Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Our song for tonight that we will be using as the bases of our lesson is “A Wonderful Savior” number 545.
It’s written by Fanny Crosby who lived from 1820-1915.
Ms Crosby was blind from the age of six weeks until the day she died from a surgical mishap.
She has written several hymn classics as...
Blessed Assurance
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling You Home
Praise Him, Praise Him
Rescue the Perishing
To God Be The Glory
Ms Crosby’s lack of eyesight didn’t hinder her writing obviously, but it does give us insight into the careful words she uses.
“It seemed intended by the blessed providence of God that I should be blind all my life, and I thank Him for the dispensation.
If perfect earthly sight were offered me tomorrow I would not accept it.
I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I had been distracted by the beautiful and interesting things about me.” (
or (
Now the original title for the song was “He Hideth My Soul” and truth be told I think a much better title than “A Wonderful Savior” if only because it explains better the thrust of the song.
The song is all about a Christian’s protection through Christ their Savior.
As we sing this first verse focus on the beauty found in being hidden by God in the cleft of a rock.
Hidden For Pleasure
This concept is taken from Exodus.
In is where we find this passage in particular.
Ex 33:18-
God’s children only find true pleasure hidden in Christ.
When we obey the gospel we are “clothed with Christ.”
When we obey the gospel we are to be now “hidden in Christ.”
Col 3:
When we are hidden in Christ we are able to more clearly see the beauty of God and His righteousness.
When we obey the gospel, are adopted by God and added to the church of Christ we are taken by God into the cleft of the rock where He can protect us and we can see the rivers of pleasure His glory springs forth.
It’s during this spiritual scene we are fully made of aware of the burdens take from us and the strength gained.
Lifted Burdens For Strength
God’s children find peace through their lifted burden.
God’s children find strength through their burdens lifted.
When we were lost and without Christ we were burdened with sin and the hope of eternal damnation was all that could be expected.
When we obeyed the gospel our Savior took that burden away.
As children of God we now have a peace that only comes from lifted burdens.
A Christian’s peace is furthered by God’s love making us stronger.
As we obey the Word of God and overcome various trials and tribulations we become renewed each day and made stronger.
What is even more amazing is that as we get stronger the “commandments of God” become anything but burdensome.
Christ not only took the burden or consequences of sin away but gave us a pattern of righteousness to follow that is not burdensome either.
The child of God who is protected in the cleft of the rock will continue to not only witness the glory of God but will be strengthened by it.
Having matured day by day the child of God will grow ever aware of the numerous blessings and how can he not shout out in praise to God in such wonderful song.
Numerous Blessings For Fullness Divine
Everybody is promised “blessings” from God to some degree.
The sun shines on good and evil and the rain falls on the just and unjust.
Christians receive “every spiritual blessing.”
Not just a handful or a large number, no they receive all spiritual blessings found in Christ.
To the faithful child of God these spiritual blessings are what “fills us” with God.
We become loved by God and filled with love for God.
Eph 3:17-
That love allows God to fill us with all joy and peace and hope.
Being filled with these numerous divine blessings can’t but make the faithful “shout for joy” through song to their God.
Being filled with these numerous divine blessings can’t but make the faithful “shout for joy” through song to their God.
Ps 1
As the cleft protected child of God who has had their burdens lifted and been filled with number spiritual blessings prepares for the end there is no greater thought than that of being “clothed with Christ’s brightness and transported to meet Him in the sky.”
Clothed In His Brightness For Heaven On High
There is no greater goal for God’s children than eternity with God.
We battle each and every day for that opportunity of heaven one day.
We run the race with endurance each and every day for that opportunity of heaven one day.
We discipline ourselves each and every day for that opportunity of heaven one day.
One day for every Christian there is a crown waiting as promised.
A crown that represents victory with Christ.
A crown that represents victory over sin.
One day every Christian will clothed in Christ’s brightness and transported to meet Him in the sky where he/she will meet with the millions of others on high.
1 Th 4:
< .5
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> .9