One People, One Partnership (1:1-8)
(Philippians) One Purpose: To Live Is Christ • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 43:33
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One People, One Partnership: Philippians 1:1-8
Pray & Intro: (From) Mixed tapes and love notes (to) iTunes playlists and twitter tags – instagram photo (#mylatinbabe, #neverbeenhappier, #hestheone) – when he dumps you (#whatwasithinking, #shakeitoff, #onlyJesusforme) Mushy gushy, ooey gooey (but not icky sticky) – Paul’s opening in his letter to the Philippians: He puts his sincere affection for them on display. Mushy gushy, ooey gooey… based upon absolute sincerity and rock solid truth.
Read Passage & Discuss: (one people, one partnership, one prayer – closely intertwined, but the for sake of conversation and time, thus divided)
A. One People – Saints & Servants
1. Paul and Timothy – who send the letter (Paul writes in first-person; dictated to Timothy?) – The servants of Christ Jesus (appropriate designation for themselves in the context of the desired effect Paul communicates regarding the humility of Christ)
2. Sent to all the Saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi (status makes no difference – economic, social, political – all have equal standing before God as believers in Jesus, 2 Peter 1:1), with the overseers (bishops, episkopoi) and deacons (ministers, diakonoi) = the leadership – “The former are presumably elders, who would be charged with spiritual oversight of the congregation, while the latter would be entrusted with matters of the practical service.” (ESV Study Bible)
3. (The connection btwn) Saints and Servants = saved, set apart, slaves [needs illustration(s)]
a. Saved (grace & peace – the free favor of God and blessed effects of it)
b. Set apart (from sin, to God – “our Father”)
c. Slaves – Rom. 6 (Dead to sin, alive to God; slaves to righteousness) humble yet honored position
4. Hear Christ Jesus, Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ
a. Who is the central figure of all history? Who is the crux of the whole counsel of God (the Bible)? Who is the crossroads of life on earth and all eternity for each individual soul that God brings into existence?
b. Again (as we talked about last week), when you see life and existence as Paul sees it, you will comprehend with him that we have One Purpose: To Live is Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
5. Do we see ourselves as a part of the collective people of God—saints and servants? Do we perceive and desire for our local church to function as a piece of the big family of God?
B. One Partnership – In vv. 3-8, Paul gushes with gratitude to God, praying with abounding joy, assuring them of their salvation and sanctification, and sharing his most genuine affection. Why? Because of their partnership, fellowship (sharing), (active) participation in the gospel (the good news that Jesus saves b/c Jesus is Lord).
1. Partnership: partakers with me of grace (or have fellowship with me in grace); partnership and participation in the gospel (end of v. 7) Partakers of grace are participants in the gospel. (in chains, in defending it and confirming it) – Yes, it is ultimately God who works to accomplish his purposes in people’s hearts and in the cosmos, but I am responsible to actively submit my heart and subject my hands to obey the will of God for me in Christ Jesus. – Having a horse and a letter in hand doesn’t make you a part of the Pony Express. Being a member and riding that horse to deliver letters does! (Disciples deliver.)
2. Praying with: Gratitude, Joy, Assurance, and Affection
3. Gratitude – to God (b/c of their true fellowship in Jesus) – a frequent habit and consistent attitude (always) – not simply thankful for their giving, but especially for their partnership with him Do you remember? Does your remembrance result in thankfulness?
4. Joy – in God (b/c of their partnership of faith in Christ and their participation in promoting the gospel) – LIST of joy/rejoicing in Philippians
5. Assurance – from God (b/c of the clear evidence of God’s work of salvation in them – salvation is accompanied by evidence – James)
a. Evidence of fellowship with God and with God’s people (new relationships)
b. Evidence of a new focus and aim for life—the gospel (new purpose for living)
c. Evidence of living like Jesus is coming back (new character – striving for holiness – controlled by the Spirit so that the fruit of Christ grows)
d. It is God who began, God who continues, and God who completes your sanctification. (past, present, and future) You can have assurance of final salvation and glorification b/c of what God, through Jesus, has done for you, is doing in you, and will do to you. You can have assurance of progressive sanctification (growth in Christian maturity) as the Holy Spirit of God in you takes the word of God and continues to transform you to conformity with the heart and hands of Jesus.
6. Affection – of Christ deep, sincere affection b/c of Christ’s love in me, and in you (Not… I have to love you but I don’t have to like you.) Paul’s heart of yearning (longing) for them is tethered to their demonstrated affection for Jesus. – If you want to have this kind of affection for one another, we have to get up in each other’s grill (personal space) and challenge each other that partakers of grace are participants in the gospel.
7. Does our fellowship together demonstrate that…
• We are sincerely grateful to God for one another? Praying for one another?
• We are filled to overflowing with joy in God b/c of what he has done, is doing, and will continue to do in us?
• Our desire is to help others have assurance of their salvation, continued growth, and final sanctification? (trusting that God is at work in one another, believing the best about one another, preferring one another above ourselves?)
• Our treasuring Christ above all else exposes a genuine affection for one another, and a willingness to challenge one another toward that end?
The true people of God offer up prayers for one another, with surplus joy and sincere affection, because we are together partakers of grace and participants in the work of the gospel.
(EVERY ONE OF US engaged in the mission! And each of us praying for each other – For some this is your understanding of the church family. For others, this may be a tectonic shift.)
We started out talking about gushing with affection. Many times I fear we demonstrate that our supreme affection, even in terms of spiritual things, is ourselves (having my spiritual needs met). If our supreme affection is for Jesus, then that will spill over in genuine affection for the people of God, especially those with whom we have particular fellowship. Look around the room, friends. We are one people, with one partnership, and one prayer b/c we share one purpose: to live is Christ!