Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Just yesterday, I had the awesome and honorable privilege to baptize my own daughter, Kayla, into the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
In this past year as your Pastor, I have been blessed to teach lessons from scripture that we have gone through together.
And as I taught and preached, I have found that YHWH has been putting us through the fire so that we might learn the truth through experience of what He have been teaching us for all this year.
And the reason I bring this up this morning is that it is evident for the last couple months, YHWH has been on a mission here at Grace to redeem and to restore fallen broken people to the abundant life of His Son for the praise of His Glory.
YHWH is always on a mission to redeem and to restore broken fallen people to the likeness of his Son for the praise of His glory.
And as YHWH does that, as YHWH begins to restore us to the likeness of His Son for the praise of His glory, He gives to people like us a mission, and our mission is to bear the glory of God to people who live in darkness.
The passage this morning: 1 Peter 4 actually has a statement about this and we are going to be in chapter 4 this morning but let me just have you flip back a couple chapters in your Bible to chapter 2 and let me just remind you of what Peter said to these people that he is talking to.
He says in verse 9,
YHWH is on a mission to redeem and to restore to the likeness of His Son for the praise of His glory are called out of darkness into marvelous light.
And the ones who Peter writes to--the dispersed Jews--they are to declare the praises of the one who did this.
For all of us, whether young or old in the faith, is that we continue the mission that YHWH has given to us all of our life for all of our days in all of our ways is to glorify God.
There is a very simple definition for that.
I know that theologically that is a much much bigger issue but there is a very simple way of reminding ourselves of what that meant to just simply meant to cause other people to come to right opinions and conclusions about YHWH.
Who He is and what He is like.
In order for God to do that and in order for God to take fallen broken people who have been redeemed and restore them to the image of his Son, He is going to have to put them in the kinds of experiences that He allowed His own Son to walk through.
And none of us had any idea of events, of losses, of trials that came in this past year to Grace.
None of us have any idea what is coming tomorrow.
I know that there have been times in my life of testing, of suffering, of trial.
Just like 1 Peter 5:7
We know there are seasons in our lives that we would describe as seasons of care, seasons of anxiety, seasons of trial, seasons of trouble.
And I know this that during those times particularly when those times are prolonged, when they are extended.
When they come suddenly, they have the potential to trip us up.
But when they are prolonged, when they are extended, and when they are unexplained they have the potential to derail us, to give satan the upper hand and discourage us from the mission that God has called us to do.
I know in my own life as I look back over those seasons into every life there come those seasons.
You can see in Job, Job went through a prolonged extended period of trial.
And the suffering that touch every area of his life: his possessions, his family, his health, his marriage and even his friends.
we can relate somewhat- which one of us have not experienced some measure of that?
Perhaps nowhere near the degree and for the length and to the extent that Job did.
But today we talk about the “patience of Job,” it has become a by word even these many millennia later simply because it is such a truth that does happen to us.
And when we go through extended periods of trial and we experience them through the circumstances of our life or through pain that comes into our life through god touching our life in some way or perhaps some betrayal of some close friend or some close family member.
Those times bring to us incredible questions.
We question everything: we question YHWH, we question ourselves: how long can we endure this?
How much more can we hear of this? how much more of this can we bear?
why are you allowing this?
What are you doing through this? what are you going to do about this?
And we then turn to scripture-because it really does speak and sometimes it sings--the very last thing that my soul wants to do in these times.
It's the very last thing my soul wants to do we got in the middle of restoring me to the likeness of his Son and He uses a trial that is extended, and painful, and prolonged trial-- the last thing I want to do is to be still.
The last thing I want to do is to be silent and I would say to you that often times it's during those periods of time in our lives and I can speak to this out of my own experience that we are most prone to sinful behaviors and sinful responses.
So how does Peter advise us about this? how does Peter talk to us about this?
We are going through these challenges as a church family.
Perhaps you, yourself, are not experiencing these trials such as surgeries, cancers, persistent temptations and blindness to sin, terminal illnesses, and deaths of family and friends perhaps as immediately and as directly as other people here.
But there is no question that as a church family, we all have been touched by recent things.
So what does Peter have to say?
I suggest to you that as we look at first Peter chapter 4 we're actually going to end up in verse 10 of chapter 5 so perhaps we should look there first and see where all of this is going and then work backwards through what Peter has to say.
