Genesis 4-5
Sermon Tone Analysis
August 19, 2018 – end and
We know that in -
we witness
This is the chapter
Where we witness
the first murder in history
And Cain killed Abel.
We believe from reading the scriptures,
Cain was jealous
of the relationship Abel had with God.
Abel gives his first fruits to God
And Cain had an attitude about his offering to God.
In chapter 4:5 – (read verse)
we see that Cain
became exceedingly angry,
he was sad
and depressed
because God did not have
respect for his offering.
As you go thru the story –
it is obvious that Cain
was the captain of his own heart.
God reached out to Cain in verse 6 -
God Asks him why are you so angry?
Be careful Cain
Sin crouches at your door
The next thing we know
Cain kills his brother.
This was pre-mediated murder.
We see again in verse 9– God reaches out to him
To give him
the opportunity to tell the truth
And to confess his sin.
But his heart was too hard.
Cain is full of pride
And this is obvious in verse 13
Cain says –
My punishment is more than I can bear.
Cain never shows remorse for his brother Abel.
Verse 14 (read) also shows us
that Cain blames God
for his harsh punishment
And now Cain is worried
some one might kill him.
That doesn’t happen
Because God in his mercy
in verse 15
puts a mark on him –
that warns others
don’t touch him
our you will be punished.
verse 16 - Cain then totally removes himself
from any contact with God
and goes out from the presence of the Lord
and he Went to the Land of Nod –
Went to the Land of Nod –
which means wandering.
Cain did not seek God
He left the presence of God.
He begins to build a civilization.
verse 17 - Cain gets married(to a relative)
In the beginning human history, the
physical makeup,
the gene makeup was so pure and so perfect
thre wasn’t any problem with inner-marriage .
In fact all through the Scriptures
until after the time of Abraham
they married next of kin.
It wasn’t until sometime later
that God put a taboo
on close relatives marrying
because by now
you see the gene pool had degenerated
to a place where
it was causing genetic problems.
They have a son – call him Enoch.
(this is not the one who walked with God in Chapter 5)
we see u verse 17
that Cain builds a city
And because he is a prideful man
He names the city
after his own son Enoch.
Have to realize this city his builds –
these are not uncivilized wild people –
they are extremely intelligent
As you will see
They congregate together
and form communities.
Adam was a perfect human being –
had a mind that would probably blow us away
and his children were right behind him
and they had hundreds and hundreds of years to work
on their craft.
But unfortunately this line from Cain -
is without God and because of this –
it is a satanic inspired civilization.
These families are beginning to enlarge,
It is important to remember –
we’re not talking about a couple hundred years here –
when all this takes place.
Remember Adam lived 930 years –
these people lived a very long time.
And Adam and Eve
had a lot of children in 930 years.
The genetic race was so pure
that there wasn’t much death
and sickness or diseases
so they were profound
in populating the earth.
We see Cain’s prideful attitude
I will build my own city for my son
I will start my own society
No more God
No one to answer to
I can do this on my own.
We see this same attitude
passed down thru the family tree.
We see the degeneration
thru the genealogy of Cain’s family line.
Cain I am out of here –the one who was
(depressed and depraved
goes his own way)
now we have Enoch
Enoch(dedicated – to his own society not to God)
verse 18 - read has a son-- names his son
Named Irad(wild donkey)
Then Irad has a son named
Mehujael(Blot out that Yaweah is God)Me who jael
Then Mehujael has Methusael(methuzal)
Methusael – we are all going to die
Methusael has Lamech
verse 19 - Lamech takes two wives.
He is the first polygamist identified in the Bible.
I guess Lamech thought
there was enough of him for two women.
Marrying two women –
is a deviation
from God’s plan
for marriage
is just another sign
of the downward slope
in Cain’s genealogy of man’s continuing fall.
20. Adah bore Jabal.
He was the father of those we dwell in tents and have cattle(producer of cattle) and purchase possessions.
We see Jabal is in independent producer
read 21 -
Jubal – father of all those who play the lyre and pipe or your version may say harp and flute
These were complicated instruments
that were being made.
read 22 - the other wife - read -
we have Tubal –Cain(seems like pride - again - naming his son after himself)
he was the forger of all cutting instruments of bronze and iron.
