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Women of the Bible Who Have Been Restored • Sermon • Submitted
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A Different Kind of Restoration
A Different Kind of Restoration
When we look at Abigail’s story, she’s in a different situation from the other women. However, there are times when everyone needs restoration. I really like the story of Abigail, Nabal and David because it is such a contemporary story. Even though the story took place centuries ago. The implications for the 21st Century are still valid.
The name Abigail means “my father is joy” (Biblegateway). The Bible describes Abigail as being “beautiful and intelligent.” Throughout the story, you’ll see that Abigail’s beauty is both inside and out. Before the Bible mentions the name of Abigail’s husband, the first thing we hear is that he is a “very wealthy man who had property” (Biblegateway).
Imagine being married to a rich man. You’re living in a big house with servants. You’re living the life. You’re life is great except your husband is a mean drunk. The Bible describes Nabal as harsh and a fool. Year after year you have to put up with his uncouth, drunken behavior. In that time, a woman was married off to a man she barely knew. She was expected to be submissive to her husband regardless of his demeanor. I believe Abigail had to be a praying wife. Otherwise, she would have been plotting her escape or his demise by some nefarious means.
As we follow the story, it is sheep sheering time. Abigail and Nabal are having a feast. In the meantime, David and his men had been protecting Nabal’s sheep from raiders. At the time of the feast, David and his men were running out of food. Since David was looking out for Nabal’s sheep, he figured that Nabal would be willing to give them food. David sent 10 of his men to politely ask Nabal to give them whatever he could spare.
David’s men approached Nabal and asked food. Nabal had been feasting or should I say drinking for a while. So instead of Nabal being generous and grateful for what David and his men had done for him, Nabal insulted David and was ignorant towards the men. When the men relayed Nabal’s response, David went off . He told the men to get their swords ready so they can go down and kill Nabal and his household. The joy of the feast was about to become a tragedy.
As David was plotting revenge, a servant was telling Abigail what just transpired. Abigail was quick on her feet. Immediately, she got provisions together and went down to meet David herself. Abigail was quick, quiet, and discreet. Even though Nabal brought the threat of disaster on himself, Abigail asked David’s forgiveness for Nabal’s behavior. Abigail’s quick action saved Nabal and their household. It put her in a position for God to reveal the beginning of her restoration.
If you want restoration in your life consider doing these things:
Understand that restoration takes time.
God can do anything at anytime. God’s timing, however, is not our timing. I can imagine that Abigail probably prayed that Nabal would stop drinking. She probably prayed that he would be a better man. She probably prayed that he wouldn’t hurt anyone or get hurt because of his harsh ways. Abigail was probably on her knees for years praying that God would restore her marriage. Have you ever spent years praying for something or someone in your life to change? You spend years watching, hoping, and waiting for a breakthrough. It seems like God has gone silent and forgotten about you. Well looks can be deceiving. You see, there are other people God uses to bring about your restoration. It may take time for you to be ready. It also takes time for the other person or persons God wants to use to be ready. God puts the right people in place at the right time to bless you. I think of restoration like preparing a meal in a crock pot. When you use a crock pot, you know it will be hours before dinner is ready. You put your meat, seasonings, and water in the pot and put on the top. After a few hours, you can start to smell the ingredients getting hot. It will take a few more hours before the meat is tender, and the meal is ready. You might start on Saturday night, but it might be Sunday afternoon before you eat. It is the meshing of all the ingredients together that make the meal. Everything has to work together in time. That’s how God works.
2. Keep doing good.
What makes Abigail beautiful is her heart. She didn’t have to intercede for Nabal, but she did. She didn’t waste time trying talk to Nabal. She acted. Abigail didn’t know how David would receive her. It didn’t matter. She tried to make amends for Nabal. She appealed to David by admitting Nabal was wrong. She respectfully and diplomatically spoke to David and convinced him not to shed blood over Nabal’s insult. It certainly wasn’t her fault this happened, but she was the peacemaker. Nabal did nothing to deserve Abigail’s loyalty. What does Abigail’s actions teach us? In spite of how your life is going, don’t stop doing good. says it best. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (NIV).
3. Keep Praying.
God may not answer your prayers right away, but He does hear you. How do I know? Think about those bad nights and trouble filled days you endured. Didn’t you pray to God and ask for help and strength. It was God who gave you the strength get through that time in your life. If it weren’t for God, some of us would have said some things or done some things we would later regret. That’s how you know God is listening. When those challenging people in your life push those buttons, it is only the grace of God that sustains you. I’m sure it was that way for Abigail. In Abigail’s case, her prayers didn’t change Nabal, but it kept her. Joyce Meyer often says, “when you pray for someone, it may seem like they get worse instead of better. It doesn’t mean God isn’t working on them.” Whether it is your spouse, child, or co-worker, don’t stop praying. I encourage you to trust God. You can’t always see what God is doing. You don’t know how God will bring restoration to your life.
In the end, David accepts the provisions. The next day Abigail tells Nabal what was about to happen. Nabal got a revelation, but it was too late. Depending on the version you read, Nabal had either a heart attack or a stroke. Ten days later Nabal died. Abigail was free from Nabal’s drunken tirades. When David heard about Nabal’s death, he sent messengers to ask Abigail to marry him. She accepted and now she was restored. She went from being the widow of a foolish man to the wife of the future King. I love what it says in , “Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, attended by her five female servants, went with David’s messengers and became his wife.” When your time of restoration comes, don’t hesitate to move quickly into the future God is giving you.