Sweet Hour of Prayer

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Mark 1:35–39 NIV
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
Last week, we began our examination of Mark by looking at the life of John the Baptist. In the next passage at the beginning of Mark's Gospel the activities of Jesus' baptism, temptation in the wilderness and the calling of disciples are covered in just 11 verses. This is another indication of Peter's focus on the actions of Jesus and it exemplifies Peter's practically-minded personality. Mark then tells us Jesus goes away alone to pray.
Last week, we began our examination of Mark by looking at the life of John the Baptist. In the next passage at the beginning of Mark's Gospel the activities of Jesus' baptism, temptation in the wilderness and the calling of disciples are covered in just 11 verses. This is another indication of Peter's focus on the actions of Jesus and it exemplifies Peter's practically-minded personality.
Last week, we began our examination of Mark by looking at the life of John the Baptist. In the next passage at the beginning of Mark's Gospel the activities of Jesus' baptism, temptation in the wilderness and the calling of disciples are covered in just 11 verses. This is another indication of Peter's focus on the actions of Jesus and it exemplifies Peter's practically-minded personality.
Mark notes that Jesus' habit of prayer can be seen in three episodes: once at the beginning of His ministry here in 1:38, once in the middle of His ministry in 6:46 and once near the conclusion of His ministry in 14:32-42.
Mark notes that Jesus' habit of prayer can be seen in three episodes: once at the beginning of His ministry here in 1:38, once in the middle of His ministry in 6:46 and once near the conclusion of His ministry in 14:32-42.
Jesus began His ministry in prayer, prayed throughout his time on earth and ended His time here in prayer.

Jesus got up for prayer. (v.35)

Mark 1:35 NIV
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Mark 1:35 NIV
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
This took effort.
This took effort and planning.
This took effort.
early and dark
left house
went off by himself
There was a purpose and a plan.
There was a purpose and a plan.
Prayer does not happen spontaneously, time must be carved out.
How important is prayer?
How important did his followers consider prayer?
"You do not have because you do not ask."
“A praying Master, like Jesus, can have no prayerless servants. To be prayerless is to be Christless, Godless, and on the road to destruction.” —JC Ryle
To be prayerless is to be Christless, Godless, and in the high road to destruction.
If the Lord Jesus Christ went out to pray so early in the morning, do you know what he was praying for?
If the Lord Jesus Christ went out to pray so early in the morning, do you know what he was praying for? Why, for the salvation of sinners like you, that you might be saved.
The salvation of sinners like us, that we might be saved.
When Jesus stood up to preach, what did He have on his mind but the salvation of sinners like you and me?
When Jesus stood up to preach, what had he on his mind but the salvation of sinners like you?
Shall he think of you, and will you not think of him?
Shall he think of you, and will you not think of him?
Shall he think of you, and will you not think of him?
That early morning of prayer explains the evening of power.
Someone said you can awaken and say "Good morning, Lord or Good lord it's morning." Which will we choose this week?
Someone said you can awaken and say "Good morning, Lord or Good lord it's morning." Which will we choose to be this week?
Someone said you can awaken and say "Good morning, Lord or Good lord it's morning." Which will we choose to be this week?
I have a morning habit where I read a devotional immediately after I awaken. It reminds me of who He is and who a I am in Him. It starts me praying for the day ahead. Can I challenge you to begin each morning with a Word for God and a response in prayer from your heart?
I have a morning habit where I read a devotional immediately after I awaken. It reminds me of who He is and who a I am in Him. It starts me praying for the day ahead. Can I challenge you to begin each morning with a Word for God and a response in prayer from your heart?
There is always a connection, even if we do not see it, between that great crowd on Sunday, and the prayers of the saints Monday through Saturday. That early morning of prayer of Jesus explains the evening of power.” —Annonymous
There is always a connection, even if we do not see it, between that great crowd on Sunday, and the pleadings of the saints;
“That early morning of prayer of Jesus explains the evening of power.” —Annonymous
That early morning of prayer explains the evening of power.

Jesus made room in his schedule for prayer. (vv. 36-37)

Mark 1:36–37 NIV
Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”
There will be interruptions.
There will be interruptions
Urgent vs. the important
Urgent vs. the important
Jesus set priorities.
Jesus set priorities
Jesus prayed before during and after the occasions of ministry came.
Prayed before specific event, during these events.
He prayed before specific events, during these events.
Prayed before specific event, during these events.
Jesus prayed before the occasions of ministry came.
When He was baptized, we are told that He was “praying.” (.)
When He was baptized, we are told that He was “praying.” (.)
When he was transfigured, we are told, that “as He prayed, the fashion of His face was altered.” (.)
When he was transfigured, we are told, that “as He prayed, the fashion of His face was altered.” (.)
When he was transfigured, we are told, that “as He prayed, the fashion of His face was altered.” (.)
Before He chose the twelve apostles, we are told that “He continued all night in prayer to God.” (.)
Before He chose the twelve apostles, we are told that “He continued all night in prayer to God.” (.)
When all men spoke well of Him, and would fain have made Him a King, we are told that “He went up into a mountain apart to pray.” (.)
When all men spoke well of Him, and would fain have made Him a King, we are told that “He went up into a mountain apart to pray.” (.)
When tempted in the garden of Gethsemane, He said, “Sit ye here, while I shall pray.” (.)
When tempted in the garden of Gethsemane, He said, “Sit ye here, while I shall pray.” (.)
In short, our Lord prayed always, and did not faint. -- Ryle
In short, our Lord prayed always, and did not faint. -- Ryle
You and I do not know when some events will take place, so we must pray consistently as Jesus did.
You and I do not know when some events will take place, so we must pray consistently as Jesus did.
We must battle for this time, there will always be urgent matters to attend to. (v. 36)
Battle for this time, there will always be urgent matters to attend to. (v. 36) But guard this time as Jesus did, who was never hurried.
But guard this time as Jesus did, who was never hurried.

