August 5 - Jesus: Bread of Life
All right.
It's all good. So this morning I actually start with unplugging this microphone first came back quick start with a the scriptures. I were to intending to do this morning when I can have the children's message.
Has anyone in here actually made bread. I know I know a bunch of the back row. I know if you've been around for a while, you probably made some bread and some five. I know Becky has she makes the banana bread like all the time with the old like bananas different kinds of different kind of move. It needs to rise in order for it to not be sad end soon took to have the air pockets and all that when it comes out of the oven and needs to be done a specific way. It needs to be mixed this article. And if you're going to add things to it, you know, it could be like chocolate or nuts or we used to go down to this really nice place down in Wayne Wayne, Pennsylvania, and because that's where we're going to school and Saint Davids Eastern University and Really nice bread place. I forget the name of it can remember now, but it really nice bread. I mean they would put everything in there any babe. They have rolls would like pepperoni and cheese and one of them and in the other kind of bread. They had s'more bread that had chocolate and marshmallows. I know I'm making you all hungry before lunch and that's never a good thing to do but a different kinds of bread you got to put different things into it. This is the problem is that it changes the chemical composition of that bread. You know the 11 or did the yeast that you put into the bread needs to ferment in a particular way in order from to get the dough to rise to get at the proof is it when you change the chemical composition of anything it changes. What is the final product is so your bread might not rise to the level that you would like. It might not be as large as you would like. It might end up being something more dense. If you haven't experimented and saw what works and tried out a few things and in many different ways and and so you really are an artist and when you're trying to make different kinds of bread. Now I sometimes that Brad will just not end up taking well, if you can just put these things in and you haven't tried it out. I don't know about you, but I said 6 I know we we have a problem with being able to get the bread to rise of matter what we do in our last appointment. We just couldn't make it happen. I don't know why it must have been in the apartment on with the disciples finally there on a vacation. They're doing something and something good things together. They're spending time with each other and spending time with God so they can get refilled for the next thing that they need to do steps a part or a sign from people when he can When the Crowds Are hounding him. To be refilled in the presence of father. So when we don't do things when we don't take time to set ourselves apart and receive from God then we have nothing to give other people. Having Jesus needed this refilling and and so I say for not that much better than Jesus till we need to take out some time apart and receive from God so we can give to others. So they started questioning him the people started questioning him. How did they get there? How did he get there? When did they get there? All these things in Jesus actually ignores their question entirely by because they were focused on temporal things. How did when did you get there like
So he ignores it questions. He gets to the heart of the matter in Jesus, then turn it around and says what you're not here to to, you know receive the gifts of God in the miracles of god the good things of God. You're here. You're here to get more bread for Philly or here to get your tummy. Babe, they had her fill in they wanted more.
Adidas Raley pointed out to them that they could take it only be temporarily be fulfilled by the bread. So what they expected? For something that would sell them but it only be for the moment. Jesus was speaking from Isaiah 55:2 why spend money on what is not bread and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me and eat what is good and you will Delight in the richest of fare to in Jesus book. It wasn't just out of his own stuff with an atom his own head out of his own. No, it's immediate knowledge that he would have received an in training as a child. There is always some scriptural inside they came from God that he could speak into the lies of people even weren't talking about something as simple as eating some bread.
They still didn't get it. They wanted to know what they can get. You know how they can get the bread from God's installed. They wanted to do it themselves. They didn't want to go through somebody they didn't want to rely on Jesus. To do that for them. They wanted to get it from guys and selves. So that they wouldn't be hungry.
See there is no faith involve there. They wanted direct action from God and they wanted to do it themselves. Jesus said that they only had to believe in the one. Who is sent by God? Why did he say this? I mean he was purposefully being ambiguous. To see if they would bring up Moses. Why didn't Casey he said he said that they only have to believe the one sent by God for them being media thing anytime you say the the person sent by God. The one that was sent by God the one that gives from God for them automatically as juice. They're going to automatically take that as your meeting Moses cuz Moses products the word Moses Moses Moses.
Did Moses deliver them from Egypt? No, God deliver them from Egypt. Did Moses give them Mana know God gave them manna? Did Moses give them water Moses got angry struck a rock instead of speaking to the Rock like God told him to? And this is Vivian and yet God gave them water.
God let them out of the wilderness.
Moses was doing what he was told.
So when I did they told Jesus to prove that he was better than Moses.
Taylor still working at the temporal things. Are there still looking at Jesus and saying prove that you are the very best of Messiah the one that's over top of all the prophets and it's better than Moses. It were continuing the ministry of Moses. Hey, there were still looking for the rumaker the rule bringer.
And Jesus was trying to free them of that. He was trying to free them of the rules. I said set in their own heart.
Farthest didn't give them in a garden.
so when they were grumbling and not listening to instructions Then they didn't get pregnant when they were grumbling in the in the wilderness. They were sent for another how many years 40?
Because they were still grumbling and they were still complaining about the temporal things. I got to tell him to go about for another 40 years until whole another generation came into being and a whole nother generation can experience the blessings of God.
To see if they would trust God for their generation.
