Recognizing King Jesus at the Lord's Table

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
As we come to this table -we must come recognizing Christ work as a priest, Christ as a sacrifice - come expressing our union and seeking his blessings of forgiveness. But this morning I want you also to recognize that this is the King’s Royal Banqueting Table, that you must see Christs royal character,; that you must come repenting of your rebellion and submitting to His gracious reign; and best of all that you would take hold of his blessing by faith.
Consider first Christ’s royal character in the first king King Abraham.
A. Adore Christ's Royal Character in Abram: Sacrificial Love
Since the tower of Babel in - in man’s prideful attempt to build a city - a community organized around hubris, we have the first book of the Bible emphasizing we need a king. You do I do. When God later sets up kingdom in desert - says He will be king, but in - says going to need a human ,king - represent me, know my word, my law, my gospel - establish my kingdom on earth. And up to his point in Gene 20x we have the word king emphasized.
Since the tower of Babel in - in man’s prideful attempt to build a city - a community organized around hubris, we have the first book of the Bible emphasizing we need a king. You do I do. When God later sets up kingdom in desert - says He will be king, but in - says going to need a human ,king - represent me, know my word, my law, my gospel - establish my kingdom on earth. And up to his point in Gene 20x we have the word king emphasized.
A terrible coalition of kings led by Kedrolamoar is on the land hungry, people stealing, conquest by might, going Westward. But crossed by even more wicked kings - who refuse to keep covenant - including two names that should stand out o you - Sodom and Gomorrah. All these kings, kings, kings, lists of them coalitions of them. God is emphasizing that this Abraham whom God has made great by faith - he is in their league of the world powers of the day.
But listen carefully in our understanding - what does a king need to be king - land, title - Abraham has non of that. Yet like the medieval understanding of King - NO King of England - because king didn’t own the land, the nobles did, and the king was the King of the Engles, reign over people. And here is Abarham wealthy man, 318 trained men of war. And he sees this injustice and suffering, and greed in the world and what does he do?
Consider Abram’s character that you might see Christ’s character at this table here! Whom does Abram notice in the midst of all this wickedness - his eye is on Lot. Now would you take all your resources, cars, whole business and put it on hold to go rescue - And see it here Abraham, risks all to go after unworthy sinners whom God in his love and mercy has called to Himself.
Do you see Abraham exposing himself to the wrath of the wicked kingdoms - front of the charge. Do you see the contrast Lot is dwelling in the tents of the wicked, anyone here been there - done that - But Abraham, like Christ in the midst of this wicked world - where is he dwelling by the trees, the terebinth trees of Mamre -
Do you see Abraham - resisting all the false claims of world powers to rule over these people, And do you see Christ - armed with legions of heavenly armies - prepared to go toe to toe with Satan. To rescue you and me, as unworthy as Lot but precious in his sight.Come to this table seeing Jesus as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords’ . Come seeing his brotherly love for an unworthy family member. Come seeing that He says, you are worth rsiking my life for!
tells us he defeated the powers of evil on the Cross, as king bringing God’s justice and at the same time his mercy -
Colossians 2:14–15 ESV
by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
Paul says in quoting Psalm 68.
Ephesians 4:8 ESV
Therefore it says, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.”
Do you see Christ in Abram? This morning, are you celebrating your own release, and his loving liberation - Do you recognize he didn’t come with the trappings and titles of earthly king’s, that as he went to the Cross - could say to Pilate: My kingdom is not of this world, . Do you recognize - not seeking to rule lands first of all, but to be the king of a people on earth - be his seed, his special kingdom. How are you responding to Him as you contemplate this table as a table of His victory? Will come to his table, a participant in His kingdom? on what terms?
That is where the story of a second king must be told. This is the story of the King of Sodom. B. Repent of Thankless Ingratitude in the King of Sodom
Forget for a moment everything you know about the inhospitibleness of Sodom, of it sexual immortality - forget that you know become a symbol of rebellion against God. And how Jesus said more hope for Sodom and Gomorrah than for those who reject the Messiah in worse. What is it in this passage -that is the heart of Sodom’s sin and the root from which it grows?
Do you see it? Who comes out to meet Abraham returning with the spoils in v.17? Not first of Melchizedek. But this King of Sodom, what is his request even as Abram is giving a tithe to Melchizedek. Can you imagine this:
Genesis 14:21 ESV
And the king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the persons, but take the goods for yourself.”
