A Better Homeland (Heb 11:13-16)
A Better Homeland – Hebrews 11:13-16
By faith we live as ______________________ and ______________________ on the earth because we look forward
to a better ______________________.
Abraham & Co.
Do you live like this world is not your home?
The Patriarchs didn’t “receive” the
fulfilled promises, but they did “see” and
“welcome” them from afar.
They “professed” that they were
“foreigners” and “sojourners” on the earth
(in the land).
They did seek a “homeland,” (Greek
patris) but not like the one from which
they had gone out.
Instead, they “desired” something “better,”
a heavenly homeland.
Therefore, God is not “ashamed” to be
called their God and has prepared for
them a “city.”
Branson Bible Church
[see reverse side for further application]
November 5, 2017
Further Application: (Re-read Hebrews 11:13-16, Review sermon outline, and Use the following list by
Thomas Manton to encourage discussion and deeper application)
The great Puritan writer Thomas Manton expounds on the spiritual meaning of a stranger...
(1) A stranger is one that is absent from his country, and from his father's house: so are we, heaven is our
country, God is there, and Christ is there.
(2) A stranger in a foreign country is not known, nor valued according to his birth and breeding: so the saints
walk up and down in the world like princes in disguise.
(3) Strangers are liable (subject) to inconveniences: so are godly men in the world. Religion (specifically
Christianity), says Tertullian, is like a strange plant brought from a foreign country, and doth not agree with
the nature of the soil, it thrives not in the world.
(4) A stranger is patient, standing not for ill usage, and is contented with pilgrim's fare and lodging. We are
now abroad and must expect hardship.
(5) A stranger is wary, that he may not give offense, and incur the hatred and displeasure of the natives.
(6) A stranger is thankful for the least favor; so we must be thankfully contented with the things God hath
bestowed upon us: anything in a strange country is much.
(7) A stranger, that has a journey to go on, would pass over it as soon as he could, and so we, who have a
journey to heaven, desire to be dissolved.
(8) A stranger buys not such things as he cannot carry with him; he doth not buy trees, house, household
stuff, but jewels and pearls, and such things as are portable. Our greatest care should be to get the jewels of
the covenant, the graces of God's Spirit, those things that will abide with us.
(9) A stranger's heart is in his country; so is a saint's.
(10) A stranger is inquisitive after the way, fearing lest he should go amiss, so is a Christian.
(11) A stranger provides for his return, as a merchant, that he may return richly laden. So we must appear
before God in Zion. What manner of persons ought we to be? Let us return from our travel well provided.
[From http://www.preceptaustin.org/hebrews_1113-16#11:13 on 11/2/2017 at 10:15am]
Branson Bible Church
[see reverse side for further application]
November 5, 2017