Bergpredigt: Bitten, anklopfen, vertrauen
E. Bitten, anklopfen, staunen
E.1 Georg Müller
E.2 Jesus Christus
E.3 Der Sohn lehrt uns
1. BITTEN: Mit unseren Anliegen zu Gott kommen
1.1 Sich nicht zu schade sein zu bitten
“Ask” means to pray with humility and consciousness of need. “Seek” means to pray and to be active in pursuing God’s will. “
4599 Simply Let Buckets Down
A ship in distress off the Canadian coast, with its fresh water supply completely exhausted, sent out an S.O.S. for fresh water. The reply came back immediately: “Let your buckets down.” They had sailed into the fresh waters of the River St. Lawrence.
—A. Naismith
4601 Calling White House Direct
David Urey was desperate. His wife lay critically injured from an auto accident in West Virginia. Doctors said she needed immediate attention from a neurosurgeon if she were to survive.
Urey tried to charter a helicopter to fly her to Washington, D.C., where the nearest adequate medical care was available. He failed.
Finally he declared, “I’m going to call the White House.” It was a bold act, but as a result, President Nixon’s private helicopter was immediately dispatched to Urey’s aid.
1.2 Seine Bitten mit Gott prüfen
4605 Seeing More Of Heaven On Knees
Said the great and devout scientist, Sir Isaac Newton: “I can take my telescope and look millions and millions of miles into space, but I can lay it aside and go into my room, shut the door, get down on my knees in earnest prayer, and see more of heaven and get closer to God than I can assisted by all the telescopes and material agencies on earth.”
—Free Methodist
2. ANKLOPFEN: Mit Gott nachhaltig im Gespräch bleiben
2.1 Wir dürfen/sollen nachhaltig anklopfen
“Knock” seems to point toward persistence
“Knock” seems to point toward persistence
One of the great shaping personalities of Protestantism was Martin Luther. We sometimes have the impression that all this brilliant monk did was nail a list of protests on the church door in Wittenberg. Nothing could be further from the truth. He worked as an inspired man, preaching, lecturing, and writing daily. The complete edition of his papers runs into thousands of pages. He worked inconceivably hard, and yet in spite of all this, Luther managed to pray for an hour or two every day. He said he prayed because he had so much to accomplish. We are recipients of this hope, and in a world that is so corrupt and needy, we also need to pray.
2.2 Jesus klopft bei uns an
3. VERTRAUEN: Gott meint es gut mit uns
3.1 Wenn schon ein irdischer Vater sich um seine Kinder müht
4607 Glad To Take Her Across Street
A great man once said that of all the experiences of his life that he could remember, there was nothing that gave him such unmixed joy as when, on a crowded street of a great city, a little child looked up into his face, and put his tiny hand in his great one, and said, “Take me across the street to the other side.” It was an honor to the strong man to take that trusting child across the street to the other side.
Are there not streets ahead for you to cross? Is there some difficulty that you must meet, and do you need a strong arm to take you over to the other side? Put your hand in the hand of Christ. Simple confidence in Him will delight His heart.
—Choice Gleanings
3.2 So der himmlische Vater noch viel mehr
wie viel mehr awird euer Vater im Himmel Gutes geben denen