He made weapons and farming equipment.
Now we have the weapons guy –
Now they can dominate militarily.
Cain’s civilization -
there was an explosion
of knowledge and
All this begins in the line of Cain.
Even though they were so intelligent
They were inventors and founders
But Their lives did not glorify God
They lived apart from God
Their creations had potential for evil
Music great way to worship God
But in the wrong hands we have music
That blasphemes God.
The Cainanite civilization managed
their surroundings
in order to prosper
but they could not manage
their lives.
Today there are millions,
who indulge their families
in abundance,
the arts
and all the wonders of high-tech culture,
even as their lives
spin more and more
out of control
because Christ
is not their center.
22. The sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah
She must have been beautiful
for her name to be listed in this list.
23. Lamech said to his wives –
Adah and Zillah, listen to me(hear me)
I have killed a man for wounding
me, A young man for attacking me.
When the word young man is used here - this was a child or a young boy - which means Lamech’s victim is probably a much younger and weaker man, making Lamech’s aggressive act that much more evil.
24. If Cain is avenged seven times then Lamech
seventy times seven.
Rabbi’s call these 2 verses song of the sword.
I killed a young guy in self-defense.
He is boasting
He is saying –
don’t anyone question what I did.
No judgment here
So if it is seven times on Cain
who killed his brother Abel in Cold blood.
I should be forgiven seventy times seven
because it was out of self-defense
Wow Lamech!
interesting use of numbers.
Seventy times seven we see that in Matthew as well.
This was in regards to Forgiveness.
At that point Peter got up the nerve to ask, “Master, how many times do I forgive a brother or sister who hurts me? Seven?”Jesus replied, “Seven! Hardly. Try seventy times seven.
Lamech –
so boastful and arrogant and pride.
Because of this godless society – you can be sure
There were plenty of other murders
This is the family of Cain,
Vengeance, arrogant, proud
Producing weapons,
cattle and riches –
They have everything but God
This all started with the family of Cain.
In Contrast we come to verse 25.
Love this transition in scripture -
Adam lay with his wife again,
and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth(appointed), saying God has granted(appointed) me
another child in place of Abel, since Cain Killed him.
26. Seth also had a son and he named him Enosh.
What we are seeing here –
God is bringing in a
for the spiritual man (Abel)
that was murdered by Cain.
I believe Satan thought
he had licked this problem –
Satan thought he had removed the Spiritual Seed
–the one who would be the line of Christ.
But God in His sovereignty has a plan.
The King James or the New King James says it like this:
25 And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, “For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.”
And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”
The seed of the woman –
beginning with Eve –
from Abel to Seth –
then Noah,
Then the 3 sons of Noah
Ham, Shem and Japheth
Then 12 sons
All the way to the birth of the Messiah
Satan’s whole goal thru Scripture –
to destroy this line.
That is why Herod
destroyed all the baby boys in Bethlehem
He was trying to destroy
the seed of Christ.
Verse 25:
At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord.
They began to call themselves
by the name of the Lord.
Seth was a godly man.
Unlike Cain –
who had a family genealogy that was a mess.
Seth – Impressive resume
We will see in chapter 5
godly line of people.
Also, you will notice as we read thru
The genealogy -
They don’t put titles behind their names
Seth’s line finds their identity in Christ
We are believers.
We walked with God
We are Christians.
Their identity
was not in what they had invented, produced, founded
or accomplished.
Their identity was found in Christ.
Because it says
they began to call on the name of the Lord
The first thing they pioneered was worship.
Call upon
means to proclaim –
They proclaimed the name of the Lord.
Cain’s line – they were captains of their own soul
Where as Seth’s line –
they called upon the name of the Lord –
the Lord was captain of their hearts.
This is the characteristic of God’s people.
They proclaim the character of the Lord;
They sing his praises.
They sang of his excellences.
They declared
the wonders of his name.
We come from the line of Seth
And because we are from the line of Seth.
We say –
We too call upon the name of the Lord
I am a Christian
I walk with the Lord
The people of the world today
struggle with their identity
But we know where our identity is found
Because We are believers.
When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.
He created them male and female and blessed them.
And when they were created, he called them - man.
Adam means man.
3. when Adam had lived 130 years he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and daughters.
