The cross is central to the Christian faith. Through our belief in the redemptive and resurrection acts of God in His Son we identify and are unified in Christ. All division and disunity are diminished due to the cross of Jesus.
The purpose of Paul’s writing was to eradicate divisive leadership in the church.
This text teaches us to unify and get rid of division
The Church in the 21st century, like, in centuries past
The church past and present has had to struggle with maintaining the value
The church past and present has had to struggle with maintaining the value of oneness. What God has established in creation because of sin we have disagreed, divided, and distorted His holy intentions.
What does Paul desire of the church?
Be unified
Strive for unity
What was going on in the Corinthian church that’s similar to the Church of this present age? What’s potentially the issue in FBC? I’m glad you asked the question…If we are going to be the Christians/Church we must seek the Beauty of Unity.
Unity is central in our Christian Identity (v.10-11)