Shout it Out

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2 Kings 7:3–11 NIV
3 Now there were four men with leprosy at the entrance of the city gate. They said to each other, “Why stay here until we die? 4 If we say, ‘We’ll go into the city’—the famine is there, and we will die. And if we stay here, we will die. So let’s go over to the camp of the Arameans and surrender. If they spare us, we live; if they kill us, then we die.” 5 At dusk they got up and went to the camp of the Arameans. When they reached the edge of the camp, no one was there, 6 for the Lord had caused the Arameans to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a great army, so that they said to one another, “Look, the king of Israel has hired the Hittite and Egyptian kings to attack us!” 7 So they got up and fled in the dusk and abandoned their tents and their horses and donkeys. They left the camp as it was and ran for their lives. 8 The men who had leprosy reached the edge of the camp, entered one of the tents and ate and drank. Then they took silver, gold and clothes, and went off and hid them. They returned and entered another tent and took some things from it and hid them also. 9 Then they said to each other, “What we’re doing is not right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves. If we wait until daylight, punishment will overtake us. Let’s go at once and report this to the royal palace.” 10 So they went and called out to the city gatekeepers and told them, “We went into the Aramean camp and no one was there—not a sound of anyone—only tethered horses and donkeys, and the tents left just as they were.” 11 The gatekeepers shouted the news, and it was reported within the palace.
The popularity of every team starts and ends with word of mouth advertisement. The most successful marketing comes from satisfied customers. Teams have home field or court advantage when the people that attend support what the team is doing. The team’s success at home is partly due to the crowd that supports them. Evangelism works in similar fashion. However, evangelism has an eternal purpose. Jesus died so that we can have eternal life. Now that you have eternal life, (that is good news) it is time to tell others about it. Your life changed, now, tell others. God performed a miracle, now, tell others about it. It is time to Shout it Out!

1. Good news is for sharing

2. Your miracle is like Wineskin ready to burst

Job 32:17-
Job 32:17–20 NIV
17 I too will have my say; I too will tell what I know. 18 For I am full of words, and the spirit within me compels me; 19 inside I am like bottled-up wine, like new wineskins ready to burst. 20 I must speak and find relief; I must open my lips and reply.
God put something in you
Don’t go to waste, share it with others

3. Your miracle is like a volcano that must erupt

There is a fire in your belly
Let the love in you overflow like lava

4. The good news is like fire that cannot be contained

Jer 20:
Jeremiah 20:9 NIV
9 But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
The good that He did is not for you alone
The good must be shared
Let the fire of His Glory overtake you

5. The good news must spread

Acts 4:19–20 NIV
19 But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! 20 As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
Jesus commanded us to share the good news
Do not fear man
If God did something for you, it is time you shout it out

6. You must share the good news

1 Cor 9:
1 Corinthians 9:16 NIV
16 For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!
God is too good to be a secret
Your miracle is too good to be just for you
Woe to me if I do not share the gospel

7. Love compels me to shout it out

If God did it for you, He will do it for others
God still has the power to perform miracles
God is still working miracles for His children
Go Shout it Out!
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