Here is Lots’ King, the King of Sodom - not only weak and unable to defend his city, but thinking of him dragged along in chains, as Kedrolaomer and his colation, march north - up the Jordan river… Worried of execution. Hopeless and gone. And Suddenly Abram sets him free. Can you imagine it - owes his very life to Abram, but even allowed to go back and not be abram’s servant - remember that’s how war works - to the Victor belongs the SPOILS. Imagine this king who become the very symbol of the wickedness of the world’s nations - he says - Wow great - you set me free - - but I’m really in charge - spoils are min, but why don’t you keep them because I’m so gerneous, but I’d like all my people back no pleace.
Abrhama like Christ had come and destoryed the destoryer, a whle coaltion of them - and the first Wrods out of the King of Sodom’s mouth - arenot words of thank to God’s Mighty Dleivre- = only concerned abut his stuff - Do you see thae Staanic lie of the seed of Statn - pretends to own what Abraham has now the righto
Do you see the falseclaims of the King of Sodom. Like Satan in the temptation of Christ - see all the kingdom s of the world - I will give them to you if just bow down, worship me, then won’t have to rule by grace, won’t have to go to the Cross - and it will be all yours. But it wasn’t Sodom’s any more was it, and it wasn’t Satan - takes a a Christ who will stand up to the false claims
Do you know those claims - The king of Sodom - comes to Abraham afgter his great sacricial vicotry - and says - mine, give me - What sin is this root of all sins -= Ingratitude at the Higest. We have a law in Canada - Proceeds of Crime - when state suspects criminal activity - well Abaraham captured all this - If you are living like the king of Sodom this morning you are saying - butt out God, mine, mine, Give me, Give me. Blind to the reign of this gracious King without a title, king oiwhtou all the land - this King who reign s by gracious character and whose vicotry lays claims to the whole world! Who is seeking your heart and your allegiance.
Do you know those claims - The king of Sodom - comes to Abraham afgter his great sacricial vicotry - and says - mine, give me - What sin is this root of all sins -= Ingratitude at the Higest. We have a law in Canada - Proceeds of Crime - when state suspects criminal activity - well Abaraham captured all this - If you are living like the king of Sodom this morning you are saying - butt out God, mine, mine, Give me, Give me. Blind to the reign of this gracious King without a title, king oiwhtou all the land - this King who reign s by gracious character and whose vicotry lays claims to the whole world! Who is seeking your heart and your allegiance.
Do you see it in the first claim Satan tempted Adam and Eve with - is God really good and gracious king, be your own king, take all that you are entitled to - not as a servant, vice regeent, a king and queen ruling for and under and with God, but become God yousrself and lay claim to the fruit - live your life your own way.
Abram replies - though its all mine, must understand God Most High El Elyon - rare title of God in the OT - God of creation - God alone who brings the vicotr y and has the right to distribute it - not own anything or give me anything that makes me rich. God who is the source of life has - and I take nothing of th spoils accept what men have eaten.
This morning coming to the table, who not only can come to the Victor who sets you an unworthy sinner free, you can come repenting - recognizing he brought you back from death to life, from slavery to freedom, from sin and lies and darkness, to righteousness and truth and light. Acknowledge it today - no longer my own, you have won it all back, everything I have, and everything I am - to the kingdom of light, - Led captives in his train - divide the spoils of his grace - thank you at this table, repenting of all ingratitude and shedding every ounce of sinful energy that says - God give me, God hthis is mine, God
And that leads us to the story of the greatest King in this passage of Melchizedek. When you come to this table seeing how Jesus sets us free like Abram did Lot, when you see how renouncing the sin of ingratitude and recognizing you know belong to King Jeuss and share in his spoils with him, Forgiven and reconciled you can now come to this Table to receiving the richest royal blessings!
C. Come to our King Melchizedek’s Table to Seeking Richest Blessing
Now I bet you didn’t see the name of town called Salem on those maps. No Salem known at that time, not a place have any record of.
Hebrews 7:1 ESV
For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him,
Eventually will become Jerusalem - But this King who is also a priest of the Most High God a mysterious character. Some think not human king, but prefigure of Christ before incarnate, like angelic visitation, some think a Jewish , some foreigner - but point Bible makes is that his lineage is unknown.
Hebrews 7:3 ESV
He is without father or mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever.
Now as he shows up out of nowhere after this vicotyr of kings, Abraham recognizes that he isn’t the king of this land ofr that land, He is the king of righteousness - Melek -zedec. NT says Christ preached the gospel to Abraham -He knew that he was made righteous by faith. Abram recognizes in this king all of God’s plans. Sees strange priest king coming, and before he can do anything, what does Melchizedek do?
nd as he shows up out of nowerher after htis vicotyr of kings, Abraham recognizes that he isn’t the king of this land ofr that land, He is the king of rightesouness - NT says Chrsit preached the gospel to Braham - knew that he was made righteosun by faith. REcognize in this king all of God’s plans.
