Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
In the Beginning God
Do you believe that?
Is actual History?
“There’s no empirical evidence that’s what happened.”
The book of Genesis is foundational to the rest of the Bible.
This is what we are told by the culture who has bought into the evolutionary model.
“The evidence shows that evolution is how it all began.”
But here’s the thing, the evolutionary model does not show how it all began.
The evolutionary model doesn’t even show that everything is billions of years old.
What about the fossil record?
Creation scientist have the same fossil record, but they don’t come up with millions or billions of years.
But Creation scientist are bias!
We go by scientific facts.
Not so.
The Creation scientist and the Secularist scientist actually have the same facts, the same fossil record.
What is the difference?
It’s not the facts, it’s the Paradigm.
The Creationist and the Secularist bring presuppositions to the facts.
We’re beginning a study in the book of Genesis.
Over the next few months we want to study at least the first 11 chapters of the book of Genesis.
Why study Genesis?
We’re not studying the book in order to debunk the theory of evolution.
They’re able to accomplish that on their own.
The reason we are studying the book of Genesis is because Genesis is the foundation of all Biblical truth.
In other words, if the book of Genesis is not true, then how can we trust the rest of the Bible.
If we cannot believe that God created the heavens and the earth, then how can we trust that Jesus raised from the dead?
Or that Jesus is coming again?!? Are you justified before God?
How can we know anything if we don’t trust what the Bible so clearly and simply says.
And what is utterly amazing is that we doubt the One — the only One who was there in the beginning!
Let me illustrate this.
We were told when Melissa was pregnant that one of our boys was a girl.
The doctor did an ultrasound and told us we were having a little girl.
And so we prepared accordingly, pink outfits and all.
However, when the birth happened, It was a boy!
And of course, we were thrilled.
A few years after he was born, we told him what had happened that the Doctor got it wrong.
But then when he was about 4 or 5 years old, he began telling people he used to be a girl.
And so when we would talk to him about his misinterpretation, he was persistent in his belief that he used to be a girl but is now a boy!
We were there and in a consciousness of understanding the events.
Our child was there, but did not have the understanding of the events of his birth.
We do not even have the advantage of being there.
Nobody was there In the beginning — not even Adam and Eve!
But Someone was there — the Creator!
The Creator was there!
And the wonderful thing about it is God told us what happened and He told us what happened by giving to Moses the Historical account.
And it really comes down to this.
There are basically only two options.
You either believe what Genesis says or you don’t.
That’s no an over simplification.
You either believe that a supernatural, creative, all powerful God made everything or you don’t.
Let me put it another way.
Believing that an all-wise, all-powerful, eternal, creative God who made everything is the only possible rational explanation for the universe, for life, for your purpose and destiny in life.
Here are the options again: Either there is nobody times nothing equals everything or there is the divine equation — “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
And here’s a very important thing — and this is what I want you to hear this morning.
If you do believe that God did create the heavens and the earth, then you are left with the only record of that creation, and that’s , AND (and this is so important, this is where the rubber meets the road) you are bound to accept the text of in its entirety and literally how it is expressed as the only and accurate description of the creative act.
In short, you have to accept the Genesis account as it is literally stated.
I. God told us what happened.
God did not just create the world, but the worlds.
That is the physical universe and it’s operation and administration.
He did it simply by His word — His Divine utterance.
He created from nothing.
This is an stupendous claim in such a short verse.
It is the greatest claim, and one of the hardest for an unbeliever to accept.
The origin of the universe has been a long-standing problem for philosophers and scientist.
Centuries of investigation, speculation, and theories have brought the unbeliever no closer to the solution.
They come to consensus, but every time a consensus is reached, someone discovers evidence that blows it out of the water and makes it less plausible.
For example, for some hundred years the nebula theory was the dominant scientific explanation for the origin of the universe.
It was eventually replaced by the tidal theory, which was soon replaced by the steady-state theory, the super dense (Big Bang) theory, and so on.
Clearly there’s a problem.
What’s the problem?
The secularist has rid himself of God.
If you refuse to believe what God, the Creator, the only One who was there, then your conclusions will always be wrong.
The writer of Hebrews brought the issue of creation up to Jews who had not yet trust Christ.
“You already have a certain faith in God.
You believe that God created the universe and everything in it.”
They believed without a doubt, even though they were not there when God created it.
They could not see His act of creating, but they could see His creation and believe in the Creator.
They had a start of faith.
They knew and accepted this truth by faith — not by sight.
How do we know what happened?
God told us.
We even have evidence of what happened and who did it.
Creation tells us.
Psalm 19:
The heavens declare the glory of God.
God has revealed to us what happened.
God gave us the answer to origin.
There is no way to understand or know origin apart from God, the One who was there.
Science can never answer the question of origin, because science is observation of something.
No one observed the beginning.
But there is something we have to understand about Divine Revelation.
There are two ways in which God reveals.
These two ways of revelation are called:
General Revelation and Special Revelation.
This is why it’s important, it’s so vital that we know and understand theology.
General Revelation is that revelation that is available to all persons at all times, particularly the physical universe.
< .5
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