Disciplines & Ordinances within the Church
Helping the church to be on the same page accourding to the Bible
Let’s Talk
As a Church we need to “Know the Rules!”
Let’s Talk
All authority in heaven and on earth (v.18)
The resurrection is the ultimate validation of Jesus’ divine authority (compare 12:38–40; Eph 1:20–23). He extends this authority to His disciples to continue the work of the kingdom of heaven.
The Great Commission
Mission of the Church
Sent to the world to preach Christ (Acts 1:7–8)—by and with the authority of the Triune God (Matt 28:16–20)—the Church’s mission is to bear witness to God’s reign through the proclamation of the gospel in various forms: through loving communion within the Church (1 Cor 12–14), humble service within and outside the community of faith, prayer and worship of God, signs and wonders that point toward the restoration of all things, and through forming disciples of Jesus (2 Cor 5:11–21; Eph 4:1–5:21).