Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Salvation is different from redemption
You cannot save one who is not redeemed but you can deliver the redeemed.
Example: If someone is in an accident and is hurt, you would ask a doctor if he could save them and they would work to do so.
But if the person was killed in the accident then and you asked the doctor to save them, then he would say no I cannot, they are dead.
In the same way, we are dead and thus redeemed and now we enter into the salvation of the Lord.
Jesus went to a house of a rule of the Pharisees to dine no the Sabbath
Jesus is being watched carefully
Jesus heals a man, disreguarding the approval or disaproval of the lawers and Pharisees
Jesus silences the lawyers and Pharisees
Jesus begins teaching through parable.
This is not telling you how to throw a party, but is telling you what God is doing.
This is not telling you how to throw a party, but is telling you what God is doing.
Jesus has ceased proclaiming the Kingdom of God is at hand due to the rejection of the Jews
Jesus has begun teaching the disciples and speaking in parables
In each of the parables there is shown to be a delay (to the Kingdom come)
It had become largley/completley merit based
The system was lorded over the people
With over 400 volumes of commentary on the law, it had become impossible not just to keep but to even know
The Pharisees were thus a self-righteous sect
This is not telling you how to throw a party, but is telling you what God is doing.
Jesus has ceased proclaiming the Kingdom of God is at hand due to the rejection of the Jews
Jesus has begun teaching the disciples and speaking in parables
In each of the parables there is shown to be a delay (to the Kingdom come)
LUKE 14:8-11
If you lift yourself up by your own merit, meaning your own produced holiness then you will be humbled.
If you have no merit of self you will be lifted up.
Thus, Jesus goes from here to illustrate how this will take place:
Luke 14:12-14
Again, this is not discussing how to throw a party, but it is contrasting what Christ is doing verse the Pharisees.
Luke 14:
Foolish Excuses
Foolish Excuses
The slave or servant is perhaps demonstrative of John the Baptist and what had taken place at the early ministry of Christ.
Foolish Excuses - the people invited didn’t just give excuses but gave foolish ones
For example…an invitation such as this would have included the wife.
The point is not that those invited are busy, but that they are unwilling to come.
We have moved from the wealthiest and the percieved most worthy to come (the Pharisees) to those who are still of the city but whom are considered unworthy: the poor, crippled, blind and lame.
The status has changed from invitation (from which no-one came of their own decision) to “bring”.
These are those who even if they were to desire, they could not come of their own might.
They do not have the status, ability or know how to come.
Someone must bring them.
That my friends is what Jesus came to do.
To seek and save the lost.
To bring those who cannot of their own strength come.
To save those left wondering in the streets.
I believe this could very well be speaking of the election of elect Israel so that all that of Israel are not Israel.
Elect to Israel: The gospel be preached first to the Jew then the gentile.
(not order of importance but chronology)
Israel/Shem, Ethiopian Eunuch/Ham, Cornelius/Japath (the gospel preached unto all the world
And thus after elect Israel what do we read:
Luke 14:
Now we go out of the city into all of the highways and we move from invitation, to bringing into, to now compelling.
Elect to Israel: The gospel be preached first to the Jew then the gentile.
(not order of importance but chronology)
Compelling is to put constraints upon and force one.
Thus you have all heard of a term “irresistible grace”.
…don’t get stuck on a term
Israel/Shem, Ethiopian Eunuch/Ham, Cornelius/Japath (the gospel preached unto all the world
Personal decision does not determine destiny, but it is God’s decision.
What Jesus is saying is, I have stripped it of all merit of the flesh
Man comes by the constraint and grace of God.
“it has been done” - it is finished.
Jesus didn’t simply die for you, He died in your place so that you cannot die.
Let me put it this way:
Personal decision does not determine destiny, but it is God’s decision.
The immediate question that I get:
If it is not man’s decision then why send missionaries?
Isn’t it interesting that we find it more important to go out as missionaries to “save people from hell” than because God told us to.
We do not save one single person from hell.
Jesus said upon the cross, “it is finished”
We now go in obedience and in the power of the finished work of Christ.
It is not dependent upon us my friends, and I refuse to lead this church down a road that would hold such a manipulative concept over the heads of it’s congregation.
Look at verse 23 and note that the people are compelled to come and the house is what?
It is filled.
The house is full.
How many will be missing?
There will not be one person in Heaven who wasn’t destined to be there and not one person in Hell who wasn’t destined to be there.
Not one person for whom Christ died will be in Hell.
Remember the two great victories of Christ accomplished upon the cross that I mentioned last week:
Remove Adam’s transgression
Die in the place of each of His own
Isn’t it interesting that we find it more important to go out as missionaries to “save people from hell” than because God told us to.
Again, it’s not just that Christ died “for you”, but that he died in your place so that you cannot die.
Christ cannot have already died in your place and somehow you still stand at risk of death.
Friends if you be of God then it is finished and that is nothing of you.
I refuse to believe, for I cannot find it in scripture that the elect of God are only found once the church gets the invitation out there
Now I am supposed to say that a church isn’t being a church unless it puts out a sermon invitation at the end...
That this is what redeems?
A practice that came about in the mid 1800’s?
God gave an open invitation to show that man is desperately wicked..
…why do you not understand my speech but because you cannot
By the compelling of grace every seat will be filled, not by the invitation of man.
In this parable Jesus is destroying all such notion of merit based belief and merit evangelism.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9