The Family Unit Part 2
The Family Unit Part 2
The Family Unit Part 2
a. God’s purpose for marriage is to create families
Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”
In which children have the benefit of parents who provide the best upbringing possible. For this to occur, parents must fulfill their
i. Who has our children’s heart?
Who has our children’s heart?
His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
says “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
In our society today, numerous distractions and dangers compete for the hearts of our sons and daughters.
2. In our society today, numerous distractions and dangers compete for the hearts of our sons and daughters.
Most of us fathers and mothers would unintentionally neglect this utmost important relationship.
As a father, we ultimately have the responsibility to guard and sheild our sons and daughters, and leading by example, to turn their hearts toward God.
Responsibilities of the Father
Responsibilities of the Father
. Responsibilities of the Father i. PROVIDE LIFE’S NECESSITIES...1. Parents ought to provide for their children – a. (ESV) 14 Here for the third time I am ready to come to you. And I will not be a burden, for I seek not what is yours but you. For children are not obligated to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.2. A man who fails to do so for his family is worse than an infidel – a. (ESV) 8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. ii. DO NOT PROVOKE CHILDREN TO WRATH...1. This admonition found twice in the Scriptures - ; Col 3:212. By unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger – Barnes3. Lest by your continually finding fault with them, they should lose all courage, and despair of ever pleasing you - ibid. iii. PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. In the training (discipline, ESV) and admonition (instruction, ESV) of the Lord - Ep 6:42. Training by way of instruction - e.g., ; ; . Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heartb. Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf. -153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
PROVIDE LIFE’S NECESSITIES...1. Parents ought to provide for their children – a. (ESV) 14 Here for the third time I am ready to come to you. And I will not be a burden, for I seek not what is yours but you. For children are not obligated to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.2. A man who fails to do so for his family is worse than an infidel – a. (ESV) 8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. ii. DO NOT PROVOKE CHILDREN TO WRATH...1. This admonition found twice in the Scriptures - ; Col 3:212. By unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger – Barnes3. Lest by your continually finding fault with them, they should lose all courage, and despair of ever pleasing you - ibid. iii. PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. In the training (discipline, ESV) and admonition (instruction, ESV) of the Lord - Ep 6:42. Training by way of instruction - e.g., ; ; . Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heartb. Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf. -153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
PROVIDE LIFE’S NECESSITIES...1. Parents ought to provide for their children – a. (ESV) 14 Here for the third time I am ready to come to you. And I will not be a burden, for I seek not what is yours but you. For children are not obligated to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.2. A man who fails to do so for his family is worse than an infidel – a. (ESV) 8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. ii. DO NOT PROVOKE CHILDREN TO WRATH...1. This admonition found twice in the Scriptures - ; Col 3:212. By unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger – Barnes3. Lest by your continually finding fault with them, they should lose all courage, and despair of ever pleasing you - ibid. iii. PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. In the training (discipline, ESV) and admonition (instruction, ESV) of the Lord - Ep 6:42. Training by way of instruction - e.g., ; ; . Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heartb. Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf. -153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Parents ought to provide for their children –
Now I am coming to you for the third time, and I will not be a burden to you. I don’t want what you have—I want you. After all, children don’t provide for their parents. Rather, parents provide for their children.
(ESV) 14 Here for the third time I am ready to come to you. And I will not be a burden, for I seek not what is yours but you. For children are not obligated to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.2. A man who fails to do so for his family is worse than an infidel – a. (ESV) 8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. ii. DO NOT PROVOKE CHILDREN TO WRATH...1. This admonition found twice in the Scriptures - ; Col 3:212. By unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger – Barnes3. Lest by your continually finding fault with them, they should lose all courage, and despair of ever pleasing you - ibid. iii. PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. In the training (discipline, ESV) and admonition (instruction, ESV) of the Lord - Ep 6:42. Training by way of instruction - e.g., ; ; . Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heartb. Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf. -153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
A man who fails to do so for his family is worse than an infidel –
(ESV) 8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. ii. DO NOT PROVOKE CHILDREN TO WRATH...1. This admonition found twice in the Scriptures - ; Col 3:212. By unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger – Barnes3. Lest by your continually finding fault with them, they should lose all courage, and despair of ever pleasing you - ibid. iii. PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. In the training (discipline, ESV) and admonition (instruction, ESV) of the Lord - Ep 6:42. Training by way of instruction - e.g., ; ; . Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heartb. Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf. -153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.
