Run With Endurance Considering Jesus
Sermon Notes
Run With Endurance Considering Jesus
Hebrews 12:1-3
Pastor Josh Monda
I. The Christian life is a difficult _____________________ race
that must be ran
V. We must run with our eyes ____________________ on Jesus
A. We must stop _____________________ at self and look to
B. We must trust ___________________ the Jesus is for us
C. We must trust him when we are ____________________
D. We must _____________________ to lose heart
II. All ________________ must get into shape and stay in shape
A. Lay aside every _____________________
B. Lay aside every _____________________
III. All runners must run with _____________________
A. God sets the _____________________
B. We must run with _____________________
IV. Our _____________________ to run comes from those who
have run before us and primarily from Jesus
A. We are _____________________ to keep running by the
great cloud of witnesses
B. Jesus _____________________ us to run
1. Jesus is the _____________________ of our faith
2. Jesus is the _____________________ of our faith
3. Focus on Jesus’ _____________________
Consider Jesus' _____________________ through the
most difficult trial
5. Jesus _____________________ the final reward of
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