Scripture Reading:
One of the reasons that we can trust God with the things that make us anxious is because he is concerned about us remember Peter talked about this in verse 7
So what is YHWH doing when we cast our cares on Him in the midst of prolonged suffering, in the midst of suffering that just seems to go on without any explanation?
What is our Father doing?
Peter is telling us here what God is doing: He is perfecting and establishing and strengthening and settling us so that we may be people who have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light that we may be the kind of people who can shine forth the praises of His glory to people who are still in darkness.
Peter gives us a couple practical considerations in light of trials: First,
I. Acknowledge the Trial
Suffering is real!
So as we look at what Peter has to say and you see right away in the middle of the text Peter acknowledges the reality of suffering and he doesn't attempt to explain it.
He just acknowledges that this is how God, or at least a way a very common way, in which YHWH restores people that He has redeemed to the image of His Son.
He acknowledges the reality of suffering.
Now looking at verse 10 back in chapter 4 let's just see what Peter has already said to these people that just heard him talking in verse 10.
Peter acknowledges suffering but that's not the first time they have heard him say something about this.
Verse 12 of chapter 4:
Peter is telling them that's because that is precisely what they are prone to conclude.
Suffering during trials are not part of God’s natural design.
Death is not natural!
Sickness is part of the unnatural curse brought on after the natural world God created with Adam and Eve.
They are prone to conclude that when a trial, or in this case a persecution, fierce, extended, and prolonged were to come upon them that this is unusual that this should not be the lot of a person that has become the special object of the affection of the Father-- a special object of affection by means of the ministry of the Son and obtained by the ministry of the Holy Spirit-- it shouldn't be the lot of someone who has had all of this direct attention and involvement by every Person of the member of the Godhead.
How could it be that this would be our lot?
And Peter says the people who are prone to think that way: Don't think that way.
And he continues:
Peter is assuming that everybody will suffer.
In light of all of this look at verse 19
So as you read this extended portion of chapter 4 and then you go back to chapter 5 verse 10 and Peter sort of wraps this up
“after you have suffered a little while”
This is what he's talking about: he is acknowledging the reality of suffering: it is inevitable-- it will come!
And when it comes, it is excruciatingly painful --he describes it as a fiery testing.
It is limited in length.
Peter in this Chapter 5 verse 10 when he talked about suffering, he talked about it being “for a little while.”
He is indicating that is this is not going to be the eternal lot of a believer.
That the limits and boundaries of the sufferings that God allows in the life of a believer for the perfecting and restoring to the image of His Son have been determined by Him.
There is a predetermined boundary to the suffering and it is necessary for God's work in our life.
So Peter acknowledges the reality of suffering and then Secondly he talked a little bit about the reason that God does this.
Accept the Trial
God has a reason for suffering
Even though we don't have a full explanation for why YHWH allows these kinds of testings and these kinds of trials to come into the life of a believer and sometimes those testings come through the circumstances of life that God allows and sometimes they come through the hand of a persecutor that comes into our life that God allows but they all ultimately come and are driven by the hand of the evil one who is attempting to destroy what YHWH is doing.
And god allows these things to happen and he has a reason for them.
And you can see that reason articulated here in verse 13
Peter is saying “if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God.”
God is attempting to do a number of things to the suffering that He brings into our life.
One of those things that He does is perfecting us.
He is completing us so that we may accomplish our mission.
Now it shouldn't surprise us because this is exactly what He did with His own Son- you can see this over in Hebrews 5:7 Talking about Jesus
There is no question that when Jesus prayed this way in the garden, He had no doubt that His Father was able to deliver Him from this.
So the writer of Hebrews wants you to understand that when The Father did not deliver the Son and didn't respond to His prayer for deliverance by delivering Him from the death to come, it wasn't because He wasn't able to do that.
You can see that in this verse and the next:
Jesus was equipped to do the mission that God called Him to accomplish through suffering.
It wasn't that in some way Jesus was ever disobedience to the Father or that he could be more obedient than He was as you know.
From what the scriptures teach and from what is required theologically of a perfect Savior, the Lord never sinned and didn't sin and wouldn't sin.
So whatever is going on here is it because he needed in some way to become better at obeying God this was YHWH taking Jesus through these experiences because these experiences were necessary for Him to have the context of an obedience that would procure your salvation.
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