This admonition found twice in the Scriptures -
This admonition found twice in the Scriptures - ; Col 3:212. By unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger – Barnes3. Lest by your continually finding fault with them, they should lose all courage, and despair of ever pleasing you - ibid. iii. PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. In the training (discipline, ESV) and admonition (instruction, ESV) of the Lord - Ep 6:42. Training by way of instruction - e.g., ; ; . Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heartb. Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf. -153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.
Col 3:212. By unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger – Barnes3. Lest by your continually finding fault with them, they should lose all courage, and despair of ever pleasing you - ibid. iii.
Fathers, do not aggravate your children, or they will become discouraged.
Col 3:212. By unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger – Barnes3. Lest by your continually finding fault with them, they should lose all courage, and despair of ever pleasing you - ibid. iii.
By unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger – Barnes
Lest by your continually finding fault with them, they should lose all courage, and despair of ever pleasing you - ibid.
In the training (discipline, ESV)
and admonition (instruction, ESV) of the Lord
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.
Training by way of instruction - e.g.,
Eph. 6:42
Eph 6:42 ESV
Ephesians 6:42
Training by way of instruction - e.g.,
And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
; ; . Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heartb. Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf. -153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
he added: “Take to heart all the words of warning I have given you today. Pass them on as a command to your children so they will obey every word of these instructions.
; . Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heartb. Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf. -153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
We will not hide these truths from our children;
we will tell the next generation
about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
about his power and his mighty wonders.
For he issued his laws to Jacob;
he gave his instructions to Israel.
He commanded our ancestors
to teach them to their children,
so the next generation might know them—
even the children not yet born—
and they in turn will teach their own children.
. Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heartb. Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf. -153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Note that the Word must first be in the father’s heart
Then the father can lead his family like Joshua led his family - cf.
-153. Training by way of example - considering the following: When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv. PROVIDE LOVING DISCIPLINE...1. Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children – -102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
“So fear the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord alone. But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”
Training by way of example - considering the following:
When the father is an active believer, there is about a seventy-five percent likelihood that the children will also become active believers. But if only the mother is a believer, this likelihood is dramatically reduced to fifteen percent. – Keith Meyering, Discipleship Journal, #49, p.41 iv.
Even as our heavenly Father disciplines His children –
-102. Even though it may be unpleasant at times - ; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
For the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.”
As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? If God doesn’t discipline you as he does all of his children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really his children at all. Since we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn’t we submit even more to the discipline of the Father of our spirits, and live forever?
For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness.
Even though it may be unpleasant at times -
No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
; cf. . From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
. From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...b. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOTHERS i. LOVE THEIR CHILDREN...1. As older women were to admonish younger women - Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children.
Those who love their children care enough to discipline them.
18 Discipline your children while there is hope.
Otherwise you will ruin their lives.
15 A youngster’s heart is filled with foolishness,
but physical discipline will drive it far away.
13 Don’t fail to discipline your children.
The rod of punishment won’t kill them.
14 Physical discipline
may well save them from death.
15 To discipline a child produces wisdom,
but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child.
17 Discipline your children, and they will give you peace of mind
and will make your heart glad.
Discipline involves pain
Not the same as punishment
- Goal of punishment is to punish
- Goal of discipline is to learn from it
Standing on the sidewalk with your three-year-old, she pulls away from you and starts running toward a busy street. To her, it is a game, but to you, it is a life-threatening situation. You grab her just as she heads into the street and deliver a swift smack on the bum with an admonition, “No running in the street!” Startled, she stops. Have you just committed a crime?
Standing on the sidewalk with your three-year-old, she pulls away from you and starts running toward a busy street. To her, it is a game, but to you, it is a life-threatening situation. You grab her just as she heads into the street and deliver a swift smack on the bum with an admonition, “No running in the street!” Startled, she stops. Have you just committed a crime?