5. Altogether, Adam lived 930 years and then he died.
So the first glance at chapter 5 –
we see a lot of names –
we know these are men of God –
this genealogy spans over thousands of years.
We have all read it –
so why read it again.
I myself have read it over and over –
mainly skimmed over it.
is recorded for a reason.
When you read –
the longest chapter in the bible
I encourage you to read this chapter –
over and over
There is a recurring theme in
the benefits and blessings of being in the Bible.
When you spend time in the Word –
you will be blessed in every area of your life –
if you are a person of the book.
– can be summed up in this scripture:
Do not let
this book of the Law
depart from your mouth;
meditate on it
day and night,
so that you may be careful
to do everything written it.
Then you will be prosperous
and successful.
God says
if you allow this book
to always be on your lips
and have this book in your hands
and meditate on it day and night.
Allow it to be your priority –
reading thru it
Doing the things it tells you to do
We are guaranteed to have success
and prosperity.
The most prosper and successful man in the bible
During his time was Job.
He was the greatest man
among all the people of the East.
I have not departed from the commands of his lips;
I have treasured
the words of his mouth
more than my daily bread.
Job tells us
God’s word is more important than eating food.
If he had to make a choice between breakfast or bible
He would chose bible.
Job says –
Nothing will have priority over me
than reading the scriptures.
Job had real success –
we know he had a lot of trouble as well – -
in the midst of a horrible trial– he lost everything – and
we know the story – He lost it all!
Job said in
the Lord gives and the Lord takes away
and blessed be the name of the Lord -
and he did not curse God –
In fact
he Praised God in the middle of his trial
He went thru a huge trial
He went thru it
and came out on the other side
twice as blessed
then before the trial
came his way.
We are to be committed to studying,
to meditating,
to reading
and doing
and studying
the word of God.
When you read the bible –
Where I don’t stress
the importance
of being in the Word of God.
When you read the bible –
You need consistency
Cover to cover
Chapter to chapter
Verse by verse
Read the bible consistently
Then you say-
I don’t understand what I read
I love what Mark Twain said –
who was not a believer –
It is not what I don’t understand
in the bible that bothers me
It is what I do understand.
There are going to be scriptures
we don’t understand –
don’t worry about it.
If you are reading thru the bible or a book.
The first time you read thru one of the books –
there will be many things
you don’t understand.
Or You don’t pick up on
But I know this –
when you read –
there will be stuff to jump out at you.
If your consistent
and you read the scriptures
God will give you
something that is custom made for you.
Something important,
he wants you to know
or something he wants you to do.
Don’t worry about the stuff you don’t get.
Many ask why is the scripture so difficult?
Why can’t there be a section on marriage
Next section of finance
Section of parables
A section of rules
Why can’t the bible be categorized by topics?
One reason
Look at –
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter
To search out a matter is the glory of kings.
It is the right of God to conceal something
It is for kings to search out the matter
God purposefully conceals things
When you read the scripture
At first a certain passage
may not make sense to you
You think about it for a week
Or maybe even a year later
you come back to it
And you say hey – I get this scripture
I understand it
When you have searched it out
Wrestled with it
And chewed on it
And wondered about it
And study the verse over and over
When you finally get it you own it
You will never forget it.
It is the things you discover
as you read the bible
That is really owned by you
I have read so many times
Not much there except about Enoch
verse 22 my favorite part where scripture says
- Enoch walked with God then he was no more, because God took him away.
God calls us to read
Even things that don’t mean anything
And nothing clicks
I have read this chapter obediently
Chapter 5
– tells us
But the counselor, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you all things,
and will remind you of everything
I have said to you.
The holy spirit can only do this if you are in God’s Word.
not make the connection biblically
if you have not put the scripture
in your mind previously
He can’t give you applications
For your live
if you have not read the scripture.
I learned to play golf as an adult
I think any sport you learn, as an adult is hard and awkard.
I had a teacher –
We hit many balls on the driving range
She even said don’t play on the course
till I tell you do
Week after week
I am hitting balls on the driving range
So many times
I literally would swing and make no
Contact with the ball.
This would happen over and over.
After three months on the driving range
Something clicked – I made contact
Over and over I was hitting the ball
All the training and teaching finally clicked
And I could hit a golf ball.
