The Essence of the Gospel

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Illustration: Salvation is centered in the name of the Lord. Some might ask, what’s in a name? well suppose I write you a check for $50.000 dollars. It would do you little good! The check would bounce all over north America, because my name is not good for that kind of money, meaning I don’t have it in the bank. But suppose bill Gates were to write you out a check in that amount. It would be different. Amen?
The check might be drawn on the same bank, dated the same day, typed on the same computer software. The only difference is the name, the bank might make a few phone calls to make sure bill gates gave it to you, but it wouldn’t be a problem cashing the check. It’s in the name. likewise, beloved, it is no use bringing to God the name of the virgin Mary, the name of Muhammad or the name of Buddha. These are bankrupt names. God only honors, for salvation the name of Jesus.
Brothers and sisters when it comes to salvation we must stand on the biblical fact that salvation is in the name of Jesus and no one or nothing else. Have I got a witness? I know there are some other gospels being shared that seemingly sound good.
That seemingly offer something good.
But are no good.
And then beloved for many of us who have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and as a result of hearing received Christ as our Savior and Lord. We don’t really know what we have. We don’t completely understand the essence of the Gospel. When I say essence, what is meant is the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of the Gospel. In other words, the fundamentals of the Gospel.]
As we look at our text, this thirteenth verse reduces the Gospel to its simplest possible terms. It reduces it to a call. Anyone can call. A little child can call. Amen?
Peter illustrated this when Jesus asked him to get out of the boat and come to Him. Peter got out of the boat and walked on waves toward Jesus, and as he began to marvel at what was taking place, suddenly he began to sink, and he called out, “Lord save me.” That was it. Peter didn’t get into the details, he didn’t craft a suave philosophical argument, nor did he have an inner debate. Peter just let out a desperate meaningful call, “Lord save me.”
Now beloved if we are to gain an understanding of the essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we must draw out of our text those things that will help see the core of the Gospel.
So, for a few moments I want to submit to you three things from our text that will help us understand the essence of the Gospel and that ought to lead you to praise God for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The first thing I would like to submit to you from the text is:

The Scope of the Gospel:

The word scope as it relates to our text means, “amount covered,, reached or viewed.” the word range comes to mind which means the space or extent included, covered, or used. To help us understand the scope of the gospel, Paul says, “for whosoever.” In this letter, Paul has been saying some hard things about the Jews. He has been telling them truths which were difficult for them to hear and bear. The whole passage from is a condemnation of the Jewish attitude to religion. Yet, from beginning to end, there is no anger in Paul’s writing; there is nothing but wistful longing and heartfelt yearning. It is Paul’s one desire that the Jews may be saved.] Paul was entirely ready to admit that the Jews were zealous for God; but he also saw that their enthusiasm was misdirected.] Jewish religion was based on meticulous obedience to the law. Their whole approach was that by being obedient to the Law they earned credit with God. And so Paul in this thirteenth verse argues for the biblical fact that salvation is not about works but about having faith in Jesus Christ. He’s basically letting them know that it is the gospel of Jesus Christ that saves humankind. So, in this thirteenth verse Paul begins by saying “for whosoever.” Whosoever is the formal term for whoever, and beloved what Paul is saying is anybody who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. I’ll deal with that word call in a moment. But Paul is arguing that it does not matter where you come from or where you’ve been.
what you did last night is no barrier.
It doesn’t matter how scandalous your family name is.
Your race or ethnicity cannot bar you.
What you formally believed cannot hinder you.
Whosoever means whosoever. The grace of God is able to reach anybody, anywhere despite how deep in sin they may be. His love extends to those who have done things that have caused many good Christians to say, “there’s no way the Lord will save them.” The scope or the range of the Gospel is wide and deep. It is limitless and has no boundaries. Whosoever, all, anybody and everybody fits into this scope. Meaning “Whosoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Now the issue with this text, stems from the finiteness of our understanding. The term finite means to have limits or boundaries. It suggests humanity can only go so far. That’s why many of us feel there are some folk who want make it in. Have I got a witness? There are some folk who have harmed you and did you wrong.
There are some folk who have committed some heinous crimes.
There are some folk who you think don’t deserve a place in the kingdom of God.
But the word of God says, whosoever. That’s the problem with the Church today. We want to decide who can come to the Lord and who can’t. Sometimes we do it verbally, but many times its done by how you treat them, how you look at them when they enter the house of the Lord. Its done when you decide to witness to some folk and bypass others. But the Lord through His servant Paul says, whosoever and my brothers and my sisters that ought to let you know is that there will be somebody in Heaven that you didn’t expect to see. Amen

The Simplicity of the Gospel:

The essence of the gospel contains the scope of the Gospel, whosoever.
the second thing I want to submit from the text is:

The Simplicity of the Gospel:

