ES/PHIL/25 Philippians 3:17–4:1
Those who pursue Christ will produce those who pursue Christ. And it is only those who continue to run after Christ who will stand firm.
The change will be necessary because our weak mortal bodies are insufficient to receive and participate in the glorious state.
Paul is saying, then, that in place of an earthly body that is always characterized by physical decay, indignity, and weakness, the resurrected believer will have a heavenly body that is incapable of deterioration, beautiful in form and appearance, and with limitless energy and perfect health
This section heaps encouragement upon encouragement. The Philippians were citizens of the commonwealth of Heaven in the continuing present. This was not a future denouement but ongoing eternal reality.
my prayer for you.
May the body of Christ provide you with many examples to follow.
May the lives of the enemies of the cross be cause for tears and alarm.
May the wonders of your citizenship and your future dance in your soul.
And may you “stand firm” in your pursuit of “the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”