1 Thessalonians 4: Home group study notes
Sermon Tone Analysis
Home group study notes for 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 4
Background: Up until now Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians has been mostly about how thankful Paul is that they are progressing well in the faith while also making a defence of the mission trip that saw the gospel being preached to them. But now as we come into chapter 4 there are some very specific issues which are hindering the Thessalonian believers as they mature in the faith. Paul is straight to the point and does not tiptoe around what can be very difficult and controversial issues. Many of the struggles and misunderstandings that existed in the Thessalonian church 2000 years ago frequently occur in modern society and so the message that Paul sent to the church at Thessalonica is strikingly relevant to us today.
Question 1:
What is the will of God in the lives of the Thessalonian believers and what does it mean? (Hint: see verse 3)
The will of God in the lives of the Thessalonians was their sanctification and that they lived a holy life. To live a life of sanctification means to live ‘set apart’, it is the believer being progressively transformed into the likeness of God. The Lord desires that we not live according to the culture around us or man’s standards but that our lives are set apart for Him that we might become more and more like Him
Question 1:
What were some of the emotions that Paul felt towards the Thessalonians? What actions did he take to care for them and how did that make him more effective in ministering the gospel to them?
Question 2:
In verses 3-8 Paul is addressing a clear issue within the community which is their sexual behaviour. What commands does he give them and why is this important?
Paul felt a deep grieving and sense of personal loss because he was ‘torn away’ from their fellowship, he was feeling much like a parent would if they were forcibly separated from their child. This shows us the depth of love that Paul felt towards them. Paul felt great relief
Paul instructs that they ought to be sanctified, abstaining from sexual immorality, controlling their own body and passions. Paul says that to violate this command is to defraud others. Engaging in sexually immoral practices involves us taking from others what does not belong to us.
This is important because to ignore the Lord’s command in this issue means that we are effectively robbing other people and we disregard God Himself.
Question 3:
Why is verse 8 so critical to our understanding of obedience?
While obedience to God’s laws is very important since we are to be imitators of Christ, and Jesus was of course without sin, God does not leave it to us to find a way to be holy. In verse 8 Paul says that the Holy Spirit has been given to us, this is what makes all the difference when we address matters of obedience to God and holiness since the Lord has made a way for us to abide in His will.
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Question 4:
What does Paul want the Thessalonians to be like? (verses 11-12) Why was he telling them to act like this?
Paul tells them to aspire to live quietly and mind their own affairs, also where possible to work to support themselves not being reliant upon the support of others.
It would seem that there were some in the Thessalonian church who were taking advantage of the kindness of others, subsequently these people were becoming lazy and over-reliant on other people when they were capable of supporting themselves.
By aspiring to live peaceably minding their own business they are less likely to find themselves coveting what other people have and will be living more contented lives. It is important that we do not take advantage of our well-meaning and generous brethren within the church, it does not mirror the example that Jesus set since the Lord lived a life of self-sacrifice rather than one of taking. Paul tells the Thessalonians that if they would work honestly with peace and contentment that this in itself will serve as a witness to the unsaved (verse 12).