On A Clear Day He Can See Forever
John 16:23-33 *
I watched my two grandsons again this past week. The oldest, Mason, reminds me so much of John when he was that age. Not a day would pass that he did not ask seemingly a million questions. With every answer there was his inevitable rejoinder, “Why?” At times I would get so exasperated that I was tempted to tell him to be quiet and leave me be. I never did of course for I understood then as now that is the way children learn.
Jesus spent nearly every moment of His time among the disciples; teaching and preparing them for the difficult days ahead. Often, as in this case, He would finish a long discourse only to discover that they had learned nothing! One can only imagine His frustration. Jesus never lost patience with the disciples for He understood that His teaching was laying a foundation of learning that would ultimately bear fruit. Though they did not immediately understand everything He told them, the time would come when it all made sense.
On no topic were the disciples more confused than that of His death. Always He spoke in parables and their insecurity must have convinced them that He was speaking theoretically. It was in their best interest to believe the Lord would be with them forever. Too often we are shortsighted and selfish, refusing to believe that God knows what is best for us. Only with spiritual maturity do we understand that His purpose may come into conflict with our perception of what is good and necessary.
*I. On A Clear Day He Could See Forever
A. He unquestionably has a different perspective
1. Seeing the end and middle from the beginning. Not just “I go away” but “I come again”
2. Like a jig saw, knowing the final outcome enables us to put the pieces together
B. His clearsight sees things in their truest sense
1. It was necessary for Him to die that atonement might be made
2. He had to go away so that the Holy Spirit would come
3. As with death, there are often little trade-offs; sadness for a time and joy forever, trial produces growth, work yields reward, death is our friend not an enemy
II. How Much Better It Would Be To Trust Him More Fully?
A. One thing does not change – He loves us!
B. Having Him we have all we need for the rest
C. Replacing the doubt with faith
*III. What Price Is Too Great?
A. “If you loved me….”
1. We would not balk at doing His will
2. We would be less focused on the temporal
B. Pessimism belittles His gifts
C. What right have we to prosper if His work languishes?
We are God’s dear children. We have the right to ask Him anything and know that He will never slap us down for asking. We have power with God!