Wisdom - Chapters 1-2 - #2
INTRODUCTION: Last Week, we identified a few important truths about wisdom.
1. There are many different definitions on what it means to be wise.
2. Wisdom is more than having and applying a value system.
3. We need a wisdom system, and Jesus has become for us Wisdom from God.
PROPOSITION: If you want to know Wisdom, you need to start to delve into God.
TRANSITION: This morning, I would like to look at our response to two truths of wisdom.
A. Truth #1 – Pursue the M & M’s of Wisdom. (Maturity & Mystery) 1 Corinthians 2:6-10a
1. Delving Into Jesus / Pursuing this Wisdom from God is a step of Maturity for the Christian.
· Many people get confused about what it means to be mature.
· Maturity is less about understanding theology & getting information and more about knowing and experiencing Jesus.
2. Jesus is the Mystery of God revealed. “What is God Like? / If God were flesh and bones, how would he live?”
· Jesus is God beginning to reveal what He had previously kept concealed.
· Jesus’ Coming, God being born as and becoming a man was a mystery – It was unexpected.
· Jesus dying on the cross was a incomprehensible – It was unexpected.
· God’s emphasis upon and pursuit of the Gentile was stunning – It was unexpected.
· The simplicity of the Gospel catches people by surprise – It is unexpected.
3. Pursuing the M & M’s of wisdom is seeking to know, understand & learn about Jesus.
B. Truth #2 – Be a Student of God’s Teacher and Revealer of Wisdom --- His Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:10b-16
1. We cannot intuitively know the mind or heart of God, we need a teacher. Vs. 11
· OBJECT LESSON – Have someone seek to read the mind of a volunteer.
2. You must have the right Spirit.
· The prince & the power of this world will only bring you deception and error. Ephesians 2:1-2; John 8:44
· God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, will lead you into truth. Vs. 12-13
3. Without the Spirit, you will not be able to understand the Wisdom of God. Vs. 14-16
· Remember, the Heart of Wisdom is Knowing God.
· How do I get the Spirit of God? Ephesians 1:13-14
· How does the H.S. teach me? Here is a starting point…. Luke 12:11-12; John 14:26; John 16:12-13a
My Quiet time in the word; sometimes I have aaahhh haaa moments when all of a sudden things
click/fall into place; I listen to others insights and understanding of God & His word; etc…