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1 John • Sermon • Submitted
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John writes about the Savior, surety, sinful society, and the satanic one.
I. Christ our Advocate (2:1–2)
a. My Little Children-
i. Establishes John’s authority,
ii. Also is fatherly sounding advise
b. I am writing these things—a look back at chapter 1
i. So that you might not sin
ii. This is not justification related to faith as this is already obtained by the believer.
iii. Packer seems to understand this as “still in the act of sinning”-that was begun prior to salvation.
iv. Likely a lapse or patter of sin on the part of the believer.
v. The point however is that God has already made a provision
1. Illustrate: Abraham and Isaac
2. This is not giving permission to sin
c. He is the forgiver of every sin (2:1–2)
i. However, if we do sin:
1. Some have taken this to mean a lapse
2. Others have taken this to be a lifestyle of sin
3. Packer seems to understand this as “still in the act of sinning”-that was begun prior to salvation.
4. Likely a lapse or patter of sin on the part of the believer.
5. The point however is that God has already made a provision
a. Illustrate: Abraham and Isaac
b. This is not giving permission to sin
c. We are not left to our devices-God has provided.
ii. Jesus is our advocate
1. Satan is the accuser of the brothers and sisters. ( as part of the 7th trumpet judgement, we see that Satan is thrown from heaven. In that scenario, John calls Satan the accuser of believers.
2. As our advocate He speaks for us. Similar to how a lawyer speaks on our behalf, but He is greater than a lawyer!
3. v2 propitiation: Turning away of anger by the offering of a gift.
a. many religions (including the Jews) have as part of their worship some means of a sacrifice that must be paid. This is a propitiation. This may be done to appease the perceived anger of the god(s) or to seek a blessing from said god(s). The sacrificing of virgins and child sacrifice are common things we see in pagan worship. For the Jews, this was outlined with the sacrificial system. Different from the pagan practices, the Jews did this as God Jehovah commanded, but it never took the sin away, it was only a covering. Pagans practice these sacrifices in a made up way to appease their god(s). Think of Elijah and prophets of Baal on Mount Camel. The prophets of Baal spent all day trying to get an answer from the gods. They resorted to self-mutilation to appease their God with for answer. However, even for the Jews, the God described sacrifices was not enough, it was a temporary covering until the ultimate sacrifice at the cross was done.
iii. He died for the sins of the saved (2:1–2a).
1. Jesus sacrifice has covered the sins of every believer for all time.
iv. He died for the sins of the unsaved (2:2b).
1. The sacrifice of Jesus was sufficient enough for whosoever will.
v. We see here what the author of Hebrews illustrates with Jesus being our advocate-our High Priest, and our sacrifice-the sacrifice placed on the alter.
d. He is the giver of eternal life (2:24–25)
II. The New commandment (2:3–14):
a. How can we be sure that Jesus is indeed our Savior (?
b. The guidelines (2:3–11, 28–29)
i. (KEEPING) We must obey God (2:3–6).
1. “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments”
2. “to obey is better than sacrifice”.
a. Gifts, sacrifices, etc. without obedience is hollow to the recipient.
ii. (LOVING) We must love God and God’s people (2:7–11).
1. This is not a new commandment, but one that was from the beginning
2. -“if you love Me”
3. “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
4. “37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself
c. The groups (2:12–14)
i. Notice the because in each of the six sections
1. A casual understanding “implies that the readers of the epistle have the spiritual ability to respond to the challenge to live in the light and not fall prey to the charms of the world[1]
2. “declarative sense. John has written these things to assure them of their place in the kingdom”[2]
3. Worth noting, depending on the translation you have you may see vs 14 begin before or after the second note to “little children”
ii. The 3 groups appear not to address people on the physical age, but rather their spiritual maturity.
iii. There are some that thing the I write should actually be I wrote in reference to previous but lost epistles.
iv. John writes to little children (2:12, 14a or 13c).
1. Appear to be young believers
2. V12 because your sins are forgiven for his name’s sake.
a. Primary importance and listed first.
b. 0 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
c. Real life is only obtained by the virtue of the name of Jesus.
