Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tendencies
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
Good Evening, tonight we continue with our study of the book of Revelation and we continue with God pouring out His wrath with these trumpet judgments.
We saw the first 4 trumpet judgments in and in we start out with the sounding of the 5th trumpet.
Revelation 9:
So we see that the star is referred to hear as a him here
Revelation 9:2
Now Hell is often referred to as the bottmless pit, Hell is also referred to as a furnace of fire.
It says that the angel that has the key to the bottomless pit he opens the bottmles pi, and smoke arises from the bottomless pit and the sun and air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
Revelation 9:
So these locusts instead of eating up all the greenery as locusts often do in the Bible.. and locusts is never a postive thing in the Bible.
Even in the US there have been plagues of locusts that have happened in the past, where locusts would come in and they would eat up all the plants, they would eat up all the crops and it was devastating to people because they plant the crops and they look forward to a harvest and then the locusts come in.
The locust is a migrating grasshopper, that devours grass.
These grasshoppers would come in and eat all of the plant life and just leave nothing behind and it was devastating to farmers and people who live in that area.
In the Bible there are similar things where locust come in and eat the greenery.
But these locusts that come out of Hell or the bottomless pit are different they are not going to touch any green thing.
They are only there to hurt the men that have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
Referring to to the fact that the 144,000 recieved that seal in their foreheads which caused them to be immune from that portion of God’s wrath.
So everyone left except for the ones sealed is being tormented by these horrible locusts whose sole purpose is to do nothing but to hurt human beings.
Now one thing I find interesting is that over and over again you find that the Bible makes reference to humanns being like grass.
Over and over again the Bible refers to humans being like grass and here the grass eating insects are not eating literal grass but instead they are biting people whom God sees as grass.
It says they strike like scorpions.
When I was a young boy and we lived in Carrabelle Florida I remember something crazy that happened in our beach house.
I went upstairs because we wanted to play football in the yard, we didnt have a ball so my grandad told me that upstairs there was a football under the dresser.
I reached up under that dresser and all of a sudden there was a burning pain like I had never experienced before.
When I pulled my hand out there was a baby scorpion under the dresser that stung me.
Now that thing was tiny and we have no idea how he ended up in the house but let me tell you it hurt and hurt bad for a few days before the pain began to subside.
Now here we see these locust from Hell tormenting men on the Earth for 5 months.
Now you say well how bad is this going to be?
How painful?
Well look what it says in verse 6
The Bible says that these people will be in so much pain and agony and burning from these scorpion like wounds that they will wish they were dead.
Why would they be looking like horses ready for battle.
Well throughout history horses have always worn some type of armor.
Some type of shielding for their bodies.
Let’s keep reading and we will get into more of that.
Now it doesnt say they will be wearing crowns but that their heads will be like crowns of gold, so this is saying that their heads will be pointy, their faces were like the faces of men.
So they do not have the faces of men but their faces are SIMILAR TO the faces of men, and it says they have hair like women, or long hair.
So imagine the terrifying sight of a swarm of these locusts toward you, these locusts are beating their wings and it sounds like horses running into battle.
These swarms will be coming so quickly and so concentrated that they will sound like horses coming into battle.
It says that they have brestplates like breastplates of iron, well think about this bugs have an exoskeloton right?
Which can be referred to as armor.
Certain bugs have such a strong exoskeleton that they are diffcult to crush, and probably all of us have had that bug that just would not die.
Your just stomping on it and it keeps moving.
Well these locusts you wont be able to step on them and kill them I dont beleive because this exoskeloton which is like iron is not going to be stomped on by your foot.
They are not going to able to be killed they are just gonna keep on coming.
150 days of this torment and people will wish they were dead to have some relief from the pain.
Now I want to spend some time on this verse because so many people have mistakenly been taught that apollyon is the devil.
Apollyon is NOT Satan.
Let me give you several reasons why this can NOT be satan:
HE has a completely different name
Now all throughout the book of Revelation we see that John calls the devil by name.
When he says and the dragon was cast out which is the devil or Satan.
The serpent which is Satan which is the dragon.
God is very clear over and over again in the book of Revelation when he is talking about the devil and he is consistently refrred to as the serpent the dragon, the devil, lucifer.
But never do we see him called Abaddon or Apollyon.
2. This is the wrong timing.
Satan does not fall from Heaven at the sounding of the 5th trumpet because if you remember the Bible is clear in
Daniel 12:1
So basically Michael cast the dragon out of Heaven which we read about in that takes place before the tribulation takes place, so Satan is cast out of Heaven before the tribulation not before the 5th trumpet there is nothing in the Bible that would indicate this timing for Satans fall for Heaven.
So first of all Satan and Abaddon have different names, second of all it is the wrong timing.
3. we see this same angel from the bottomless pit.
Remember it says in
So according to this verse Abaddon is the angel of the bottomless pit he is also the King over the locusts from Hell, and he also has the key of the bottomless pit.
Now go to , but before we read didn’t Jesus say in that He had the keys of Hell?
Revelation 1:
So wouldn’t it make sense that if Jesus has the key of Hell or the bottomless pit, that he would give it to His angel to open and that He wouldnt turn it over to Satan?
God is not going to turn something that He has the keys to over to Satan, He can turn it over to one of His servants, or one of His angels… and Abaddon is one of His servants.
He is an angel from Heaven that has the key to the bottomless pit, now let me prove it to you.
If Appolyon is Satan as these false teachers like to throw around then how does it makes sense in the angel of the bottomless pit casts Satan into Hell, i mean is this Satan casting Himself into Hell?
That makes no sense does it?
Look at
Revelation 20:1
So who is the one who has the power to bind Satan up and lock him away for a thousand years?
Thats Abaddon that’s the angel of the bottomless pit, and let me say this He is greater in power and might than Satan is is He not?
Because He is able to bind satan. he is able to throw Satan into the bottomless pit.
he casts out satan hey can Satan outcast Satan?
Therefore the angel of the bottomless pit is not satan,
different names
totally the wrong time frame
Appolyon is the one who binds Satan therefore he cannot be Satan
Satan is not a king of the bottomless pit
He does not rule in Hell, you know there is a false doctrine out there among Satanist who say, better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven...
No let me tell you something , satan worshippers and Satan himself will not rule in Hell you know what they’ll do?
They will be tormented in Hell along with everyone else.
Hell is the place where the devil will suffer and be tormented for all eternity.
The devil will not rule in Hell, the Bible teaches that the devil will be tormented in Hell, you know who rules in Hell?
God does.
God is the creator of Hell and he didnt create Hell for people, people were not destined for Hell, but when people reject Christ they reject Gods offering to go to the place created for them which is Heaven.
Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you, the only place God is preparing a place for people is in Heaven the only reason why people end up in Hell is because they reject the gospel of Jesus CHrist.
Abaddon who also goes by the name Appolyon has the key to the bottomless pit and he is going to lock Satan up.
So this idea that Satan is a king over the bottmless pit or ruling over Hell is a false doctrine which exalts Satan and gives him some sort of authority in Hell.
But Satan has no authority anywhere he is God’s devil and he does only what God allows him to do.
At this point in he hasn’t even been to Hell, right now he is roaming about on this Earth like a roaring lion seeking someone he may devour.
But let’s go a little deeper now.
Let’s look at the word Abaddon and Appolyon just to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt just to show you who he really is.
Did you know Abbaddon is used in the OT?
How about Appolyon?
Job 26
the word destruction there is the word abaddon in this verse, so that tells us that the word Abaddon means destruction and what is it associated with?
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