People disagree on whether spanking is good or bad. Many European countries have banned spanking outright. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has outlawed all physical discipline, even within families. However, the vast majority of American parents spank their young children at some point, and most Americans believe that spanking is a legitimate form of discipline. Although less common than it used to be, spanking is pervasive in our society. However, anyone who spanks a child should know that sometimes spanking has criminal consequences. While all states currently permit spanking at home, some states have outlawed spanking in schools and day-cares, and most states discourage or outlaw spanking in foster homes and institutions for children.
From the responsibilities of fathers, let’s now move on to...
As older women were to admonish younger women -
Tit 2:42. For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection - Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children,
For sin can lead to a lack of proper affection
Ro 1:313. Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii. MANAGE THEIR HOUSEHOLDS...1. A primary responsibility of the wife and mother - ; 1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy.
Tragically, more than 200 women kill their children in the United States each year - American Anthropological Association ii.
A primary responsibility of the wife and mother -
to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.
1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
So I advise these younger widows to marry again, have children, and take care of their own homes. Then the enemy will not be able to say anything against them.
1Ti 5:142. An important quality of the virtuous woman - -313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
An important quality of the virtuous woman -
-313. The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii. HELP PROVIDE SPIRITUAL TRAINING...1. Especially when male leadership is lacking2. As seen in the case of Timothya. His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek - . Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
She is more precious than rubies.
Her husband can trust her,
and she will greatly enrich his life.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
She finds wool and flax
and busily spins it.
She is like a merchant’s ship,
bringing her food from afar.
She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household
and plan the day’s work for her servant girls.
She goes to inspect a field and buys it;
with her earnings she plants a vineyard.
She is energetic and strong,
a hard worker.
She makes sure her dealings are profitable;
her lamp burns late into the night.
Her hands are busy spinning thread,
her fingers twisting fiber.
She extends a helping hand to the poor
and opens her arms to the needy.
She has no fear of winter for her household,
for everyone has warm clothes.
She makes her own bedspreads.
She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns.
Her husband is well known at the city gates,
where he sits with the other civic leaders.
She makes belted linen garments
and sashes to sell to the merchants.
She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.
When she speaks, her words are wise,
and she gives instructions with kindness.
She carefully watches everything in her household
and suffers nothing from laziness.
Her children stand and bless her.
Her husband praises her:
“There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
but you surpass them all!”
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Reward her for all she has done.
Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.
The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, government, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, law, religion, energy and management. Anyone who can handle all those has to be somebody special. She is. She’s a homemaker. - Richard Kerr quoted in Homemade, Feb. 1989 iii.
She helps with the spiritual training especially when male leadership is lacking
As seen in the case of Timothy
His mother was a Jew, his father a Greek -
. Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised - cf. . But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Paul went first to Derbe and then to Lystra, where there was a young disciple named Timothy. His mother was a Jewish believer, but his father was a Greek.
Perhaps contributing to Timothy not being circumcised, when he was a child - cf.
But Timothy had become a disciple, well spoken of - . His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
so Paul wanted him to join them on their journey. In deference to the Jews of the area, he arranged for Timothy to be circumcised before they left, for everyone knew that his father was a Greek.
But Timothy had become a disciple, well thought of an well spoken of -
. His faith positively influenced by his grandmother andmother - cf. 2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Timothy was well thought of by the believers in Lystra and Iconium,
His faith was positively influenced by his grandmother and mother - cf.
I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you.
2Ti 1:53. Too often, fathers neglect spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slackc. THE CHILDREN’S RESPONSIBILITY i. As Fathers provide for them and raise them in the way of the Lord and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii. OBEY YOUR PARENTS!1. IN THE LORD, FOR THIS RIGHT...a. The charge as found in . "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Too often, fathers become busy with providing financially for their families they neglect the spiritual training, leaving mothers to pick up the slack
Together as parents we can make a difference in our children
TO MY CHILD: Things I Can and Cannot Do (author unknown)
I can share your life, but I cannot live it for you.
I can teach you things, but I cannot make you learn.
I can give you directions, but I cannot always lead you.