Your in God’s Word
Your struggling
and it doesn’t make sense
What does this mean?
What is this about?
As you keep doing it
Reading the word
The pieces begin to click
You can see the application
And you own it.
God tells us
I want you to search it out
I want you to wrestle with it
Struggle with the scriptures
So it will be owned by you.
What comes easily to you
will not be appreciated
But what you work for you
and it comes together
You get excited about it.
I share all this to tell you
I learned something about
I never knew.
What’s the deal
it is just a bunch of he lived so many years,
he was the father of so and so and he died.
Over and over – for 32 verses.
We go from Adam to Noah – they all die
Is this really necessary –
a whole chapter devoted to a genealogy.
Look at verse 4
for the past 2-3 weeks off and on –
and something clicked –
I learned something new.
Look at verse 4
After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years.
We know Adam means - man
6 – He had a son named Seth – 807 years
Seth means – appointed
Seth becomes the father of Enosh.(H is silent)
Enosh means - subject to death
9 – Enosh had a son named Kenan (Kay I In)
Kenan means – sorrowful
12 – Kenan had a son – Mahalalel – the first Hawaiian(Mah halelel)
Mahalalel means – from the presence of God
15 – Mahalalel has a son whose name is Jared
Jared means – one comes down
18 – Jared had a son named Enoch
Enoch means – dedicated/
He walked with God and never died
He walked with God right up to Heaven
21 Enoch then becomes the father of Methuselah(longest living person
Methuselah means - his death shall bring(dying he shall send)
When Methuselah died – the year he died – God sent the flood
25 Then Methuselah had a son named Lamech –
Lamech his name means poor and lowly or to the poor and lowly
29 – Lamech had a son named Noah
Noah means – rest or comfort
This genealogy
Shows that man comes and goes
But notice what happens when we put the names together
subject to death(Enosh)
From the presence of God(Mahalalel)
one comes down(Jared)
His death will bring(Methuselah)
to the poor and lowly(Lamech)
rest and comfort(Noah)
This is the gospel story
embedded in he 5th chapter.
What seems to be a boring genealogy story
This is the entire story of the gospel
Man subject under death
Subject to death,
Sorrowful – (sad situation)
But from the presence of God
One comes down
He is dedicated
Dying he shall send
To the poor and lowly
Rest and comfort
That is the gospel
I show you this to say
You can spend
a lifetime studying thru God’s Word
And keep on discovering new insights.
It might take many readings
before certain things come together
But I can say - confidently
As I keep reading and in 20 years
I may teach something totally different
on chapter 5
Because God continues to show me new things
that are presently unknown to me
Read the bible consistently.
the prophet Elijah
says to the King of Judah
who was in the dessert –
the dry, wilderness area, the enemy was around them,
feeling intimated by his enemies around him – the Moabites. his soldiers were thirsty –
Elijah said to the king – this is what you do -
16-19 He then said, “God’s word: Dig ditches all over this valley. Dig ditches in this dry dirt,
dig ditches in this sand
Here’s what will happen—
you won’t hear the wind,
you won’t see the rain,
but this valley is going to fill up with water
and your army and your animals will drink their fill.
This is easy for God to do;
And the king dug ditches –
and next morning those ditches were filled with water. They were not only filled with water
They were flowing with water in the desert.
The soldiers were refreshed
and won the battle against the Moabities.
The application for us:
if you want to be satisfied, filled
- you plow away thru this Bible –
- you keep reading,
- you keep studying –
- keep going to Bible study,
- no matter how tired you are -
- plow away thru God’s word –
- because as you dig the ditches
- they will be filled with water.
- Read and study consistently
They key to success
and getting thru difficulties
and going thru desert times
the key is being in God’s Word.
watching tv etc.
When you spend time in the Word
It comes from –
going over the word of God book by book,
you spend time with Jesus
Chapter by chapter,
verse by verse
Let the word of God saturate into you
you can’t help it
even if you don’t get it.
You keep doing it
Jesus will flow out where ever you go.
and the water will flow
People will see Jesus all over you.
And you will begin to see the fruits.
When I open my bible
I come with expectation
I come with pen and paper
because I expect God to give me new insights.
When you open your bible
Come with expectancy
And even if you don’t understand it
God will have a message for you to share with others.
Application for you!