LLamados de las Tinieblas a Su Luz
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I. El Pueblo de Dios debe Resistir el Pecado
I. El Pueblo de Dios debe Resistir el Pecado
Las tinieblas es el pecado, Dios nos llamo de las tinieblas
Pero ustedes son linaje escogido, real sacerdocio, nación santa, pueblo que pertenece a Dios, para que proclamen las obras maravillosas de aquel que los llamó de las tinieblas a su luz admirable. Ustedes antes ni siquiera eran pueblo, pero ahora son pueblo de Dios; antes no habían recibido misericordia, pero ahora ya la han recibido. Queridos hermanos, les ruego como a extranjeros y peregrinos en este mundo, que se aparten de los deseos pecaminosos que combaten contra la vida. Mantengan entre los incrédulos una conducta tan ejemplar que, aunque los acusen de hacer el mal, ellos observen las buenas obras de ustedes y glorifiquen a Dios en el día de la salvación.
Cristo es la piedra viva, rechazada por los seres humanos pero escogida y preciosa ante Dios.
Al acercarse a él, también ustedes son como piedras vivas, con las cuales se está edificando una casa espiritual.
De este modo llegan a ser un sacerdocio santo, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales que Dios acepta por medio de Jesucristo. Así dice la Escritura:
«Miren que pongo en Sión
«Miren que pongo en Sión
una piedra principal escogida y preciosa,
y el que confíe en ella
no será jamás defraudado.»
NKJV9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. 11 Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, 12 having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation.
Para ustedes los creyentes, esta piedra es preciosa; pero para los incrédulos,
Para ustedes los creyentes, esta piedra es preciosa; pero para los incrédulos,
«la piedra que desecharon los constructores
«la piedra que desecharon los constructores
ha llegado a ser la piedra angular»,
y también:
y también:
«una piedra de tropiezo
«una piedra de tropiezo
y una roca que hace caer.»
Tropiezan al desobedecer la palabra, para lo cual estaban destinados.
Tropiezan al desobedecer la palabra, para lo cual estaban destinados.
In my bible there are two subheadings inserted in this set of scripture… verses 4-10 say, “The Chosen Stone and His Chosen People” some versions say “Living Stone”Either way the “Stone” refers to Christ...Verses 11-12 say “Living Before the World” as in Living godly lives… Just prior to these verses Peter says, to you who believe, He is Precious… but to those who are disobedient… or to those who reject Him… “The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.”And, “He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that makes them fall.”They stumble because they don’t obey God’s word, and so they will meet the fate that was planned or appointed for those who reject Him. But you are not like that, the scripture says… You are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.He called you out of darkness into His wonderful light… so that you can now testify to God’s goodness to others… Being a Christian not only means we are followers of Jesus, but it also means we are imitators of our Lord.The two words sojourners and pilgrims describe those who are temporary residents whose homes are elsewhereOur citizenship is elsewhere, not in this community… Christians are strangers in this world, and what that means is, we cannot live by its standardsWe are resident aliens on this earth, and we are on our way to a better country, far beyond what we can even imagine… We should avoid sin because of our Heavenly Citizenship, not to mention for our own well being… Sin always brings suffering and despair with it… and yes even Christians suffer, but we are never hopelessly suffering...Our sufferings “are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all”! that's according to scripture… And that makes a huge difference… we don’t suffer in vain… We should avoid sin, to Influence an unbelieving world...God rewards the faithful, our lives should give testimony to the goodness of God… When I say reward, in our western culture we may think of creature comforts and wealth as a suitable reward… But I am talking about Hope, I’m talking about Peace, I’m talking about Love!I am talking about the visible and undeniable Power of God in your life, giving testimony in every circumstance that Christ is Lord!People see this, People want this, People are drawn to this… this is how Christ draws people to Him through you and me… The scripture says, “abstain from fleshly lusts”Lusts of the flesh… “flesh” I believe it is very important that we understand what that word means… An understanding of the word flesh is important to the interpretation of this passage.Flesh in the New Testament means more than the body and its physical appetitesThese are included but the “flesh” is much more than that… Paul listed the sins of the flesh in , and it is to no surprise that he included attitudes and emotionsIn addition to sins connected with the physical body.