So they didn't get the point to Jesus at the stake. And you made every diculous statement that was hyper literal hyper literal is more than literal. So instead of
he was throwing it out there to see how they would take it and someone will take it. Everything very literally if you look at the book of the revelation. Has it back in Bible? There are different ways that we can interpret what it says and I use the book because that's the one book we seem to have the most problem with interpreting either you can take her literally and say that these things will actually having their I will actually be a a beast that people will Bow Down and Worship or there will be some other interpretation other than maybe that's person that people will you know, negin exonerate over all of the people. There are so many different ways that you can interpret the scriptures and whichever way that you are are looking and you can either look at now hyper literalism and we see things will actually be in their cribs with all the imagery that there is or you can take them as like Other scriptures from the prophets wear a 1-1 prophets talking about a wheel within a wheel turning up into heaven. And what does that mean? The inventory is that something happens? See all this stuff is either you can take a hyperloop literally. And say that Jesus is telling you to eat part of him in cannibalism.
Or it might trigger you into thinking. Okay. He cannot be talking about cannibalism. This has nothing to do with the Jewish faith that has nothing to do with anything else. He says the Beatitudes and everything that he said, you know at the beginning of his life in his ministry has nothing to do with you what he's saying here, so he must be saying something different. It must mean way more than we think it means.
Going home that they were going to have to eat them.
Feel the temporary belly is it is it is a temporary relief. I filled only the temporarily but we're ultimately left with wanting more. If we stop chasing after those things that are temporary those temporary conference those temporary fulfillment. What would happen if we start speaking after laughing relief?
If we left those things behind that can only fill this for the moment.
She didn't even as Christians. Has people who believe? Sometimes we use the blessings of God and the Miracles of God. for temporary relief To make it through this next week.
Are they smack next month? artist next year
and I know this because I have done this. And to just go from Sunday to Sunday waiting for getting together with people and feeling love and encouragement and that guidance in that one day. So that I can make it through the week.
And it wasn't enough. It never was enough because that would make it to the end of Monday or make it to the end of Tuesday and all those things that people cutting me off in traffic a bad grades in school and not doing well. It didn't, you know trying trying to find you no food for different meals, you know, being hungry getting distracted by movies or or whatever whatever entertainments were around any of this stuff would distract me from God and so living Sunday this Sunday was always a temporary relief. It would never be enough. And it definitely would not help me to grow. And so I had to change something I had to do something different. And so then every day I had to think about okay, maybe I do need to sit down and is due a devotion. So I started doing a devotion in the morning and it's been like 5 minutes with God and just reading that scripture passage and asking God what ways do I need to change? Lord change this part of my life I don't know what I'm doing. I'll leave it up to you. But I need change in this particular area and I would only focus on just that one thing for that morning. Why because I can't do it all at the same time. I don't never change my entire life in one shot. That's just not going to happen as much as we might pray for that as much as might we might want that the entire life does not change in one instance. It takes time. The beginning of a reversal is the turning back on those things that we need to get rid of but then we need to start walking in the ways that we need to go. In order to move farther away from it. Because if we don't move farther away, we are still close to those things. Sad, let us off the path in the first place.
So just started to do different things.
Saturday devotions in at midday starting to you know, looking into different songs that we did for worship and then and just sing them. You know, I'm at the end of the day just getting together with God and saying this is all the stuff that I did for the day. Is this what you wanted me to do?
How can I have done it different and how can I change what I'm going to do tomorrow? Because of the stuff that I didn't do today.
Pat connaughton an exam and nuts that's from older Christian tradition of Saint Benedict. It is an exam examined at the end of the day. Then the figure out what things I did good annoying things. I didn't how can I change tomorrow? Don't don't think about next week. Don't think about next month. Are you next year that's going to come but if we think about what our next step is supposed to be what we're going to do tomorrow that changes going to happen anyway, Jesus says until we are ready to accept the bread of life. We will continue to seek the temporary comfort. And then turning on turning on its head Diva said that particular bread of life is him. So Jesus says until we are ready to accept all of Jesus his words his teachings his ways. We will continue to sink after temporary conference and it's never going to fill us.
Did Jesus expect his disciples to be filled with him? So that other people can see God. through and see God Ennis in the things that we do. I mean everything that we do should be examined by that. Can you see Jesus sitting down in your place or doing the thing that you were doing right now? And I am talking to myself and you can ask my wife. She will tell you. I am not a perfect creature. I'm Not Jesus I'd mess up. I am wrong in that I have to continually correct myself. There's some things that I did yesterday that I regret.
And I will take the god in prayer and tell him to change. Because I don't want it. I don't need it. And it will continue to destroy me. So I need to let it go.
So I need to let Jesus be seen in my life and the things that I do.
So let's try not to experiment with the bread of life.
Cuz when we try to experiment the bread of life is going to go flat we're going to burn it. It's not going to turn out to be bred is going to be turned out to be a mess in the oven at 10.
Like we know how to improve it. Like I know how to improve my life.
Can you honestly say that you really now how to make yourself better? I don't I'll be honest with you. I don't I have to know I have to read into the word. I have to see what Jesus said. I have to go before Jesus on my knees in prayer and say I screwed up today.
I messed up I hurt my wife. I hurt my family.
Change me make me like you so they can see you and want to be like you not. Every want to be like me.
Nothing to do with me.
For the mission is go and make disciples. Jesus knowing who you are what you are and what you bring into the mix desus is still asking you to go. share him with other people