I can allow you freedom, but I cannot account for it.
I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe.
I can teach you right from wrong, but I cannot decide for you.
I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you.
I can teach you to be a friend, but I cannot make you be one.
I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you be unselfish.
I can teach you respect, but I cannot force you to show honor.
I can tell you the facts of life, but I cannot build your reputation.
I can tell you lofty goals, but I cannot achieve them for you.
I can teach you to obey, but I cannot answer for your actions.
I can warn you about sins, but I cannot make you moral.
I can love you as my child, but I cannot place you in God's family.
I can pray for you, but I cannot make you walk with God.
I can teach you about Jesus, but I cannot make Him your Savior.
I can teach you about prayer, but I cannot make you pray.
I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you eternal life.
As Fathers provide for their children and raise them in the way of the Lord, and Mothers who love them and care for them; the children will be willing and able to do their portion of responsibilities ii.
The charge as found in
Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do.
. "in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to doc. Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf. . "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
"in the Lord" means that this is what the Lord wants you to do
Even as Jesus Himself obeyed His parents - cf.
. "for this right" implies that disobeying parents is wronge. Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf. 1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Then he returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. And his mother stored all these things in her heart.
"for this is right" implies that disobeying parents is wrong
Indeed, rebellion is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry - cf.
1Sam 15:232. IN ALL THINGS, FOR THIS IS WELL PLEASING TO THE LORD...a. The charge as found in . "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft,
and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols.
So because you have rejected the command of the Lord,
he has rejected you as king.”
This exhortation is found in
. "in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf. . When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.
"in all things" presumes in harmony with God’s will - cf.
But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority.
. When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!d. The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e. ,; ; . Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
When children obey their parents, the Lord is pleased!
The OT clearly reveals God’s displeasure when children disobey their parents, and how seriously it was taken back then - cf.e.
“Anyone who strikes father or mother must be put to death.
“Kidnappers must be put to death, whether they are caught in possession of their victims or have already sold them as slaves.
“Anyone who dishonors father or mother must be put to death.
“Suppose a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or mother, even though they discipline him. In such a case, the father and mother must take the son to the elders as they hold court at the town gate. The parents must say to the elders, ‘This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious and refuses to obey. He is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of his town must stone him to death. In this way, you will purge this evil from among you, and all Israel will hear about it and be afraid.
The eye that mocks a father
and despises a mother’s instructions
will be plucked out by ravens of the valley
and eaten by vultures.
Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...]
. Children can be thankful their Christian parents do not live under the OT, but the NT! Nonetheless, disobedience is not to be taken lightly. Nor is obeying parents to be done begrudgingly...] iii. HONOR YOUR PARENTS!1. BOTH FATHER AND MOTHER...a. As charged in . One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
As commanded in
. One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf. ; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
“Honor your father and mother.” This is the first commandment with a promise:
One of the Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses - cf.
“Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
; . To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
. To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksend. Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect2. TO RECEIVE THE PROMISE...a. The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise - Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
“Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God commanded you. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
To honor implies to love, to regard highly, to show the spirit of respect and consideration – Hendriksen
Thus obedience to one’s parents is to be rendered in love and with respect
The command to honor one’s parents came with a promise -
“Honor your father and mother.” This is the first commandment with a promise: If you honor your father and mother, “things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.”
Ep6:2-3b. "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf. . This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
"that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." - cf.
“Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God commanded you. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
. This promise is true in general; there are often exceptions (e.g., Jesus)d. But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from theme. From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!f. Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well! i. [The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...] iv. SUPPORT YOUR PARENTS1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
This promise is true in general; there are some exceptions (e.g., Jesus)
But a child who loves and respects his or her parents is more likely to benefit from them
From their wisdom, but also from God’s providential care!
Disrespect your parents, you incur both their wrath and God’s as well!
[The duty of children to honor their parents does not end when they leave the home. When mothers and fathers become aged, children have the duty to...]
1. AS TAUGHT BY JESUS...a. When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions – . The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
When He exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees’ traditions –
Jesus replied, “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote,
‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship is a farce,
for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.’
For you ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition.”
