I Am an Adulterer
1A. The natural man pursues the world
1B. The Reason: the spirit within us
2B. The Evidence: Our tongue, our actions, our attitude
2B. The Reason: the spirit within us
The result is enmity
3B. The Result: enmity with God
2A. The humble man submits to God
“Humility is not passivity, but receptivity. It is certainly not groveling before God or others; it is simply accepting truth, learning from every situation, growing in simplicity and in wisdom.”
To “humble ourselves before the Lord” means to recognize our own spiritual poverty, to acknowledge consequently our desperate need of God’s help, and to submit to his commanding will for our lives.
“Humility is not passivity, but receptivity. It is certainly not groveling before God or others; it is simply accepting truth, learning from every situation, growing in simplicity and in wisdom.”
1B. The Focus: Draw near to God
2B. The Action: Purify yourself
3B. The Emotion: Repentance
True Christian joy can never be ours if we ignore or tolerate sin; it comes only when we have squarely faced the reality of our sin, brought it before the Lord in repentance and humility, and experienced the cleansing work of the Spirit.