3. V13c or 14a because you know the Father.
a. To know the Father is to be like the Father
i. Family relationship
ii. Pastor noted that my dad, my brother, and my self look identical from the back
iii. Amy Grant “She’s got her Father’s eyes”
v. John writes to fathers (2:13a, 14b).
1. Along with young men, appear to be leaders in the church.
2. 13a/14a because you know him who is from the beginning.
3. The knowledge they have is indicative of a deep, ongoing spiritual relationship (“have known” is in the perfect tense) that is grounded in the historical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, not in intellectual speculation that perverts the true picture of who Jesus is, the eternal Son of God[3]
4. The verb tense is different in Greek between the two verses
5. Confirming again, the Jesus is eternal in contrast to false teachings
6. Some see that v13 refers to the believer “knowing” the Father and v14 as being known by the father.
vi. John writes to young men (2:13b, 14c).
1. 13b because you have overcome the evil one.
a. They have experienced the onslaughts from Satan and have weathered the storm and have stood faithful.
b. This is a constant battle, not a one time event.
c. This is not the abstract concept of evil but the specific being of Satan.
d. I had a professor in college that believed he went toe to toe with Satan himself at one point in his life. Many others have made similar claims. To what extent these claims may be true, I don’t know. If it was not Satan, it was very likely a strong demonic warrior.
i. Tough battles require tough warriors.
2. 14b because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one.
a. Again confirming that they have over come the evil one
b. They are strong
c. The Word of God abides in you
i. Doing battle with Satan requires knowledge of the Scriptures
1. I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
2. When Jesus did battle with Satan, after spending 40 days in the wilderness, He used scripture
3. The sword is the Word of God
4. To many Christians try to battle with Satan or demons without weapons. Like going to a gun fight with a pop gun.
ii. The message of God is strong. They are more than casual believers, but know the scriptures, they have a close relationship with God.
III. John Writes about Sinful Society (2:15–17): The apostle has in mind here the systems of this world.
a. The warning against these worldly systems (2:15)
i. John’s warning here is against the worldly system
1. The glamour
2. Materialism
3. Fame
ii. These things (and those described in v 16) will distract us from walking with Christ.
1. This is not an instruction to leave the world or reject it, as some have done, but don’t love it
a. “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
b. No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
2. As Christians we need to be friends with non-believers to have an opportunity to share the gospel with them, but they should not be our best friends for they have a different worldview. We need to be in the world but not of it.
3. The world hates Jesus, and it hates us too.
b. The wickedness coming from these worldly systems (2:16): This wickedness is threefold.
i. Johns answers the questions about the characteristics of the world: : The trinity of evil
1. These are the temptations of the world today
2. The lust of the flesh (2:16a)
3. The lust of the eyes (2:16b)
4. The pride of life (2:16c)
ii. Notice how these fit into other aspects of Scripture
1. -temptation and fall
a. Pleasing to the eye - eye
b. Good for food-flesh
c. Desired to make one wise – pride of life
2. David and Bathsheba
a. Beautiful to look upon-eyes
b. Sought after her- flesh
c. The dealings with Uriah-life
3. Mathew 4 The temptation of Chirst
a. Satan showed Jesus all of the kingdoms of the world-eyes
b. Make the stones into bread—flesh
c. Though Himself off a pinnacle so that the angels can save you-life
4. The responses
a. Eve tried to reason
b. No record of David’s attempts to fight the temptations
c. Jesus quoted scripture
5. These haven’t change
a. Eyes
i. Advertisers use beautiful people in their ads—
ii. Food in ads looks much better than what you find on your plate, meal box
b. Flesh
i. Words used or implied by advertisers
1. Delicious, enhanced, Better, Faster
2. Luxurious, power,
c. Pride of Life
i. Live longer
ii. Live better
iii. Make people wonder what you have been up to
iv. Image
c. The worthlessness of these worldly systems (2:17): They will all soon fade away.
i. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
ii. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
iii. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.
iv. talks about a new heaven and a new earth as the old (current) pass away
v. yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.
