3:1-13 (Pastor Jeff Griffis) 1-17-2016

Ephesians: Theological Depth for Today  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  45:20
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Managing God’s Mystery: Ephesians 3:1-13 Read Passage and Pray Intro: (outline and application) Vv 1 & 13 form a frame of sorts around the picture Paul paints in 2-12. Paul made a manager of God’s mystery (2) The church mystery revealed to Paul (3-6) The gospel ministry entrusted to Paul (7-9) [content and the delivery] The church’s cosmic connection (10-12) • How do you perceive the privilege to be not just a member but also a minister? (Paul is always acutely aware of his leadership. While it’s difficult to apply the unique privilege of Paul to you or me, it is not a stretch at all to consider how we may follow his example.) • What’s your understanding of the significance of the church in God’s story? Dive In: I. What Paul starts in v. 1 he picks up again in 14, praying for them to experience the power of Christ at work in them to comprehend and grow in the unfathomable riches of His love. A. Paul’s reference to being a prisoner for the Lord on their behalf seems to be what causes him to launch in to this brief parenthesis before his prayer. – Just as he is a servant (minister, v. 7) of his Lord, so he is a prisoner for Christ.  Physically a prisoner of the Roman state, but with his higher citizenship in heaven, anything he suffers is for His Lord. B. And it wasn’t the gospel only that caused his opposition, but particularly that to the Gentiles. (see Acts 21-22)  So indeed in v. 13 he is suffering “for you,” those to whom he writes. But he can say that it’s their honor (glory), and not to be disheartened by it. II. Paul made a manager of God’s mystery (v. 2) A. How many cabinetmakers do you know who don’t understand the ins and outs of their trade and the end goal of any project they’re working on? Coaches?  “I’m not talking about something I don’t know. That I’m not an authority on, that I don’t have personal experience in. No, I pray for you from a place of knowledge, authority, and personal experience. I pray for you as one privileged by God, but just like you, as one privileged solely by the unmerited favor of God—that’s grace.” B. The next points fall under and flow out of managing this mystery. [list again] III. The mystery of the church revealed to Paul (vv. 3-6) A. What mystery? 1. Again, mystery in N.T. Greek is not what we tend to think of in English. It means a secret of God (hidden from human understanding) now revealed. (read 4-5) 2. And Paul makes God’s revelation to him plain. He’s already been talking about it, but reiterates it again here in v. 6. The mystery is the gospel of Christ, but Paul emphasized here a particular facet of the gospel to his Gentile readers—the union of Jews and Gentiles together to form the church.  Through the gospel, Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise. B. This is the message that was revealed to Paul, and he was also entrusted with the ministry of delivering it. IV. The ministry of gospel entrusted to Paul for delivery (vv. 7-9) A. Of which I became a minister. – gift of God’s grace… by the working of his power  Paul didn’t pick himself for salvation on the road to Damascus or pick himself to receive revelation (as the apostolic anomaly) or pick himself to have a special ministry to the Gentiles.  These are privileges and responsibilities at the pleasure of God. They are also enabled by God, and any outcome is accomplished by God and for God. 1. Is Paul aware that he is setting an example? Well, he only admits it all the time in his letters. So as he’s prefacing his prayer with explanation about who he is and why he prays for them before telling them how he prays for them, is he aware of setting an example for members (v. 6) and ministers (v. 7) in the body of Christ, the church?  You bet he is. Read ch. 4:1-3. Then read v. 7 and 11ff. – Every member a minister. 2. So too is Paul’s example of humility in v. 8 is a model for us to follow. And it’s not faux humility. There’s neither hypocrisy nor self-deprecation here. Just honesty that results in true humility. – Paul knows the uniqueness of his role in persecuting the church (and Christ) before being blindsided by Jesus. Paul recognizes the uniqueness of his apostolic ministry while at the same time being fully aware of who God is, and therefore how he is merely an instrument in the hands of God.  Who are you? What’s God doing with you? – A prisoner and servant of the Lord for the sake of God’s elect. – [Share my personal ministry mission statement.*] B. Paul’s mission: to preach (to the Gentiles) and to enlighten (for everyone) 1. Proclaiming the good news of the infinite riches of Christ – unfathomable, immeasurable, untraceable, incomprehensible… like the size and wonders of the universe  Incentive to evangelize: “Once we are sure that the gospel is both truth from God and riches for mankind, nobody will be able to silence us.” (Stott, 121) 2. And bringing to light for all/everyone God’s plan in the gospel mystery of the church – to make all men see that God’s administration in the New Covenant is to join into one body, one temple all who are saved by grace through faith, whether Jew or Gentile. V. The church’s cosmic connection (vv. 10-12) A. In order that it might now be made known to the rulers and authorities (angelic beings, 1:21 & 6:12) in the heavenlies (the spirit world of God’s domain, 1:3 – 1 Peter 1:12 indicates that this miracle of salvation, even while it was prophesied about, and now preached to you—even angels long to look into.  Through the church… the multi-colored, multi-faceted wisdom of God (richly diverse nature of divine wisdom). B. According to God’s eternal purpose and plan, realized in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Our lives unfold as in a cosmic drama (Shakespeare), the script for which was written before time in the eternal mind of God. Christ is the hero, as all of history is indeed his story. But Paul reveals another character, in God’s sovereignty and of his own making, the heroine this act in the story is the church, Christ’s bride. (see ch. 5 discussion of husbands and wives) She has a significant role to play in the eternal purpose of God as she awaits the return of her groom. C. And yet (v. 12) the individual, multi-faceted members who together make up this corporate body/temple/bride each have courage in Christ and personal access with confidence (in Christ, not in self) in relationship with almighty God through faith in Him. *Preach and Pastor With the Passion of a saved sinner By the Power of the Holy Spirit From the Pages of God’s word For the Purity of His church To the Praise of God. [Rhyme or alliterate whenever and wherever possible.]
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