Recovering Humanity's Identity (Heb 2:5-9)
Recovering Humanity’s Identity (Hebrews 2:5-9)
Jesus Christ, the God-man, recovers for humanity that which we lost—our identity.
Transitioning emphasis from the deity of the Son to His humanity
David’s words in context (from Psalm 8)
• His own context
• New covenant context
A Christological re-interpretation
• The inaugurated rule of Christ
• Applied by faith
Because of grace you can regain God’s purpose for you and live a confident, meaningful life… identified in Christ.
Take It Home: (Discussion Questions for Discipleship Groups meeting in homes or at church)
• In conversations about who we are, what might people typically use to define and describe themselves?
• How does our understanding of the Old Testament context of man’s relationship to God inform our understanding of God’s grace as demonstrated in the New Testament?
• Having looked at this text more closely (Heb. 2:5-9), what would you say is the hardest question to ask of the text, and of how we should apply it? (How would you attempt to answer those in your group?)