What I mean by the simplicity of the gospel is that the gospel is simple and easy to understand. Paul says, “for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord.” To call upon is to invoke or appeal to someone as an authority for an action or support. It carries with it the idea of calling on a deity who in this case is Jesus Christ. So, what Paul was letting his readers know was that salvation is simple. To be saved required that one call upon the name of the Lord who is Jesus Christ. Now, that word call means more than just saying some words. To truly call upon the name of the Lord, it is necessary to first believe in Him. The Bible makes it clear in where it says, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” When the Bible speaks of calling on the name of the Lord it always means believing in the Lord. And beloved that’s exactly what Paul is saying. He’s letting them know that the gospel is simple, all you have to do is call upon the name of the Lord.
By faith believe in Him and call upon His name.]
Brothers and sisters the gospel of Jesus Christ that leads to the saving of souls is so simple that it has confounded those who claim to be wise. It is so simple that even the slowest learner can comprehend it.
It is so simple that it doesn’t take long to get it.
However, in our day and time the gospel has become difficult for some and the difficulty is not because God has changed anything, but some of us who claim to know the Lord have sprinkled our own seasoning on it.]
Because it’s so simple we feel there has to be something else.
Surely, after all you’ve done it has to be more than just calling upon the name of the Lord.
You mean to tell me that out of all the sinning that I’ve been involved in that the Lord will save me if I call upon His name.
There has to be something else.
That’s why we practice legalism in many of our Churches. We have rules and we push those rules as though they have salvific value in them. And we do it because for many of us the gospel of Jesus Christ is too simple.
But let me help us out today, instead of thinking the gospel is too simple, why not praise God that it is!!
Why not tell Him thank you, that you don’t have to jump through hoops,, turn circles and work all day long to be saved.
why not give Him praise that you don’t have to bring a lamb up in here without spot or blemish to offer on the altar.
Instead of thinking about how simple it is, just praise the Lord that it is.
praise Him for making the gospel simple enough for you to understand, because beloved if the truth be told, if it was more than just calling upon the name of the Lord, we probably wouldn’t make it.
The essence of the gospel contains the scope of the gospel.
It contains the simplicity of the gospel.
finally beloved, I want to submit to you that the essence of the gospel has what is known as:

The Substance of the Gospel:

The Substance of the Gospel:

Substance as it relates to our text, is the ultimate reality that will take place when whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord. Paul says, “Shall be saved.” Paul used this Old Testament prophecy from to let his readers know that as a direct result of anyone calling on the name of the Lord, the ultimate reality of their call would result in salvation.
Now I need you to pay close attention to the word Paul used which would become their reality. Paul uses the word “saved.” This is the verb sense of the word which means to preserve, to keep or be kept. in essence saved means just that saved. and beloved what that suggests is once you are saved, you will always be saved. Are you with me?
Just in case somebody’s missing it let me help you. You see when the letters “ED” are placed at the end of a word it completes the word. If you are baking a cake that means it is still in progress and you can stop without it being done. But if you baked a cake, “ed” on the end, then it’s complete and can’t be unbaked. In like manner when persons call upon the name of the Lord, meaning they believe in Him, they’ve put their faith in Him, then they shall be saved.
Now, as we look at the substance of the gospel and see that they shall be saved, we need to address the expected question, “saved from what?” Amen.
Well, there are three things they are saved from.
They are saved from the penalty of sin.
starts off by saying , “For the wages of sin is death,” The death that this verse speaks of is spiritual death. Before being saved we were all facing the penalty of sin, but now that the Lord has saved us we no longer face spiritual death. That’s why Paul ended this verse by saying, “but the gift of God is eternal life. When persons call upon the name of the Lord, they are saved from the tragedy of experiencing eternal separation from God. But not only are they saved from the Penalty of sin.
They are saved from the power of sin.
In Paul writes, “But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.” Outside of Christ persons are under the power of sin. Sin rules and reigns in their lives. They are literally slaves to sin. But when they call upon the name of the Lord and are saved, they are empowered by the Holy Spirit who comes to live within them. It is by His power that they are able to resist sinning and become slaves of righteousness. Please note they will not become sinless, but they will not practice sin. Finally,
They are saved from the presence of sin.
Outside of Christ persons are controlled by sin and imprisoned to sin. In Christ they are free from sin, but remain in the presence of sin. You see beloved just because you are saved doesn’t mean you are perfect, and as long as you are alive in this world sins presence will be in your presence. In Paul says, “I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.” But then in verses 24- 25 Paul says, “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. In other words beloved, a day is on the way when the one we have called on will deliver us from the presence of sin.
25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.
When Christ returns no longer will we have be around the evil and depravity that we see today because of sin, when He comes we will be delivered and sin will be no where around us.
And brothers and sisters I don’t know about you, but when that day comes it will be a day of rejoicing for me. Because when He comes that means its over down here and I look forward to going to a place free from the presence of sin.
The essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ is so far reaching that it can save any and everybody.
The essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ, though powerful, is simple and easy to understand.
The gospel of Jesus Christ
The essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ contains so much substance that it’s able to save us for all eternity. It’s able to save us from the penalty of sin, the power of sin and the presence of sin.
Isn’t it good to know that because Jesus came and died for our sin.
because He was raised from the dead.
because He’s coming again. That whosoever calls upon His name shall be saved.
I’m glad today to be whosoever.
I’m glad today that Jesus included me in the bunch.
I’m glad that it was so simple that my finite mind is able to understand it.
And beloved I’m glad The gospel of Jesus Christ has substance that’s powerful enough to deliver me from sin.
Beloved that’s why the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way we can be saved.
We need to know what we have in the gospel
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