Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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Some Doubted
SOME (Disciples) DOUBTED - Sermon
By God’s Holy Spirit.
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.
In early 2016 Usain St. Leo Bolt from the island of Jamaica, the greatest sprinter of all times sat down with a BBC sportscaster to be interviewed.
When she asked him if he was going lose his first race at the Oplympics.
He got up and left the interview without answering the lady,
He had already done it all.
He had shattered the world records done by American Tyson Gay, Carl Lewis, Michael Johnson, Justin Gatlin and his compatriot Asafa Powell.
In fact, Usain Bolt had broken the world records he had set in the 100 and 200 meters races 2008 and 2012 Olympics.
But the factors facing the world champion and world record holder were immensely different leading up to the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janero, Brazil.
Firstly, Justin Gatlin won every race he ran over the year beating everyone and in extremely good competitive times.
Secondly, he was injured at the end of the previous season which caused a very late start to his training and the world thought that he could not be ready in time for the Olympics.
In the trails for selection to the Jamaican team Bolt’s protegee, Yohan Blake beat him in the 100m final.
The world stood up as this story blazed in the newspapers all over the world.
In an interview after the race he said it was because of the injury but while he was injured it was just the 100m and although he was the Olympic and world record holder his pet event was the 200m in which he cannot and would not get beaten.
Can you imagine the world’s reaction when Yohan Blake again beat him in the 200m final the following evening?
Now the relevance of the BBC’s sportscaster question seems reasonable.
After the Olympics, Bolt explained why he abandoned that interview.
He was not entertaining any doubt on his ability or capacity to win when it matters most and he would not lose there.
Doubt is a mental state in which the mind remains suspended between two or more contradictory opinions.
Unable to choose anyone of them.
On a mental level involves reasoning, examination of facts and evidence
Doubt on an emotional level is indecision between belief and disbelief, even unbelief.
It may involve uncertainty, distrust or lack of conviction on certain facts, actions, motives, or decisions.
Doubt can result in delaying or rejecting relevant action.
Meaning lack of action.
Do you understand why Jesus evicted the mouners and even many of His disciples.
This story began in .
It was interrupted by the lady with the issue of blood for twelve years, This woman (this church) wasn’t in doubt who Jesus is!
She touched Him with her faith and her prayers, This led to touching Him with her hands signifying her works.
He declare that the church’s faith has made her whole because her works followed her faith.
But, Our story restarted after this as verse 35 where the high official greeted the man with the death of his daughter, telling him not to bother Jesus anymore
Jesus heard the conversation and spoke to the father saying “Be not afraid, only believe.”
In it say that the priest and the that he came there and saw laughed at Him when He told the mourners Jairus that his daughter was only asleep.
Signs of doubt and disbelief.
They doubted,
So he had to put them out.
A double minded person cannot get an answered prayer.
Many of His disciples were left outside too.
Mark said only Peter, James and John He took with Him inside.
Only the faithful.
Only the tried, the tested and the proven are allow into the courts, into the MOST HOLY PLACE and this is the crux of the matter facing us as members of the church today.
Faithfulness is lacking.
There is no unity in the faith because “Some are Doubting”, Remember, the work of the church is the work of Jesus who is now interceding for us and His church which He has purchased with His own blood.
He is in the heavenly sanctuary ministering to us through His Holy Spirit.
Trimming the lamps that we may have light and replenishing the OIL that we will have the greater measure of His Holy Spirit to enable us to do this work with power and His authority
For I Colin Dawson am fully persuaded that He is able to perform what He has promised.
As He told us, Asked and it shall be given, Knock and it shall be open, for the fervent effectual prayers of a righteous man availeth much.
So while some are doubting, I need faith.
Even now on this pulpit I am asking for faith and I am asking for souls to be born through this ministry.
Remember , He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above anything we can think or imagine.
Doubt impacts the Church and then the rest of Society
Have you never heard the saying, “as the family goes so goes the church and as the church goes so goes the nation”
Child Guidance 214.1
The Background of Many Trials.--The
sad trials, which prove so dangerous to the prosperity of a church, and which cause the unbelieving to stumble and turn away with doubt and dissatisfaction, usually arise from an unsubdued and rebellious spirit.”
Disobedience is worst than witchcraft and it is caused by doubt.
In the Society, doubt creates an atmosphere of distrust, being accusatory in nature.
Alleging either foolishness or deceit on the part of promoter of faith or action.
Such a stance has been fostered in Western society, in opposition to authority.
Even the authority of Jesus Christ
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
They do not believe in Jesus nor want Him.
He describes them as the UNJUST JUDGES.
But all AUTHORITY has be given to HIM.
However, they will only know Him through us.
Back to the text.
So while the Bible does not admonish you to put me out like the professional mourners and baby Christians who were with Jesus at Jairus’ home.
These who had not yet graduated in Faith, so they are called disciples not yet apostles.
So they are not yet sent.
They are only called.
They could not be sent because they had Doubts.
They represented many Christians today, Do they represent you and I?
However most of them were not called into the inner sanctum because it require unshakable, undoubtable, unquestionable faith.
Do we have such faith in our congregation here today” Had this faith not been alive and functional, Victory SDA would not be existing today.
Remember faith is perfected in works.
So lets go and perfect our faith and finish the work so we can all go home.
To perfect our Faith we must work the work of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light
The song writer wrote, “My heart has no desire to stay,
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Thought some may dwell where these are found,
My prayer, my aim is higher ground.
Our DOUBT and FEARS have to be surrendered and removed, then replaced by FAITH to gain this higher ground “For it is by Grace you have been saved through FAITH.”
So FAITH must work it’s perfect work in us
Our actions and your works testifies that Faith exist among us.
But not the measure of FAITH to testify that God’s Holy Spirit is working through us.
Do we only have enough FAITH to help us to mature in Christ.
Which shows that God’s Holy Spirit is working IN us to perfect the fruit of the Spirit.
So we come to church and we pray and we do operate as Christians on some level.
Gods Holy now needs to work through us.
But doubt exist because the passage says ‘SOME DOUBTED” Sadly some of His own disciples.
Is it Lord
Story is told of a farming community that was facing severe drought.
Let’s visit the text.
The text in the book of , It says that the eleven disciples (us church folks, us Seventh-day Adventists).
The text continued, “We met Him in the mountain He had appointed before His death (.
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