Then he said, “You skillfully sidestep God’s law in order to hold on to your own tradition. For instance, Moses gave you this law from God: ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and ‘Anyone who speaks disrespectfully of father or mother must be put to death.’ But you say it is all right for people to say to their parents, ‘Sorry, I can’t help you. For I have vowed to give to God what I would have given to you.’ In this way, you let them disregard their needy parents. And so you cancel the word of God in order to hand down your own tradition. And this is only one example among many others.”
. The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children - . Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
The command to honor one’s parents implied care by adult children -
. Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!2. AS TAUGHT BY PAUL...a. In teaching concerning the care of widows - ,. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
But you say it is all right for people to say to their parents, ‘Sorry, I can’t help you. For I have vowed to give to God what I would have given to you.’ In this way, you let them disregard their needy parents.
Thus the duty to love, respect, and care for parents never ends!
In teaching concerning the care of widows -
3 Take care of any widow who has no one else to care for her. 4 But if she has children or grandchildren, their first responsibility is to show godliness at home and repay their parents by taking care of them. This is something that pleases God.
5 Now a true widow, a woman who is truly alone in this world, has placed her hope in God. She prays night and day, asking God for his help. 6 But the widow who lives only for pleasure is spiritually dead even while she lives. 7 Give these instructions to the church so that no one will be open to criticism.
8 But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.
9 A widow who is put on the list for support must be a woman who is at least sixty years old and was faithful to her husband. 10 She must be well respected by everyone because of the good she has done. Has she brought up her children well? Has she been kind to strangers and served other believers humbly? Has she helped those who are in trouble? Has she always been ready to do good?
11 The younger widows should not be on the list, because their physical desires will overpower their devotion to Christ and they will want to remarry. 12 Then they would be guilty of breaking their previous pledge. 13 And if they are on the list, they will learn to be lazy and will spend their time gossiping from house to house, meddling in other people’s business and talking about things they shouldn’t. 14 So I advise these younger widows to marry again, have children, and take care of their own homes. Then the enemy will not be able to say anything against them. 15 For I am afraid that some of them have already gone astray and now follow Satan.
16 If a woman who is a believer has relatives who are widows, she must take care of them and not put the responsibility on the church. Then the church can care for the widows who are truly alone.
3 Take care of any widow who has no one else to care for her. 4 But if she has children or grandchildren, their first responsibility is to show godliness at home and repay their parents by taking care of them. This is something that pleases God.
Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents-
Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd.
. Children (and grandchildren) are to repay their needy parents- . Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
. Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd. Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel - 1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
But if she has children or grandchildren, their first responsibility is to show godliness at home and repay their parents by taking care of them. This is something that pleases God.
Thus we are to provide security for our parents and grandparents as neededd.
Failure to do so denies the faith, and makes one worse than an infidel -
1Ti 5:83. CONCLUSIONa. Blessed are the homes in which...· Fathers fulfill their responsibilities · Mothers fulfill their responsibilities· Children fulfill their responsibilities i. No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short... ii. But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can b. Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed i. Finally, some food for thought: Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]2. Include faith in normal conversations.3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]4. Be authentic.5. Serve together6. Pray for your children and with them.7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smithc. The responsibilities of children are clear... i. Obey your parents! ii. Honor your parents! iii. Support your parents!
But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.
Blessed are the homes in which...·
Fathers fulfill their responsibilities ·
Mothers fulfill their responsibilities·
Children fulfill their responsibilities
No home is perfect, and as fathers and mothers we often fall short...
But with God’s grace and mercy, let us do the best we can
Let us give our children the guidance that they may succeed where we have failed
Finally, some food for thought:
Seven Ways To Impact Your Child’s Faith
1. Model a growing and personal faith. [If they don’t see it, they won’t catch it.]
2. Include faith in normal conversations.
3. Be well-rounded. [Don’t compartmentalize your faith.]
4. Be authentic.5.
Serve together
6. Pray for your children and with them.
7. Learn and communicate love in their language. -- The Relaxed Parent by Tim Smith
The responsibilities of children are clear...
Obey your parents!
Honor your parents!
Support your parents!