Abel Enoch Noah (Heb 11:4-7)
Heroes of Enduring Faith: Abel, Enoch, and Noah – Hebrews 11:4-7
My faith is in God—not in my ability to flawlessly follow Him.
Raise your hand if you want to be remembered for dying for your faith! – Abel (v. 4)
“through his faith, though he died, he still speaks”
What’s the connection between “walking with God” and enduring faith? – Enoch (vv. 5-6)
“By faith… he was commended as having pleased God”
Will you believe God’s promise if it takes 100 years? – Noah (v. 7)
“Noah… became an heir of righteousness that comes by faith”
By God’s grace, Abel had enduring faith in God, to the glory of God.
By God’s grace, Enoch had enduring faith in God, to the glory of God.
By God’s grace, Noah had enduring faith in God, to the glory of God.
Will your epitaph read?
“By God’s grace, _____________________ lived a life of enduring faith in God, to the glory of God.”
Branson Bible Church
[see reverse side for application questions]
October 15, 2017
Application Questions:
1. Faith in God, instead of faith in our ability to walk faithfully, is something we can’t afford to get
wrong. Why not? (What is the gospel?)
2. Enoch’s life of faith shouts “relationship!” with God as what pleases God. So how do we balance
the recognition that what God wants is relationship with the obvious reality that there should be
some evidence of that faith relationship working out in our daily lives?
3. Noah’s life of faith proclaims “patience!” as another key to enduring faith. You need
steadfastness to endure, but how are you tempted to put confidence in yourself? How is it
different to be sustained by going back to the well, God himself? Very practically, what means of
grace does God encourage us to use to draw near to him? How are you doing in those areas?
4. Abel’s life of faith from beyond the grave screams, “It was worth it! God is worth living for and
worth dying for. You will find no other purpose equal to it in this brief life.” Take stock again of
your life. Is faith in God through Jesus Christ the central defining characteristic of who you are
and where you’re heading?
Branson Bible Church
[see reverse side for application questions]
October 15, 2017