Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
God's Servants In the Church
God has brought people in your life and mine that had matured us in our faith and brought us along in our Christian walk.
look at vs 1 - he gave some
Look what he gave the church - people that will bless you and help you
The church of Jesus Christ has been maligned by people that have had bad behavior - sexual abuse claims, financial misdeeds, doctrinal error etc.
But there are good people as well
Some have given their very soul to the church and for the cause of Christ
Where would you be without that teacher?
With out that christian brother that prays for you?
With out the pastor/shephard
God has given the church people that are used to bring the church into maturity.
My dad as a father taught me
The bible
The way of salvation
The same could be said of the church ..... it was here i learned about God!
I The Provision (4:11–13)
Some answer the call....
They give their lives .....
The call - give their family
God raises up people for these positions.
God provides leadership - just a parent provides nutrition.
All churches need teachers and a pastor
Not all teachers are pastors but I believe all pastors are teachers....
The Nature of Them (4:11)
“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.”
The gifts listed here are different from most of those mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12.
There, for the most part, the gifts are bestowed on believers.
Here, gifted believers are bestowed on the church.
The five gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11 can be summarized in this way:
Those gifted to deal with situations
Those equipped to guide the infant church in ways it ought to go (apostles)
2. Those equipped to guard the infant church in what it ought to know (prophets)
2. Those gifted to deal with sinners (evangelists)
Those gifted to deal with saints
Those called to tend the flock of God (pastors)
2. Those called to teach the flock of God (teachers)
The gifts of apostles and prophets were foundational (Ephesians 2:20) and unique to the early church.
We have missionaries/evangelists (sent ones) and preachers today, but we do not have apostles and prophets.
Those gifts were temporary and transitional, intended to help the church become established according to the Holy Spirit’s plans.
The primary apostles were called and commissioned by the Lord Jesus as His sent ones.
Paul was such an apostle, although he had been “born out of due time” (1 Corinthians 15:8).
Primary apostles were men who had seen the Lord, who had been with Him from the beginning, and who were eyewitnesses of His resurrection.
They were given the task of imparting New Testament truth to the church by direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Secondary apostles—men like Barnabas, Timothy, and Silvanus—were intimately linked with the primary apostles.
The prophets spoke by direct illumination of the Holy Spirit.
Their work was essential too.
Their task was to disseminate New Testament truth before the completion and distribution of the New Testament.
The Spirit of God empowered the prophets to impart truths (already revealed to the apostles) to local congregations.
Occasionally the prophets foretold things to come.
Usually, like their Old Testament counterparts, they were “forthtellers” rather than foretellers.
They “forthtold” truth already revealed by the Holy Spirit but not yet in general circulation.
The gifts of apostles and prophets died out with the end of the first century and the completion of the New Testament canon of Scripture.
These offices were used by the early church......
We don't have people that are apostles now or people with new divine revealed truth.!
Evangelists are always needed.
Some might call this the missionary as well
Much debate has centered around this office/position
Is there a position of an evangelist?
Many would say we are are given the responsibility to evangelize.
Similarly, believers abound who have convinced themselves that because they have not been endowed with a “gift of evangelism,” they do not possess enough knowledge, love and/or courage to evangelize.
However, God’s people do not require a “gift of evangelism” in order to evangelize; they already have what—or, more specifically, Who—they need in order to evangelize intentionally and consistently.
God does endow believers with a Gift to evangelize, but it is not a “gift of evangelism” … it is His Holy Spirit!
The pastor is simply a shepherd, as the name of the gift implies.
He loves the Lord’s people and has a heart for the flock.
He cares for the weak, the sick, and those who are going astray.
He counsels the young, cares for the needy, and comforts the bereaved.
He does these tasks supremely well because he has the shepherd’s heart and the pastoral gift.
God has given the church a shephard
The teacher expounds the Bible’s great truths: its sublime doctrines; its underlying principles; and the broad scope of its history, theology, purpose, and impact.
He compares spiritual things with spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:13), shows God’s ways with men down through the ages, and communicates God’s stirring plans for the future.
The teacher develops consistent hermeneutics and discerns a unifying principle broad enough to explain all of God’s revealed ways.
He teaches others how to divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15) and opens their eyes to the wonders of Scripture.
God has given these positions to the church ..........
Wow liok what God has raised up here at WCBC - a shephard and teachers ...
II The Purpose (4:12–13)
The Purpose Involved (4:12)
“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”
The Expectations (12) – Paul goes on to reveal the expectations for such unique and varied giftedness among the church.
These individual gifts are provided for:
Perfecting of the Saints ( equip the saints) – This has the idea of preparation of the saints.
God uses various spiritual gifts within the leadership to prepare and equip the believers to serve within the church.
Many churches have the idea that ministry is reserved solely for paid staff.
That is certainly not biblical, but it isn’t the church’s fault entirely.
The teachers, evangelist are to equip the saints to serve ....
We are to give you the knowledge and tools to live out your Christian life....
Illustration - 82 airborne Ft Bragg NC - train to jump and survive
Men of God are called to prepare those within the church to be used of God.
We are called to make disciples who make disciples.
If we delete the comma after the word saints, we receive the full force of this statement: “For the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry.
Work of Ministry – Those in leadership are expected to prepare believers to carry out the work of ministry.
The responsibility of laboring in the harvest is to be shared by all who make up the body of Christ.
If you are saved by grace, part of the church, you are expected to be engaged in the ministry efforts of the church.
As we will discover, there is a work for all to perform.
Edifying of the Body of Christ – The church is expected to encourage and support those within the body.
She is responsible for her continued growth and prosperity.
Granted, the Lord will provide the resources and abilities we need, but we are expected to engage in the work of building up the church and pursuing her continued growth!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9