Pero ustedes son linaje escojido…
fuimos llamados de las tinieblas, somos posesion de Dios…
Llamados para testificar de las maravillas de Dios…
Extranjeros y peregrinos…
Eso significa que nuestra residencia no esta en este mundo..
somos extranjeros aqui, las normas del mundo no son las normas del pueblo de Dios…
Y porque somos el pueblo de Dios y porque nuestra ciudania esta en los cielos debemos resistir el pecado
Y tambien por nuestra bien estad…
El pecado siempre trae sufrimiento… dolor…
We are resident aliens on this earth, and we are on our way to a better country, far beyond what we can even imagine… We should avoid sin because of our Heavenly Citizenship, not to mention for our own well being… Sin always brings suffering and despair with it… and yes even Christians suffer, but we are never hopelessly suffering...Our sufferings “are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all”! that's according to scripture… And that makes a huge difference… we don’t suffer in vain… We should avoid sin, to Influence an unbelieving world...God rewards the faithful, our lives should give testimony to the goodness of God… When I say reward, in our western culture we may think of creature comforts and wealth as a suitable reward… But I am talking about Hope, I’m talking about
Y si los cristianos tambien sufren… pero nunca en vano…
Pues los sufrimientos ligeros y efímeros que ahora padecemos producen una gloria eterna que vale muchísimo más que todo sufrimiento.
No sufrimos en vano hermano…
Sin always brings suffering and despair with it… and yes even Christians suffer, but we are never hopelessly suffering...Our sufferings “are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all”! that's according to scripture… And that makes a huge difference… we don’t suffer in vain… We should avoid sin, to Influence an unbelieving world...God rewards the faithful, our lives should give testimony to the goodness of God… When I say reward, in our western culture we may think of creature comforts and wealth as a suitable reward… But I am talking about Hope, I’m talking about
saber esto hace toda la diferencia…
debemos de resistir el pecado para influir a un mundo incredulo…
con nuestras vidas..
Por fe vivimos en obedienceia…
Dios premia la obediencia, no como el mundo pero con alimento para su alma, esperanza, paz, amor,
el mundo desea esto, el mundo ve esto en nosotros…
De esta manera Cristo atrae a las almas perdidas…
pero tenemos que resistir el pecado… tenemos que apartarnos de los deseos pecaminosos…
Las obras de la naturaleza pecaminosa se conocen bien: inmoralidad sexual, impureza y libertinaje; idolatría y brujería; odio, discordia, celos, arrebatos de ira, rivalidades, disensiones, sectarismos y envidia; borracheras, orgías, y otras cosas parecidas. Les advierto ahora, como antes lo hice, que los que practican tales cosas no heredarán el reino de Dios.
Si no nos apartamos de los deseos pecaminosos, estamos jugando con fuego…
NKJV19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
El pecado esta esperando un oportunidad para tropezarlo…
Es una batalla continua en este mundo… debemos ser intencionales en caminar en la luz…
no podemos bajar la guarda…
Nosotros sabemos esto, es evidente en la vida diaria… pero no podemos vencer solos nos necicitamos unos a otros…
Somos un cuerpo tenemos una responsabilidad unos con los otros…
Flesh stands for our human nature apart from God… it is unredeemed, Christ-less… I read somewhere “the flesh is a good servant but a poor master” Fleshly lusts … are by their very nature like mutineers, waiting for an opportune time… Capable of raising an insurrection and waging a campaign against our spiritual devotionThat is why we must be intentional in abstaining from fleshly lusts… avoiding sin… It is a continuous spiritual battle on this earth… For our own spiritual health and well-being we must constantly be on guard, because… See also ; ; ; ; :21The Christian life is a constant struggle against sin, it is evident in our society today… We cannot go it alone… we are designed as a body… we bear a responsibility to one another in this struggle against sin… That is why the Apostle Paul exhorts the church to help one another…
Hermanos, si alguien es sorprendido en pecado, ustedes que son espirituales deben restaurarlo con una actitud humilde. Pero cuídese cada uno, porque también puede ser tentado. Ayúdense unos a otros a llevar sus cargas, y así cumplirán la ley de Cristo.
The Christian life is a constant struggle against sin, it is evident in our society today… We cannot go it alone… we are designed as a body… we bear a responsibility to one another in this struggle against sin… That is why the Apostle Paul exhorts the church to help one another…
ayudandonos unos a otros no quiere decir que no hay responsabilidad o consecuencias…
NIV1 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. 2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
pero si nos ayudamos con actitud humilde y con amor… puede ser restaurado el hermano o hermana..
debemos apartarnos del pecado y ayurdar a los hermanos apartarse del pecado…
como? tomando interes en su vida..
