Body Life - Chapters 8-13 - #5
INTRODUCTION: God wants church – messenger of hope & antidote to an uncaring & dysfunctional world.
PROPOSITION: Are You / Are We going to let God accomplish this é through GFC?
TRANSITION: If we want fulfilledé, there are four actions that we need to incorporate into our walk of faith.
1. Learn to discern between the spirits (and those claiming to speak by the Holy Spirit). Vs 1-3 (cf – Mark 13:14-23)
Not every “Manifestation Of The Spirit” is from God’s Spirit. (Flesh / Demonic Activity)
2. Embrace the unique and diverse ways that God distributes and enables Christians to use His gifts. Vs. 4-6
A. There is diversity among these gifts. Vs. 4
B. These spiritual gifts all come from God and are empowered by His Spirit. (Not natural abilities or demonically given.)
C. We apply these gifts in many different settings. Vs 5
· Two people may have the same gift, but the use of their gifts can be very different from the other.
D. God produces may diverse results from the gifts he has given us. Vs. 6
· Two people may have the same gift, but the fruit of the gifts can be very different from the other.
E. Two important Application Questions.
Let me predicate these questions with two assumptions:
1) I am assuming that the people we refer to are seeking to live God directed & Spirit filled lives.
2) I am assuming that the people we refer to are living with accountability and under authority.
Q – Are you willing to let God operate outside of your box?
Q – Without demanding conformity, are you willing to accept others differences as lessons that God has provided to
help complete us(you) and further conform us(you) to the image of Christ.
3. Recognize who these gifts are for. --------------- These Gifts are given for the common good Vs. 7
· These gifts are not about ME, they are for the benefit of US, the church.
· God expects us to communally benefit from how He has gifted each of us individually.
· YOU have something to contribute and YOU have something that we communally need. (Vs. 12-26)
4. As you exercise your gifts or seek other gifts, examine your motives Vs. 27-31
A. Why do you desire the “GREATER” gifts?
B. Before you seek OTHER gifts, have you honed for maximum impact and corporate benefit the gift you already have ?
C. What are the greater gifts?
· The church ought to desire the most helpful gifts so that it can function well. It would be incorrect to interpret
Paul as saying “desire the most helpful gifts” to mean “seek the gifts from the top of the list” (Life Application BC)
· Although the phrase has generally been interpreted as Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthians to seek after the more spiritually profitable gifts, it possible that Paul is stating that the Corinthians were improperly desiring the gifts that would bring attention to themselves. In other words, he is telling them that although they desire
this sort of gift, he wants to show them a more excellent way, the way of love. (Nelson Study Bible)
D. I believe that the key to understanding the statement of “eagerly desiring the greater gifts” is found in the last
phrase – “And now I will show you the most Excellent Way.”
· Are we desiring what encourages a relationship of Love and a Loving Community?
· We have come full circle. Paul finishes his challenge on community by returning to His call to love from 8:1,
calling us to love and then explaining what Love is all about in Chapter 13. (Mothers Day Message)
Give Summary / Review of this series together
The church ought to desire the most helpful gifts so that it can function well. It would be incorrect to interpret Paul as saying “desire the most helpful gifts” to mean “seek the gifts from the top of the list” [1]
Although the phrase has generally been interpreted as Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthians to seek after the more spiritually profitable gifts, it possible that Paul is stating that the Corinthians were improperly desiring the gifts that would bring attention to themselves. In other words, he is telling them that although they desire this sort of gift, he wants to show them a more excellent way, the way of love [2]
[1]Barton, B. B., & Osborne, G. R. (1999). 1 & 2 Corinthians. Life Application Bible Commentary (Page 182). Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House.
[2]Nelson Study Bible. 1997 (electronic ed.) (1 Co 12:31). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.