vi. Only 3 people are recorded to have escaped this life alive (and one had to die and be resurrected: Enoch, Elijah, Jesus
1. For the rest of us, apart from the upper taker, we will encounter the undertaker.
IV. John Writes about the Satanic One (2:18-27)
a. Last Hour
i. John nearing death
ii. The period of time between Christ first and second coming.
iii. God has numbered the days of this world and every day is one day closer to it’s end.
iv. The destruction of Jerusalem
v. The final days before Christ’s return
vi. During the Tribulation the Antichrist will come, but even know we see antichrists.
vii. In the recent past, i.e. last part of the century
b. The arrival of the Antichrist (2:18)
i. What are antichrists?
1. Greek word Only found John’s epistles (2:18, 2:22, 4:3, )
2. Against Christ – they oppose the Biblical Christ
3. Christ substitutes
4. Those who once professed belief but have since turned their back on Him
ii. Many antichrists have come (2:18a).
1. Even in John’s day there were antichrists
a. Taught a false Jesus
b. Turned their back on Jesus/opposed the Gospel
i. Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds. 15 Beware of him yourself, for he strongly opposed our message.
c. Jesus warns of
d. V 19 indicates that these were human teachers
iii. The real Antichrist will come (2:18b).
1. The coming deceiver, a Christ substitute that will be revealed in the tribulation
c. The apostles of the Antichrist (2:19): They show their loyalty to him by departing from the Christian faith.
i. We continue to see this today
ii. I can think of many who spoken in pulpits across this land during my lifetime that have since rejected the gospel
iii. Charles Templeton 1915-2001
1. Made a profession of faith and became an evangelist 1936
2. 1941 started a church before joining the Canadian Air Force during the war
3. 1945 was on a committee that formed what would later become known as Youth For Christ, YFC first evangelist was Billy Graham
4. Traveled with Billy and often roomed with him on tour
a. Some claimed he was the better preacher of the two
5. 1950s had a TV program “look up and live”
6. began to struggle with doubt
7. 1957 proclaimed himself an agnostic later becoming a journalist
8. 1985 proclaimed himself an atheist
9. Wrote several books, his final book in 1995 “Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith (1995)
d. The apostasy of the Antichrist (2:22–23, 26)
i. He will deny the true Christ (2:22–23).
1. He denies the Father and the Son
2. Truth does not exist in him because of this denial
3. You cannot have the father and deny the son
a. And the Father who sent me has himself borne witness about me. His voice you have never heard, his form you have never seen,
b. Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
ii. He will attempt to deceive true believers (2:26).
V. John Writes about the Spirit (2:20–21, 27). Our Save Gurads
a. He indwells believers (2:20–21,24-29).
i. As true believers we are indwelt with the Holy Spirit (20-21, 24-5)
1. The helper, will come to indwell and encourage and reveal truth to believers
2. Fulfilled on Pentecost –
3. Serves as our seal, until the day of redemption
a. Demonstrates ownership
b. Violation for breaking the seal
c. Only opened by the owner of the seal or the intended recipient
d. We will one day be received to Jesus
b. The Holy Spirit guides us in truth v26-7
i. Reveals truth
ii. Reveals untruth
iii. The Holy Spirit comes from God and therefore cannot lie for God is truth and this would be an inconsistency
iv. Notice this is another “I am writing these things to you”
v. There are those that will try to deceive you.
1. Subtle mis-teachings from scripture
2. Outright lies
c. Perceiver in Christ (28-9)
i. Abide in Christ
1. We will have confidence at a His appearing
2. Not shrink
ii. Practice righteousness-shows your relationship with Christ
We have an advocate
We are to love
We are to live in the world, but not influenced by it
Beware of antichrists
We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit
[1] Akin, D. L. (2001). 1, 2, 3 John (Vol. 38, p. 103). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[2] Akin, D. L. (2001). 1, 2, 3 John (Vol. 38, p. 103). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[3] Akin, D. L. (2001). 1, 2, 3 John (Vol. 38, p. 105). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.