Ser transparentes unos con otros, no dejar que el orgullo y el ego nos aparte de ser honestos…
Unidos en el Espiritu, tomar un verdadero interes unos con otros…
Más bien, mientras dure ese «hoy», anímense unos a otros cada día, para que ninguno de ustedes se endurezca por el engaño del pecado.
Este mandamiento es para el pueblo Cristiano…
NKJVbut exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
The command is for the Christian community, the Christian family, the Body of Christ to encourage, to exhort one another daily.
It says daily, we are to be encouraging, exhorting one another daily to resist sin… I like the NLT translation it says “you must warn each other everyday”Do you sense the urgency of the situation it’s emphasized with the use of the word “today” quoted from the Psalm.The time was short. Resist sin while you still have a chance… their forefathers missed the chance… The words become hardened, also from the Psalm, were used by the author of Hebrews to warn the readers against the repetition of the crime of their fathers in the wilderness.If they should become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin...That would be the same as having an evil heart of unbelief and turning away from the True and living God.If that happened, they could expect the same fate as the exodus generation. That message is for you and me today… resist sin brothers and sisters… Exhort and encourage each other to resist sin… this leads me to my second point… you and I are not alone in this… See also ; ; ;
II. Dios nos ayuda resistir el Pecado
II. Dios nos ayuda resistir el Pecado
First off, I want to say that our salvation is the result of the obedience of Christ…
Él mismo, en su cuerpo, llevó al madero nuestros pecados, para que muramos al pecado y vivamos para la justicia. Por sus heridas ustedes han sido sanados.
The avoidance of sin is accomplished through new life in Jesus Christ, you can avoid sin if you abide in Him…
El que practica el pecado es del diablo, porque el diablo ha estado pecando desde el principio. El Hijo de Dios fue enviado precisamente para destruir las obras del diablo. Ninguno que haya nacido de Dios practica el pecado, porque la semilla de Dios permanece en él; no puede practicar el pecado, porque ha nacido de Dios.
He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.
See also ; ; ; –12The avoidance of sin is accomplished through new life in Jesus Christ, you can avoid sin if you abide in Him…
NKJV8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.
NKJV8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.
Those who abide in Him and those who are begotten of God are not sinnersThe verb meaning “to sin,” in verse 9 is in the present tense… meaning the continual practice of sin.This is the kind of sinning Satan and his followers engage in (v. 8), “the devil has sinned from the beginning” God’s children don’t engage in this type of sin… If you are engaged in the continual practice of sin, then you are not abiding in Him, plain and simple… When you are born of God, God gives his seed of life and love to you, and this principle of life continues within you.When this life is in you, you can’t do that which is contrary to such a principle.Sinning and being a son of God can not both occur at once, they are mutually exclusive.And I am not saying that a person truly born of God is infallible and can never sin again.Only as he abides in Christ… That is the Power of God in you! That is what we believe as Nazarenes, not because we have some exclusive doctrine or hidden knowledge… But because that is what it says in the scriptures… See also ; ; ; :18Believers co-operate with Jesus Christ to avoid sin, that is what I understand in scripture…
Así que, mis queridos hermanos, como han obedecido siempre—no sólo en mi presencia sino mucho más ahora en mi ausencia—lleven a cabo su salvación con temor y temblor, pues Dios es quien produce en ustedes tanto el querer como el hacer para que se cumpla su buena voluntad.
Our Free Will Cooperating with God’s Perfect Will… for His good pleasure… God helps His people to resist sin… I will lift up my eyes to the hills-- From whence comes my help?… My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. We cannot fail as long as we abide in Him… In Christ we have the Power to put to death what is sinful in our nature… the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Colossae
NKJVTherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
Por tanto, hagan morir todo lo que es propio de la naturaleza terrenal: inmoralidad sexual, impureza, bajas pasiones, malos deseos y avaricia, la cual es idolatría.
Our Free Will Cooperating with God’s Perfect Will… for His good pleasure… God helps His people to resist sin… I will lift up my eyes to the hills-- From whence comes my help?… My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. We cannot fail as long as we abide in Him… In Christ we have the Power to put to death what is sinful in our nature… the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Colossae
Believers are to be intentional… we are to exchange sinful behavior for righteous behaviorWe are to be Spirit filled and Spirit Led believers… not conforming to this world, but being transformed by the renewing of our minds… See also ; –25Our God is Supernatural, our God is Amazing and can do things we can’t fathom… But He is not trying to make it difficult for us… there are Practical disciplines for overcoming sin and temptation...Meditation on His Word… Scripture
NIV5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
En mi corazón atesoro tus dichos para no pecar contra ti.
