Two Christlike Examples (2:19-30)
(Philippians) One Purpose: To Live Is Christ • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 48:16
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Two Christ-like Examples: Philippians 2:19-30
Pray & Intro: Still on our team theme. [With a basketball in hand.] I’m feeling encouraged about our team. … I am so proud of you (review). Your faithfulness gives me great joy. Keep doing what you know is right all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Heb. 10:25) There are no benchwarmers or second-stringers in the body of Christ.
• Have the mind of Christ among yourselves. Adopt the same humble selfless attitude of Christ for service and sacrifice. Servants’ entrance (the only entrance into the church). The body of Christ (the church) is not a place to be served but to serve.
• And when being like Jesus or the Apostle Paul feels a little distant (time and space), follow examples who are a little closer to home.
Read Passage & Discuss:
I. Paul wants to come to them, but in all likelihood he will be able to send Timothy sooner. But before both Paul and Timothy, Paul sends Epaphroditus back with the very letter they are reading. This is anything but boring. It is comforting and convictional.
A. Normally the commending of the person commissioned with the letter comes at the end of the letter, so Paul has a broader purpose here related to the preceding context.
B. Imitate those who imitate Jesus. Follow those who follow Jesus. – Whether their ministry of servanthood is public or private, in speaking or in serving, honor and imitate those who imitate Jesus.
1. Mt. 10:38 “And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” 1 Cor. 11:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Heb. 13:7 Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Php. 3:17
2. Great leaders are good followers. – They have the humility to know whom and how to follow.
II. Two Distinct Christ-like Examples – I commend to you these men who humbly lead from selfless service and sacrifice.
A. Timothy – Not only so they’ll respect and admire Timothy (coming to them soon), but also instructive on what qualifies and commends a Christian leader…
1. What about Tim’s achievements, skills, pedigree, education, (the size of his following)? Paul says nothing of any of that.
2. “One-souled” with Paul and Christ (likeminded, of the same mind and spirit) – No one else? What about Luke, Titus, Aristarchus, Trophimus, and Epaphroditus?
a. Jesus is concerned for the eternal souls of others. Seeking the good of others before your own welfare is a primary way to seek first the kingdom of God. Again, seeking the good of others first is a primary way to seek first the kingdom of God (Mt. 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” In the context of anxiety and worrying about your needs – How appropriate is that!
b. Thinking of others first means not thinking of yourself more highly than you ought but it does mean doing what you can do best for the good of the team, willingly serving and sacrificing wherever possible. (and whenever and with whomever)
3. Proven by trial, approved character – "The submissive mind is not the product of an hour's sermon, or a week's seminar, or even a year's service. The submissive mind grows in us as, like Timothy, we yield to the Lord and seek to serve others." (Wiersbe)
4. Served with me in the furtherance of the gospel (like a child with a father) – Growing up working with Dad.
B. Epaphroditus (see 4:18 also) – (The leader with the servant’s heart often faces the servant’s hardships.) [5 things about Epa: 3, then 2]
1. To me (He is)
a. Brother in faith – Warrior’s basketball team: Steph Curry, MVP. Rom. 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
b. Fellow worker – a person who participates in the same activity as oneself *
c. Fellow soldier – The Christian life is not a playground but a battleground. – Serving others sacrificially is hard, sometimes painful work. Loving others genuinely when they don’t appreciate it can be emotionally taxing. Working in cooperation sometimes feels like it causes more difficulties than it solves. (But a soldier’s joy is in knowing the big picture that he is a part of and the comradery with the warriors whom he serves alongside. The joy of knowing he ultimately serves his Savior to the glory of God.) We rely on our Lord’s sustaining grace, not our own strength and resources.
2. To you [from you] (He has been)
a. Messenger – Servants of Christ are willing to be sent to serve anywhere, anytime, with anyone, sacrificing anything.
b. Minister – probably less speaking and teaching ministry than serving ministry – The Philippians needed a man of impeccable character and discipline to see that the funds arrived intact (Jeff M., treasurer) And to bring Paul food and clothing, etc. – Craig (helping with publications and even subpar, undesirable tasks) comforting and challenging reminder for us!
c. He’s there to HELP. Yet Paul says “fellow worker” * You have no idea how valuable this is, to lead from the shadows. [work behind scenes for the actors on stage] (Buzz – encouraging, gently and graciously challenging) In the church, there’s a distinction in form but not in value or equality of ministry. Like Epa, it is spiritual, and it is significant. Encourage those of us who serve; ladies especially perhaps to be encouraged. – You are actively involved in the work of Christ!
3. Obedient in humble service and sacrifice, even to the point of death. (Epa nearly died.) If we cultivate a servant’s heart and endure a servant’s hardships, we will receive a servant’s honor. (Steve Cole) Mt. 25:21!
4. Hear Paul talk of the heartfelt love and concern that both he and Epaphroditus have for the Philippian family. – Genuine heartfelt love and concern for others often shows itself in emotional urgency (spiritual maturity does not equal stoicism – I am your robot friend, I’m here to help you.) [By contrast, leaders like Paul Griffis.] Thinking of their needs and what is best for them (rather than ministry for personal advancement or gain or limelight) – Ryan Toliver: hospitality equals thinking of others; making others comfortable and comforted
5. [If Paul has anything to say about it…] Epa will get a hero’s welcome home! He is to be as valued a player as Timothy. If I ever stop being thankful for you, commending your efforts for Christ, and honoring and esteeming you for all that you do for the kingdom, I have lost sight of who I am and whom we are serving.]
C. [We see the Christ-like example of Paul sandwiched in here as well]
1. Think of the sacrifice of Paul to send Timothy. (His closest friend, ally, helper, etc.)
2. And Paul promotes the ministry of these other men. [Rich’s endorsement and support of me to be used of God here to further the proclamation of Christ in the gospel, only by His grace and all for His glory. Not seeking to protect “his” ministry but instead to promote the gospel!]
3. Working well with others (cooperation) – team players (I’ll be a team player if I’m the boss.) – Shaun Livingston story
A. Deacons: like servants on parade (Great leaders are good followers.) – David was an “Epaphroditus” before he was a King! – “Only those who have learned to serve are fit to lead, because Christian leadership is a place of humble service.” (Deffinbaugh)
B. SO many others! Where do you fit in? – There are no benchwarmers or second-stringers. – Enjoy your ministry and praise the Lord for it! – OR Start by finding a place to serve and jump in. And if you HAVE to , ask. (Inside these walls is far from being the only place to serve the body of Christ and show the love of Christ to the world. When you walk out these doors you are a leader for Christ in our community.)
C. Remember, Christian ministry flows out of faith. It is not something you do to merit God’s favor. God’s favor has been granted to you in trusting Christ. Now you honor him with your humble service, by being a team player.
D. In order to do that, God gives us the example of Christ to follow. When He seems distant, pay attention to how he shows himself in the hearts and lives of those around you. Imitate those who imitate Jesus. Follow those who follow Christ. Remember, there’s only one entrance into the body of Christ, into the team of believers God has given you to battle alongside, and it’s the servants’ entrance. We welcome you in; you’re in good company.