Sees strange priest king coming, and before he can do anything, what does Melchizedek do?
Genesis 14:19–20 ESV
And he blessed him and said, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!” And Abram gave him a tenth of everything.
Here is something seen before in the Bible. Noah had made it through the flood, first thing he does after making sacrifice, blesses - Caan receive curse, Japheth common grace kind of enlarging blessing. But Shem - in whose tent anyone who would come would receive blessing, Shem received this blessing:
Genesis 9:26 ESV
He also said, “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem; and let Canaan be his servant.
Noah wasn’t just speaking as a Father - pryaing or wishing for God to make his kids health, wealthy and wise. This was Noah acting as a prophet of God -s aying those who seek blessing in seed of Shem - safety and protection and have God as their God …
Genesis 9:27 ESV
May God enlarge Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be his servant.”
Now Blessing is moving forward in history from Noah to Shem to Abram, and his seed - who Bible shows is Jesus.And only from Jesus to the you and me and the world! So too Melchizedec this preist king - is a prophet announcing that Abraham’s seed Jesus - great victor defeat all enemies of this world - establish the kingdom.
Nopw Blessing is moving forward to Abram, and his seed - who Bible shows is Jesus. So too Melchizedec this preist king - is a prophet announcing that Abraham’s seed Jesus - great victor defeat all enemies of this world - establish the kingdom. Melchizedek is the priest of an unkown order - not merely human imperfect with incomplete sacrifices. .. but as puts it:
Hebrews 7:3 ESV
He is without father or mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever.
You need to understand this King’s servanthood was most of all given as a picture for us to understand King Jesus in becoming the sacrifice,
Hebrews 7:10 ESV
for he was still in the loins of his ancestor when Melchizedek met him.
Hebrews 7:10 ESV
for he was still in the loins of his ancestor when Melchizedek met him.
And when we have come to Him at this table it is with the Most High God’s blessing that we come:
Ephesians 1:3 ESV
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
Hebrews 7:15 ESV
This becomes even more evident when another priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek,
Our confessions and our prepraotry forms - tells us - come to this table seeking Christ and all the blessings that are in him. Strengthened in sense of forvieess, adoption, fuller graces to equip you… , promises of sanctification, peace, hope of heaven, promises of comfort, promises power… What blessing, what proimses have heart set on - as you come to this table - do not doubt have it in God’s wisdom and timing, with His and in love! All of God’s proises are yes and Amen in Christ!
But this Prophet, Priest, King, not only blesses with words - can you imagine Jesus pronouncing such a blessing over you today… can at this table - blessed are those who … But not only blesses with word, but also with deeds.
But this Propeht, Priest, King, not only blesses with words - can you imagine Jesus pronouncing such a blessing over you today… can at this table - blessed are those who … But not only blesses with word, but also with deeds.
Genesis 14:18 ESV
And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. (He was priest of God Most High.)
What has Jesus brought out and set before you today? Yes, can see the bread and wine. NT teaches that perfect sacrifice of a priest for you, only way of forgiveness. But OT is emphasizes this not just bread and wine, - but meat and every good things - royal banquet spread on table after a war. Provision and protection from Most High God beyond what you could imagine.
Recognize this King Melchizedek - as priest and prophet to you today:
Hebrews 7:15 ESV
This becomes even more evident when another priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek,
But do you recognize him as your king who sets a royal table of provision. After his sacrafice he received from his father a kingdom - given all authority, must reign - Jesus says as it was papointmed and bestowed on me, so now I bestow on you a kingdom! What do you need from the store house of the king - power and vicotry over sin, courge to stand up in battles you must wage in this world, energy to stand up for opporessed around you - all things - how not give him not only Christ but everything you need.
Well that leaves the only part of the story that remains is waht Abraham does in response to this Great Prophet, Priest and King?
Genesis 14:20 ESV
and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!” And Abram gave him a tenth of everything.
And my life also - tithe for his kingdom, for continuing of his kingdom actions - recognition all belongs to God - at this table commit ourselves a new.
NO more sacrifice for sin remains for God’s people to make, but as you come this table a living sacrifice a re-dedication of your life, your talents, yur evertythning to King Jesus. A renewed trsuting taht yourself to him.
Some coming today for the very first time, after closing personally but also publically with Jesus. Just a month a go they professed their faith in who Jesus is and what he does - They are a pciture of what all of us need to do - in a sense thaey made a covenant with Jesus and with us His church - do the gospel, do te service, do the brotherly love, - do the battle in this world for righteious - commit to his character, His goals - - renew our covenat to King Jesus at this table.
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