See also ; :13Believers are to be intentional… we are to exchange sinful behavior for righteous behaviorWe are to be Spirit filled and Spirit Led believers… not conforming to this world, but being transformed by the renewing of our minds… See also ; –25Our God is Supernatural, our God is Amazing and can do things we can’t fathom… But He is not trying to make it difficult for us… there are Practical disciplines for overcoming sin and temptation...Meditation on His Word… Scripture
He gives us His Word so that we can know Him, He gives us His Word to strengthen us, to empower us, to comfort us… The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged swordPiercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Word of God will convince you of the truth… then you must act upon it… choose what is right, choose what is good… Meditate on His Word, God gives us strength through His Word to resist sin… See also ; ; –17Submit to God and depend on Him for your strength… pray to God… let your prayers be an act of submission, not my will but your Will Father… Your Will be done in every aspect of my life, my work, may marriage, my family, my words, my thoughts, I submit, your Will be done Father… Through prayer God helps us to resist sin… See also ; ; ;
III. Ser intencional en apartarse del pecado
III. Ser intencional en apartarse del pecado
How can we be intentional about avoiding sin? We can actively seek what is good
No ofrezcan los miembros de su cuerpo al pecado como instrumentos de injusticia; al contrario, ofrézcanse más bien a Dios como quienes han vuelto de la muerte a la vida, presentando los miembros de su cuerpo como instrumentos de justicia.
Before Christ saved you, sin did more than just influence you. It dominated your life and you did things you didn’t even approve of. That all changed on Calvary and by the power of the resurrection, we no longer submit to sin.See to it that sin no longer continues to reign in your mortal body… We must be intentional about dethroning the natural impulses and desires of the flesh… God never intended that the desires of the flesh should be the master. That is not how he created us… The flesh was made to be our servant so that we could have a good and constructive life of happiness to the credit and glory of God.Purify your desires in the cleansing fountain, and put them back in their place as servants.If you don’t give it to God, sooner or later it will be controlled by sin… purify your desires in the cleansing fountain… Then and only then will your body be the holy temple of God.It requires that you be intentional, make the decision once-for-all to dedicate your whole life to God… Your intention must be to eradicate sin in your life… anything less your playing with fire… sin is sneaky… It is usually an accumulation of concessions, compromises and indulgences that you have allowed to creep in over time… Do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin… Present yourselves your whole being—unto God as instruments (tools or weapons) of righteousness unto God.This is the truly dedicated Christian life, intentionally avoiding sin… intentionally seeking good… Anything less is neither safe nor successful...See also ; ; ; ; Jn 11When we seek good, we do good, when we do good, Christ is revealed… When Christ is revealed people are drawn to Him… When people are drawn to Christ, People get saved!We were called out of the darkness into His Marvelous Light… with a purpose… to live a life that glorifies God and draws people to Christ… We are the people of God!Let us Pray
NKJVAnd do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.
Before Christ saved you, sin did more than just influence you. It dominated your life and you did things you didn’t even approve of. That all changed on Calvary and by the power of the resurrection, we no longer submit to sin.See to it that sin no longer continues to reign in your mortal body… We must be intentional about dethroning the natural impulses and desires of the flesh… God never intended that the desires of the flesh should be the master. That is not how he created us… The flesh was made to be our servant so that we could have a good and constructive life of happiness to the credit and glory of God.Purify your desires in the cleansing fountain, and put them back in their place as servants.If you don’t give it to God, sooner or later it will be controlled by sin… purify your desires in the cleansing fountain… Then and only then will your body be the holy temple of God.It requires that you be intentional, make the decision once-for-all to dedicate your whole life to God… Your intention must be to eradicate sin in your life… anything less your playing with fire… sin is sneaky… It is usually an accumulation of concessions, compromises and indulgences that you have allowed to creep in over time… Do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin… Present yourselves your whole being—unto God as instruments (tools or weapons) of righteousness unto God.This is the truly dedicated Christian life, intentionally avoiding sin… intentionally seeking good… Anything less is neither safe nor successful...See also ; ; ; ; Jn 11When we seek good, we do good, when we do good, Christ is revealed… When Christ is revealed people are drawn to Him… When people are drawn to Christ, People get saved!We were called out of the darkness into His Marvelous Light… with a purpose… to live a life that glorifies God and draws people to Christ… We are the people of God!Let us Pray