Jesus understood the necessity of prayer. (vv. 38-39)

Mark 1:38–39 NIV
Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
"This is why I have come."
"This is why I have come."
Jesus prayed to empower his ministry.
Four things let us ever keep in mind: God hears prayer, God heeds prayer, God answers prayer, and God delivers by prayer. Prayer is God’s plan to supply man’s great and continuous need with God’s great and continuous abundance. --E.M. Bounds
Four things let us ever keep in mind: God hears prayer, God heeds prayer, God answers prayer, and God delivers by prayer. Prayer is God’s plan to supply man’s great and continuous need with God’s great and continuous abundance. --E.M. Bounds
Preaching, healing, casting out demons.
Beginning in verse 21 Jesus battles demons, heals sickness, preaches the Gospel and models a lifestyle of prayer.
Beginning in verse 21 Jesus battles demons, heals sickness, preaches the Gospel and models a lifestyle of prayer.
Maybe you are an encourage r, an evangelist, a teacher, a helper, etc.
You and I have a plan to follow, but we will not be successful without prayer, we will need to pray to see these plans accomplish all God intends for them.
I have always been amazed that the disciples didn’t ask Jesus how to walk on water, how to still the tempest, or how to do any of His other miracles. They did, however, ask Jesus to teach them about prayer. --R. C.Sproul
I have always been amazed that the disciples didn’t ask Jesus how to walk on water, how to still the tempest, or how to do any of His other miracles. They did, however, ask Jesus to teach them about prayer. --R. C.Sproul
I have always been amazed that the disciples didn’t ask Jesus how to walk on water, how to still the tempest, or how to do any of His other miracles. They did, however, ask Jesus to teach them about prayer. --R. C.Sproul
I have always been amazed that the disciples didn’t ask Jesus how to walk on water, how to still the tempest, or how to do any of His other miracles. They did, however, ask Jesus to teach them about prayer. --R. C.Sproul
Beginning in verse 21 Jesus battles demons, heals sickness, preaches the Gospel and models a lifestyle of prayer.
Let us walk in the steps of our blessed Master in this respect as well as in every other. Like Him, let us be diligent in our private devotion. Let us know what it is to “depart into solitary places and pray.” RYLE
Let us walk in the steps of our blessed Master in this respect as well as in every other. Like Him, let us be diligent in our private devotion. Let us know what it is to “depart into solitary places and pray.” RYLE

Take this with you...

Take this with you...

Jesus rose up early and went alone in the dark to pray, because he loved to put prayer first of all.
Certainly, our Lord Jesus rose up early and went alone in the dark to pray, because he loved to put prayer first of all.
Prayer is more than our power supply, it is meeting alone with the one who loves us enough to die in our place so we could have the privilege of drawing near to God.
Jesus possessed an intense desire to meet with God.- Spurgeon
Jesus possessed an intense desire to meet with God.- Spurgeon
There was about the Saviour an intense desire to meet with God Spurgeon
We ought to see in Jesus’ life, the immense importance of private prayer.
We ought to see in all this the immense importance of private devotion.
Prayer is the true test of our state before God.
Prayer is the true test of our state before God.
If I could impress my heart on every syllable, and baptize every word with my tears, I could not too earnestly entreat you to be above all things earnest in prayer.
If I could impress my heart on every syllable, and baptize every word with my tears, I could not too earnestly entreat you to be above all things earnest in prayer.
God will not send great blessings if secret prayer is neglected.
God will not send great blessings in the way of open conversion if secret prayer be neglected
A most intimate connection between the flocking converts of the ministry and those secret prayers which follow and precede it. There is such a connection that the two cannot be parted.
a most intimate connection between the flocking converts of the ministry and those secret prayers which follow and precede it. There is such a connection that the two cannot be parted.
10 foot policy
“Surveys have shown that visitors to churches place a high premium on friendliness. Visitors make up their minds if they’ll return within the first minute on the campus. Feeling ignored is a leading reason people choose not to return.
We are inviting you to put into practice a 10’ policy: Smile and say “Hi” when you come within ten feet of any person you do not know. Let’s practice this kindness and watch as God grows our church!
Love Offering for Paul & Meladee Davis serving in Gabon @ Bongolo Hosp. -self-supporting.
Let’s practice this kindness
and watch as God grows
our church!
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