Title: Being An Example Of Believers
Main Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:12-16
Introduction: Let no man despise thy youth...
I. Being An Example Of Believers
A. In Word
B. In Conversation
C. In Charity
D. In Spirit
E. In Faith
F. In Purity
II. How To Be A Better Example Of Believers
A. Give Attendance
1. To Reading
2. To Exhortation
3. To Doctrine
B. Neglect Not Your Gifts
C. Meditate Upon Those Things
III. Continuing To Be An Example Of Believers
Close: I Beseech You Brethren
Other Scripture:
Matthew 5:14-16
Matthew 12:36
1 Peter 1:15
Philippians 4:9
1 Corinthians 12:11
Romans 12:1-2