The Church Life of Woman
Proposition: We must resist the pressures from without and within that turn us away from God’s standards. Our ability, as the church of Christ, to evangelize and disciple this world depends on our commitment to functioning in a God ordained manner. Fads in dress, customs, music, philosophy, and administration will come and go, but in God’s word we have eternal principles for doing God’s work.
Sermon A: Internal purity
Introduction: Background Information
Timothy was the pastor of the church in Ephesus. Ephesus was the town where a temple to an idol named Diana was located.
Paul was writing to Timothy in order to help him with his pastoral duties. Timothy was younger than Paul and he was more like a son to Paul. Paul had encouraged Timothy to reamain in Ephesus in order to teach the Gospel. 1:3
I. In Like Manner Also
What we hope to find in the text today is some instruction for our women in the church today. In the epistles we have a wealth of instructions for the local church. Paul wrote letters to the different churches to help them deal with problems and to answer questions.
In first Timothy we have instruction to a young pastor on how to teach the people of the local church. In our text beginning at verse 9 we have instructions for how women are to behave themselves in the church of God.
What caught my eye in the ninth verse is the very first Greek word, “in like manner”.
A. What Maner?
Before we look to the instructions given we must first understand in which context they are given. The phrase “in like manner” makes it necessary to look back in the text. We must first understand what manner was first explained so that the comparison can correctly be made.
In verse 8 men are told to pray lifting up holy hands with out wrath and doubting. Lifting up holy hands speaks of actions. Without wrath and doubting speaks of emotions. Externally our actions are to be holy, and internally we are to be at peace; we are not to be angry or in disagreement.
B. Why?
Men are being instructed to pray in this manner, but why? To answer that question we must again back up in the text. Paul says, “I desire therefore” (emphasis added) in verse 8. When the word therefore is used it lets us know that some argument has just been concluded and based on this argument the current statement rest. This “therefore” is resting indirectly on a “therefore” in verse one. The “therefore” in verse one is resting on an argument in the first chapter. 1Timothy 1:18-20 discusses a charge made to Timothy. He is told to wage a good warfare, or in other words, to fight a good fight, having faith and a good conscience (emphasis added). Some had rejected the faith and were ship wrecked; therefore (v.1) exhortation for supplication, prayer, and intercession was made.
God’s desire for everyone to be saved and Jesus’ example should be the driving force for us to pray seriously for everyone.
Paul’s credentials listed in verse 7 rest on this desire of God. Our “therefore” in verse 8 has the weight of Paul’s credentials behind it. Since Paul has been appointed a preacher and apostle of such a loving God and Savior then his desire is for all men to pray with clean hands and a pure heart. In like manner women are asked to dress in modest apparel.
II. How Does a Woman's Wardrobe Factor in?
How a woman dresses speaks to how she wants to be viewed, and it also speaks to how she views herself.
A. Outward Modesty
When a woman is dressed in tight or revealing clothing a message is sent that this woman wants to be looked at, or she wants to be the center of attention. There is a difference between something that may be “sexy” and something that is plain trashy. It’s a fine line but there is no doubt when the line is crossed. Our text is not dealing with revealing clothes specifically, but the same principle is in play. Our text is forbidding dress that would be considered extravagant. The problem with the type of dress describe in verse 9 is not with the actual materials listed, but the problem is with the message sent by them.
A woman dressed in this manner would be conveying a message of being easy and available. Also this type of dress was expensive. In order to have our priorities straight we must make proper decisions when determining how much to spend on clothing.
A woman of God should dress in a manner that sends the message that she belongs to Christ her King.
B. Internal Beauty
Our culture has sent the wrong message of what it means for a woman to be beautiful. In rap videos women dressed in next to nothing are paraded around like pieces of meat. On television shows women compete to be models. These women have to be a certain size and look a certain way. The message that is sent to many of our young ladies makes them think that this is what it means to be beautiful, but as a woman of God this bondage must be broken. The most immediate and simplest way to break free of these lies is in what you wear. When a woman knows she has Jesus’ love she doesn’t need to use what she wears to feel loved or pretty. When a woman’s sense of beauty and importance is not dependant on the cultures, then she is freed to be the woman that God intended her to be.
She is free to do what the Lord says do.
Conclusion: I Issue a Challenge - Look inside yourself.
Do you feel prety as woman? If so why? If not Why not? Before you can move on to the actions of a woman of God you must first deal with the internal issues in your life. I challenge every woman in here to do some old fashion soul searching. Answer this question: What makes you beautiful?
Are you depending on you clothes or hairstyle to feel pretty? Can you look inside to who you are and know that you are loved for who you are, and not for what you wear or what you do.
Sermon B:Woman's Silence in Church