or change.
Or loneliness sends you into despair, our emotions have a huge part to play in our mental health.
God lets Elijah vent and cry out.
3) Spiritual
Perhaps the most often neglected of the three.
Our connectedness to God play a huge role in our level of gloom or despair.
A healthy and disciplined walk with God leads us through struggles, gives us perspective in confusing or difficult times, and gives us hope in hopeless situations.
God reminds and speaks His plan and wisdom to Elijah.
A Path out of the Darkness
1) Take care of your body.
Rest, diet, exercise, and getting away are all ways for us to heal, get healthy, and regain clarity.
Sometimes the godliest thing you can do in the universe is get a good night’s sleep—not pray all night, but sleep.
I’m certainly not denying that there may be a place for praying all night; I’m merely insisting that in the normal course of things, spiritual discipline obligates you get the sleep your body need.
D.A. Carson
2) Talk to God and others.
Prayer, like real, raw prayer is medication for the soul.
We sometimes feel like God isn’t concerned with our problems or questions
That is EXACTLY where Satan wants you; seeped in your darkness, thinking God doesn’t care.
ps 35
Prayer to God is vitally important, but talking to others is a close second.
There is a damaging stigma in our culture toward counseling that is rooted in PRIDE
You may consider counseling something for weak or unstable people who can’t handle things themselves.
You may think counseling is for when things get really bad.
(most marriages we counsel are in crisis mode by the time they come to us)
< .5
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> .9