Securing Our Redemption (Heb 2:10-18)
Securing Redemption (Hebrews 2:10-18)
• God the Son became man and suffered death to redeem sons. (v. 10)
This is boundless, overwhelming grace.
• The sanctifying work of the Son turns God’s enemies into Christ’s brothers. (vv. 11-13)
This is boundless, overwhelming grace.
• Identifying fully with humanity, Christ sacrificially died to defeat the devil and deliver sin’s slaves. (vv. 14-16)
This is boundless, overwhelming grace.
• Jesus’ ministry for sons satisfies God’s justice and makes him a sympathetic Captain. (vv. 17-18)
This is boundless, overwhelming grace.
Take It Home: (Discussion questions for Discipleship Groups or families at home)
• Are you shocked that Jesus had to die? Talk about whether you are astonished that such was God’s plan. Also describe your amazement that God would do such a thing for rebellious sinners.
• As mind-boggling and gratitude-inducing as it is, doesn’t Christ’s death still fit with God’s character? Explain.
• As you read the verses, does the Holy Spirit prod you with any specific part? Are there any questions arising from the text that still remain unclear to you?