Philippians 10 - Look Up!
Reading: Philippians 4:2-9
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
I. Transformed Relationships
A. Differences between Sisters (2)
1. What was their problem? We don’t know.
a. But they were in a basic disagreement
b. Paul had said he wanted the Philippians to be like-minded (2:2)
2. Apparently this was big enough that it threatened their friendship.
a. It is inappropriate for Christian brothers or sisters to let differences sit unsettled.
b. Not that everything needs to be resolved
3. Paul mentions them by name.
a. You two, you need to work on your relationship.
b. They were well known as spiritual leaders.
B. Time for Someone to step in (3)
1. Paul doesn’t expect these mature Christians to do it alone
a. They had helped him out in his ministry they weren’t marginal Christians.
b. Still they had problems!
2. They had gotten stuck and needed help getting unstuck
a. This can happen to even the best of us.
b. When it does something is wrong and needs to be fixed
3. Paul chooses a someone he considered a companion (yokefellow) to help them
a. Paul describes his ministry as a ministry of reconciliation (2Cor.5:18-19)
b. A companion in the gospel ought to be able to help here.
C. Let’s all Get Along!
1. The Gospel is a message of reconciliation with God and each other.
a. Love God with everything and love each other.
b. It doesn’t mean you have to be best buddies with everyone.
c. It does mean we need to respect and look out for each other’s well-being.
2. Since we’re supposed to love each other, let’s love each other.
a. The command to love means we should love.
3. This doesn’t happen by accident!
a. Since we are all imperfect and have different gifts/personalities.
b. It’s work and sometimes hard and tearful, but it’s always good.
II. Transformed Emotions
A. Rejoice Always (4)
1. Rejoice in the Lord (4)
a. This isn’t just be happy about everything.
b. Rejoice because God is in everything.
2. In difficult circumstances
a. Sometimes bad things happen.
b. Still God is with us in them.
c. Sometimes our difficulties are for our own good and we know it!
3. When things go well.
a. God really does bless us.
b. I wonder if it disappoints God when he blesses us and we shrug. Rejoice!
B. Gentle with everyone (5)
1. Why gentle?
a. Opposite of annoyed, ill-tempered, harsh, agitated, harsh.
2. Gentle is also kind, tender, care-full.
a. One who uses a gossamer touch near wounds, or potential wounds.
3. Why do Christians need to be reminded to be gentle?
a. Unfortunately Christians are people ;-)
C. At Peace everywhere (7)
1. Don’t be anxious (6)
a. Not so much a command here as an invitation, I believe.
b. In place of anxiety, what? -->Prayer
2. The guardianship of God is peace (7)
a. A peace beyond understanding
b. And no less real for being beyond our comprehension!
III. Transformed Mind
A. Eight things to think about (8)
1. True, noble, right and pure.
a. True: Not false, or suspect. Known to be true
b. Noble: not rotten or debasing. Uplifting
c. Right: as in moral and just
d. Pure: as in holy, sanctified
2. Lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy
a. Lovely: opposite of gross
b. Admirable: has a good reputation
c. Excellent: Virtuous, morally best
d. Praiseworthy: Something acclaimed as good by God and people.
3. Think about/Consider/Meditate on
a. Dwell on these things.
b. Not other things
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Col. 3:1-2
c. It seems to me keeping our focus on God and what he has done for us through Jesus satisfies this perfectly
B. Put it into Practice (9)
1. Put the good message of Jesus into practice.
a. Christianity is not a religion for our heads alone.
b. Our goal isn’t to transcend reality but to bring the message of Jesus into it.
2. This will bring peace.
a. As a consequence
b. As a reward in this life
c. As an eternal reward.
The Bottom Line:
Live a life that Shows that it is Transformed by God in every way. |
(GHoF #334 Be Thou My Vision v.1)