Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Hidden Message
Not Everyone Will Spread the Word
Selectively given
One reason for this parable is to expose the condition of the heart.
It is not a lesson on Justification.
Spreading the Word is dependent upon the condition of the heart.
Spreading the word is intended to produce a crop.
This is the goal for those given the secrets of the kingdom.
Today, the secrets are revealed through God the Holy Spirit in conjunction with prayer, obedience, Word of God, exalting the Father, and relationships.
Believers should constantly be spreading the word and look for the good soil hearts.
Churches, which are called to make disciples that make disciples need to identify hearts.
God works through those whose hearts reflect the good soil to spread into other areas.
It is the good soil that produces.
It is the good soil that will invade other areas.
There is a path behind our camp that remains hidden most of the year.
Ferns cover the path in the summer.
However, as the ferns die off the path reappears.
The hardened soil is resistant to grass.
However, the paths still give way to seedlings that break up the soil.
Being a Discipleship is Expected
Discipleship is a natural and expected part of salvation.
Notice I didn’t say Justification.
disciple n. — a student who adheres to (and travels with) a teacher in a pedagogical relationship; especially used of students of spiritual leaders.
The first point of Salvation involves a declaration.
Upon placing ones faith upon the substitutionary atonement in Jesus Christ, an unsaved person is sealed and identified as Spiritually alive and placed into the family of God.
The second point of salvation is sanctification.
This means a believer is striving to live a life pleasing to the Father.
Our example to follow is found in the humanity of Jesus Christ.
It is under the aspect of sanctification that Persecution followed the early church.
To be a follower of Jesus Christ included a promise of persecution.
Today, we live in a whole different experience.
We can believe and still avoid the consequences of persecution.
All we have to do is blend in.
Yet to be a follower of Christ puts the world’s values in competition.
“You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God?
Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.” (, NIV)
Scripture teaches that God has an expectation for every believer.
That call is to Follow!
Called to Follow not Gather
Jesus’ disciples followed with gratitude and worship.
Their salvation resulted in a willingness to join and support.
Luke 7:50-
In contrast there were those who simply gathered.
Jesus did not reveal the message to those who gathered but to those who followed.
Today the Holy Spirit gives insight to believers who are defined as disciples.
All believers are Called to Serve:
Looking for the Responsive: Jesus’ followers responded to His call.
Contrast between the women and the large crowds.
The women joined Jesus and the 12 and supported them out of their own means.
I believe that scripture is very clear in the expectation of believers.
I also believe there is a pattern presented for us to follow.
We are called to spread the word.
Once shared we are to observe or look for those who have a heart to produce.
It was those followers who Christ invested His life and message.
It seems there are two groups presented.
One group is following Christ and are identified as His disciples.
The second group are those who were coming and gathering.
To whom were the secrets of the Kingdom given.
It was given to His followers, His disciples!
Along the path = unsaved
Rocky Ground = no root and they fall away
Thorny Ground = choked out
Good soil = producing a crop
Looking for the Responsive: Jesus’ followers responded to His call.
Contrast between the women and the large crowds.
The women joined Jesus and the 12 and supported them out of their own means.
Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear -
Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear -
The follower: those who were called, those who were healed.
The large crowd.
Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear
The disciples didn’t understand the parable
parable (Jesus) n. — a figurative narrative in which the duties of men or the spiritual matters of God are portrayed (in a simple and often rustic manner); especially concerning the nature and history of God’s kingdom.
Hear the Word:
Satan steals the word from them
self ⇔ heart n. — the locus of a person’s thoughts (mind), volition, emotions, and knowledge of right from wrong (conscience).
Locus: center or focus - Intense concentration
Disciples Spread the Word
Luke 8:16-
Luke emphasized the point of discipleship with the order of his letter.
No one lights a lamp and hides the light.
No, on the contrary the light is intended to be bright and illuminating.
There is a thread of fear found in every local church.
It is the fear of upsetting people.
It is a fear that waters down the call of Christ to follow.
It is a fear that waters down a vision making it short-sighted and worldly.
It is a mission that is developed on the soil of people’s hearts rather than the call of God to follow Christ.
Robert L (Bob) Deffinbaugh
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9